2rd ON `' RAM MAN NW NR539fig ATableofall the principall'natters con- tained in this Booke. A Abraham. Oped, where heehadno reafon to hope. page.68,69. In facrificing Ifaac, her facrificed the ioy and content of his life. 187 His courage wasagain tried by being forced to forfake hiscountrey. 275 Adam. Forafoolifh longing loft thegreateft Empire. 273 His knowledge was infufed. 466 Ifhe hadaccufed himfelfe , heehad freed his pofteritie. 288 Thefight of !Abel being dead, was a terror to efldam euer after. 489 He layd the burdenofhis tranfgreffion vpon God. 564 Heeknewe by reuelation , that his marriage did reprcfenc that of Chrift,and his Church but heknewnot the meanes. 6o8 If he had not envied his fault he hadnot bin íhur out of Paradife. 625 Heewas buried where Chrift was crucified. 64z L'Idmiratian,. Whence it proceedeth. 35 his commendation. ibid. It waitethnot but onthings that are rare. 10,345 Vfually thechild of Ignorance. 465 Chrift on the Crolfe thechief&obieátthat ewer it had. 639 Adaantage. Againft an Enernie no cowardize. S51 Adalterie. How punilhed in formertimes. The fouleneffe of theSin. Condemned cum by nature, Affliliion. Beneficial!. But not to thewicked. WhyGod afiii(tetla his children. 418 ibid. `419 27 28 lc altercrh theverie formeofMan. 638 Ambition, A ftrong Temptation. .90 Blind in whatit purfueth. 228 It knows nor reafonnorreligion. 229 Thenurce andmother ofmany Cruelties.z3o Threeforts ofAmbition. zz Anger, See Wrath. It ought to bereftrained. 58 Sometimes neceliaxie. 126 As hurtfull a Sinnc,as Enuy. 328, &c. Angels. TheProte&ors ofGods children. 89 Their Power. 97 They reioyce at our comming to Heaum. 181 Exill4ngels. To what feruices deputed. Antechr1. His wondersfhall be lying and deceitfull, yet many. 110 cántigaitie. Thepraifeofit. 41 Appareil. How tobe Emitted. 235. Theabufe ofit. 236 Iii Ba- 97