Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

His femme aóainßout was. Of our Sauiours death. der.4.2.' 6+I the molt vniuß thateuer garly cald the Pauement,Pargaoparafeeae,or PreparationofthePafleouer, about the frxt houre. No age,euerknew amore cowardly Iudge , ora morevniuft fentence. Firft, becaufe hawing Paid in publike , Ego ;masonin ea inuenio caufane,tfndno wefeofdeathin/im : and thereupon,wafhing his handsbefore themultitude, he made proteftation,That he was innocent of the blood ofthisiuftman: God not fufferinghim to haueamouth to fay the contrarie. Secondly, becaufe the innocencie ofour Sauiour Chrift, was notorious; not only becaufe all the Prophets had giuen futlhcient reftimonie thereof, Buie omnesprophetateffimoniamperhibent ; butthe people, Besseomniafecit. Pilo, wife, lochs, the Diuels , and the Prefident himfelfe, who (asSixtus Senenfis reports) writing toTi6erivaCafr, confeffed, That the High Priefts had accufed himout of enuie; and that by the commonvoyceand confent of the people,he had deli- uered him vp to their will,againftheteftimonie ofhis owne conscience. Thirdly, Becaufeboth the Iudge, and the Accufers, didproceedagainft him contrary toall Law and Iuftice. Firft,byreceiaingthofeasfufficient witneffes againft him, which in all right and equitie, ought nottobe admitted, Sciebat, quodper inaidiamtradidifnt eons. And which was more, offering themfelues to bee witneffes, contrary to.the Law, Vniw. Secondly, becaufeno Iudgecan condemnany, vnleffehe himfelfe confetti., orbe conuifted ofthefad that is laid againft him; whereas our Sauiour Chrift was not onely innocentofany crime, but in right of law likewife, becaufe no mancould conuincehim of finne; foralthough hewas falfelyaccufed, yetwas he not conuifted. And when theIudge knowes, that the accufedis innocent, he ought ftriftly toexamine the witneffes, Peekingoccafion to free him ; as Daniel did in thecafeofSufanna : butPilat was willing to winke atthe matter, albeithe Pawwell enough, that the teltimonieswere_not conuenientand fitting.And ther- foreSaint Ambrefe faithofhim, That he wafhedhis hands, but not his heart. He did likewifefwallowdowneone circumfîance of great confequence 5 towit, a new Edi t of7íóeriauCafirs, wherein expreffé commandement was giuen (as Saetonius lets itdowne) That the chaftifementsofdeath fhouldnot beput in ex. ecution,till tennedayes full andcompleatafter publicationof fentence: But Pi- tut made a fhortcome-offwith our Sauior, and gaue him a quicke difpatch. This fenrence did furpaffe all the vniuft fentencesthat euer were pronounced. That of!ezabe/againft ?(abo:b; That ofthe Judges of Babylon againft Sufanna: For therehad forne forme ofaLegali proceeding. But of this Efay faith , Demedia iodic*(ublatua efi, generationem illiva, quit enarradit l Another letter bath it, Seto- lamans. It is abadworld, whenan innocent perfon (hall bee putto the punifh- ment oftheCroffe,without fufficicnt witneffes to condemne him , or without lawful! hearing, indifcharging himfelfeoffuck things wherewithal! heis char- ged. Butas Saint Gregoriefaith, Siipfeindebitam mortem nonfufcepet, nungaam 1 nosa debitamorte l6erafet,Hadnot hevnderponeanvndeferaed death, hee couldneuer banefreedvsfromadefirueddeath. Chrift being thus deliueredvp tothedamnable willof chafe, whodefrred to put himro death,and thecruelleft death that Tyranniecould inuent,they threw ahalter about hisnecke, and laid a moftheauy Crofle vponhis tender !boulders, and being earded along the ftreet by the ROmanCohorts, theycarry himaway toMount Caluarie. TheirFeare and Ieaioufre, prompting them to take this courfewith him. Hhh ; Firft, ,, Pilata cow- ardly ludge.: Cap.Tefter, q.,. Leg. ynicy. §. degedit. Te(tiumvitro acculandi,non eft c,edendum Fearea naIeti= louR,ePtPrted vP the !ewes te crticifie Chriß.