Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

The Table. i Naught in a Magiftrate. ¡bid. Little regarded or remembred. 489 Worfe in aMinifter. 448,457,489 The remembranceof itafFoords two benefits. Iris incident toall. 490,&c. Coartefte. The liuingnmore tobepitied,than the dead. Theremit of acourtefie is the ingagingofour 4 Deatha large draught , but Chrift Cwallowe49d libertie. 226 it down. 499 A good turne isaftrong fetter. 253 Why termeda Sleepe. 5o9,&c. Courteous behauiour the greateftgaine. 445 Chrifts deathhow differentfrom ours. 510. The death of theSoule a true death,that ofthe Coart,Ceartier. body onely aAmadow. 512 Whythe Heathen ereRed Pyramidsouer their TheCourtsof Princes like the pooleof Be- dead. 514 thefda. 162 Chrifts death,hhe Deuills worft torment. 523 The life of a Courtieris whollyvponhope. bid. 549 Why Chriftde iringtodye, fled ro au yd death. ibid.&c. Cro t. Chriftsdeath did alterthe nature of things. 645 Heauens key. 623 TheDeuilneuermore deluded than byChrills Thedeathof the Crotrean iniurieto nature. death. 646 644 Preparation againft deathnecetíarie. 597 Crueltic,See Yamercifulneff . Drain. Curioftie. He layesvpon Man threeburthens. 17. Dangerous in diuinematters. 125, as alto in Hisdefcription. 71. (catching into other mess liues. 477 Histrade is wholly ro doe euil1. 8o Curiof tieand Temperance areftil at variance Whyhe appeared to£ss in the formeof aSer- wirhinvs. 5i1 His fubtiltie. 82 A great prouoker toGluttonic, and why. Ibid. His malice oftentimes ouuunnes his Wit. D 85 He is all tongue. 88 A falfe interpreter of Scripture. 89 Destb. Hee hach three ginnes wherewith to entrap man, fumble tohis ages. ibid. 7-HeGlorious change whereunto it brings A great Bragger, but a metre Bankrupt. 11 the child of God. 242 90 Nogreater difhonour than todye by the hand Compared to aAye 91 of abale enemic. 74 Hisimprifonment. 92,304 Naturall to thunna Death, and to feckeLife. 219 His tyrannieoucr thofe thatfollowhim.734., 2.86 Chriftswillingnetfeto dye. ¡bid- Alwayes foyled by his ow= weapons. Chriftsdeath tobe coniidered twomanner of 269 wayes,&c. 22:,&c. God alonemutt vntye his knots. 283,and Asamans life is,fo is hisdeath. 243 defoluehis bargames. 284, and overcome Whycalled a change. 247 hisftrength. 287 Weought to prayagainft fuddainedeath.; 31 The way to punithhim, is to prayfeGod. 492 :89 Thedeath of thewicked full cf terror. 332 WhyGodpermits him to rage agtinftMan. The death of theSaints is the weakening of 292 theplace in which theydye. 4z6 Tillhec bee outof vs, no goodcan enter in. The