Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

The deathof C la&did al- Ofour Sauiours death. Ser.4z. ter the qualitie of things. comfort c -Saint Bafl cleeresit with thisanfwer , That thedeathof our Sauiour Chrift did alterthe nature andqualitieofthings ; turning ioy into forrow , and forrowinto ioy. And therefore it is faid, Ya vobisqui ridetis, Woe be vntoyee that laugh. And as we fee fometimes that the fire Both not burne,thatthe waterdoth not drowne, and that wildbeafts doe not bite ; becaufe thediuine Omnipotence cloth truck andexchange theaEtiueneffeof tholeElements, andbeaffs;fo Chrift Cooke away the forrow &paineofthe Croffe,and placed thereon loy,Comforr, andHope.The daughters of Ierufalem went forth to feeKing Salomonwith that Crowne wherewithhis mother hadcrowned him onhis wedding day, and the dayof the ioyof his heart. But Theodoret demandeth , How cana crowneof thornes becomeacrowne ofioy I anfwer, As it is a crowneof Loue it may. otter in an Epiftle which hee writeth to olimpiodortu, Proconfull of/Egypt, faith, fpeaking of the Croffe, Perhanc defiera'undis vndique #es annuntiatur, To him, to who (v all feeming) there remaineth noreafanofhoping, theCroffé promifeth hope. There is noman fo bad,.no man fo fad, towhom this doth notaffure ioy and comfort. Confider Chrift from the foie of thefoot, to the crowneof the head ; and all that we there find, are nothingelfe but reafons ofconfidence, and ofcomfort. His headbowing, his hands broken, hisfeet fettered, his fide ope- ned : with his head he beckens vsto him ; withhis armes he imbracethvs; with his breaft he dothwarrant vs fafetie.The heart of man is infcrutable.There were many that murmured at mans making , becaufe hee thatmolded hirir , had not made himwithawindow in his bofome. But though thou fhouldeft be iealous ofall the refs, yet canft thounotbeiealous of Chrift,nor of his Loue, lace that he layes open hisbowells vnto thee. Theyhad now fervp the Croffe, leauingour Sauiour Chrift naked thereup- on, as alreadie hath beene deliuered vntoyou. And that Hiftorie of theKing of Aragon, Don Alonfo,further addeth, That the molt bleffed Virgin beingfenlble ofthe great fhame which her belouedSonfufferedvpon this occafion,and defi- ling much tocouer himwith thevaile which filehad onher head,the earth hea- ued it felfe vpbydegrees,& ferued in fteadofa ladder toperforme this good of- fice.And though the Euangelifts do not fet downs all the particulars that paffed then and there, yet this is fo fingular in it felfe, that I thought it not fitto haue it left out. Vpon the difcomfort whichChrift (hewedin fome few words that he vtte- red, the Diuells madea great muttering and whifpering amongft rhemfelues, that he was a meereman and a finner.And hauing gone alwayeson in their-blind- nes, innot knowingofhim,at this laft pufh thrybewrayed their blindneffemore than euer heretofore. Eufbiva Cafarienf s faith, Thatalbeit all thewhole life of Chrift was a couering,and difcoueringofthe treafure ofhis Diuinitie ; yet at his death hedid hide it inthat manner, andkept it fo clofe, that innumerable Legi- ons ofDiuells came to flout and fcoffe athim, as if they had nowgotten thevi- &orie; fodoththat place ofEfay exprefi'ethis their triumphing ouer him, infer - rumfiuper te,conturbat:as eft inoccurfum aduentua tui,fufitauit tibiGigantes: by whom he vnderftands the diuells, which faid to our Sauiour Chrift onthe Croffe , Et to vulneratua e.c,ficut nos,6, naßrifimiltsfallas es, detratta eft ad inftrosfuperbia tua, Thouhaft hithertodeceiued vs , butnow thou (halt coffin vsnomore, wee know now well enough what thou art : Wewill now be Gods, Super altra Dei, exaltabo Alisonmeum,erfituilrsern altiifimo, Thou wouldit faine likewife haue made thy felfe aGod,but thou art wounded and infeéfedas well aswe, with fin. Now thy eyes waxe dimme anddanke, thy face pale andwan, thy tonguefurred and 61.5 Euery part of Chriltaffords a (inner confi- dence. ChrifisDeitie more concea- led at his death than a- ny time before