6The Deuill newt moredeluded, 64,bl The thanby the deathofChrift. Malice it euer it'sown toe. Ofour Sauiours death; and fwolne ; thy lips blacke and blew ; and thy whole bodynothing from top to toe but (tripesand goareblood. t fariue, that was a ContemporarieofSaint Bernards,faith, That hedid aske a certaine Diuel, from whence he came c And that he (hould makehim this anfwer, I comefromafïifting atthe death ofLlb- bot Gerardo. Howdurftthou (faid theother) fet vpon foholy aman r Whereun- to the Deuil anfwered,Egoprefersfuifuperbrachiumcrucis,quando Deiftlius expira- uit ; I wasprefent at thecroffe , when theSonneofGodexpired. And Didimus faith , That Lucifer did a(liftthere at that time , accompanedwithgreat fquadrons of Deuils inmolt horibleand fearefull fhapes. Eufbias Catrienfm,expounding that vérfeof the a r Pfalme [Circundrderunt wevitali multi,& aperueruntfuper meosfu- um, circanedideruntme canes multi. Salua meex ore Leonir,dr aeornibuevnicornium bumtlitatemmeam : Doggeshaue compaffed mee, andthe affemblyof the wic- ked haue inclofèd me ; theypierced my hands and my feet; I may tell all my bones,yetthey behold and looke vpon mee They part my garments amongft them , and taillots vpon myVefture, But beethounotfarre off, 6 Lord my ftrength, haftento helpe me. Definermyfoule from the fword , mydefolate foule from the powerofthe dogges; faue me from the lyons mouth, and an- fwere meinfauingmeefrom the homes of the vnicorne, &c.] faith, That this was aPraier which thefonne made unto hisfather,intreatinghim that hewould freehim from the Dogges, the Bulls,theLyons, and the Vnicornes, who cont- mingvpon himwith openmouth,did caft acloudof heauine(fe andfadneffe be. fore thofe his Diuine eyes. Eufebias likewife expounding that verfe of the 54 Pfalme, [Timerdi, tremorvenerunt pipermt,6- contexerunt me tenebra , Feare and trembling-are come vponme, andanhorrible/care bath cateredmet.] fayth , That as inholy ScripturemanyDiuels arecalled, fpirits of Fornication, andof Horror, fo Ionic men are called Ruffians, Raggantuffins,Swafh-bucklers, &c. Contexe- rantme te,ebr.e, istherefet downe, toexprefTe the infinitenumber of Diuels attending then vponour Sauiour . They didcouerhim like acloud , but they couldnotcomprehend him. Towhommay beapplyed that placeofSaint Iohn, Thelight didThine in darkenet,and thedarkenefficomprehendedit not. God permitting it ( hould befo, to the end, that that placeof SaintPaulmight beeverified; Ten- tatamper omnia,liewas tempted inall things. But this Temptation prooued worfe than the formerto him : For the baite beeing throwne our, hecatcht at the mor- talland weaker part in God, and was taken foorthwith by thehookeofhisDi- uinitie. Gregorie Niffinapplyeth to this purpofe that hiflorie ofDauid, when Saul throwinghis fpeareat him, hee left it flickingin the wall,Dauidremaining vnhurt. ioafgaetrruituw hominem,interfrcitisvniaerfivos tanquamparieteindi- nato. Saint ¡cromeexpounding thisplace ofour Saviour Chrift, calls himparie- tern, becaufehewas our wall, c.2'tarue dj antemurale. So fayth Epu. Andparie- teminclinatum , becaufe he hungvpon the Croffe inclinat,copile, maceriare- pulfa ; like unto awallthat is pu(ht and (hov'dat;For, as fome fetting theirfhoul- dersagain(t awal,andPeeking by maine flrengthto throw it downto the ground, they themfelues vfually fall with it,which thrufl it downe, one remainingwith- out an arme,anotherwit houta legge,and fumewithout their hues: So the Iewes and Romans, letting to their (boulders to ouerthrowe the life of our Sauiour Chrift ; one loft his Kingdome,another his Monarchy, this manhis goods, that man his life,&manyboth their bodiesand foules.This is thatInterfrcitisvniuerf vets; And as that fpeare whichSaa/threw did nottouch Dauid,burfmotEthewal; So the nailes,wounds,fcourges, and thornes toucht our SauioursHumanitie, but not hisDiuinitie. So that thefpeare which was flung at him, miffinghis God- head,