Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

The Table.. TheDeuills hauc theirfeutralt imployments. 294 All at voirie againft man. 298 NoTheefe nor Tyrant to the Deuill. z 99 His competition withGod. 301 How heels fayd to polfell'ewhathee hath,in peace. ibid. Why called thell rong man. 3o3, and why the prince ofthe world. ibid. The calling out of Deuills , not alwayes a Egne of the comming of Gods Kingdome. 302 Threeforts of perlons pof%tfed with Deuills. 304 Whether the Deuills knew Chrift , or no. 384&c. His reft,is to doe mifchiefe. 304 God yunes his trickes to mans aduantage. 306 Hecandonothingagainft vs,without vs.585 Difeourf What difcourfesChriftians should vfe. 218 Difobedience. Manshalt becondemned for it byall thecrea- tures. 380,&c. Doi7rine. Chrifls doetrineboth pleating and profitable. 462 Doge. Anamewhich in holywrit implies the loweft bafeneffe. 157 Dumbe. Dumlapelfe inaChriftian the greatest miferie. 288 Dnmbe minifters the Deuils bell agents. 289 Dull. Theperiod and the principle ofall things. 7 E Earth. re befeft of all theElements. Elaguence. The forceof ir. 541 Enemies. Not tobe hated for diuerfercafons. 43,47,48 but lotted, by the example ofPagans. 44 ofChrift. 52,59 Onely Gods inftruments to punishour Pinnes. 57 Excufesof the flcfhagainft this louing of our his Enemies, and their confutation. 59 Gods child thinkesit nohardprecept, to loue Enemies. 6o NotCafe truflingan Enemie, 639 Enttie. The Natureof it. 125 Earthly, things moreenuied,than fpirituall. 183 Agodly kind of enuie. 202 Threemilchiefes arife from enuie. 3zo Adangerous Beall. 328 EnuieandLone , alike humorous in making contrarieties. 342 The boldeft of all Vices. 353, and the moll venemous. 356 A fortunate Vicoto others, vnfortunate to it felfe. Neuer greater,than among brethren. 556 Hard tobe cured. 564 Eye. Theoffice of theeye. 578 How GodsEyes may be drawne vntovs. 66 A weepingeyecaufeth a bleeding heart. 170 The eyeis theltore-houle of fauour. 432 Difference ofeyes. ibid. The eye of diuine Pitie euer fixed vponour pouertie. 474,478 Theeye isthe heartsmarket place. ` 479 Theepitomeof man. ¡bd. A great mifleaderof theheart. 482 Gods paint in curing it. 483 The power of theeye. 613 F Fitb. IT bath twowings, PrayerandAlines. at Iii 3 The