Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

The Table. TheCenturions Faith. 34 TheWoman of Canaan. 142 Faith,how laid to be great. 36 The weakenel% of it in the Difciples. 61 The powerof it liuely. 158 Thingsaboue the reachof reafon,hard to bee beleeued. 178 Without faith in Chrift, no remit ionof fins. 199 No true knowledge of Chrift without Faith. 385 Chrift refpedsnot our Knowledge, but our Faith. 400 Falling. Theantiquitieof it. a1 The efficacieof it. 12,& 79 What tobe ebferued inFailing. 13 Whatto be auoided. 14 Three forts of Falters. zo True Fatting. 211 God. Our Sauiours Farting , differed from that of A lure Pay-wafter. Mofes andEliah. Motiuesto Farting. 79 G Generali. THe mainething in a General,is to freehis j fouldiers from feare. j1, 73 Gentile,. Their calling. 38,269 Glorie. TheGlorie to come howexcellent. 186 Glutton, Gluttone. Gluttons comparedto Serpents. 395 Glurronie,of all Vices the molt dangerous. 237 It ill beleenxs aRuler. 395 78 Feare. Theoccafion of many cruelties. 191 Nothing in the world but wee oughtto feare it. 225 Fart tyes aman tohis duty. 248 The feareofthe Lord, aftrong defence. 249 Adifcreet feare, better than a forward bold- neiTe. 387 Feeft. Thefeaft of Tabernacles, why inftituted, and how folemnifed. 544 Three feasts of Dedication among the Iewes. 557 The feaft of Fire. 559 Flatterie. Hatedof God. Fly. See Perfecration. No flyingfrom God. 134,138i560iS78. Flight inWinter. 560 Wemuff fly to God. 504 Friend, Friendfhip. Wherein truefriendfhip confifteth. 3 r 3 It is not found amongft kindred or brethren. 556 Threeforts of friend(hip. 632 A truefriend hard tobe found. 429,43o Falfe friends whereunto compared. 509 116 21 His Maie(tienor to be defcribed. 107 Euer readie tohelpe hischildren. 3o.&c. Ht Bountic towards hisfuppliants. 30. How wee lhould behaue our felues towards him. Hs helpeneuer comes toolate. 68 Whyhe deferreth it fometimes. 69 Particularly the Godof the Faithful]. 75 His hiendlhip thefurelt. 86 Flee makesthe Deuils praftifes our preferua. dues. 87 His children, why called Sheepeand Lambes in holy Writ. 154 Hepr0portions his fauours and dif-fauors, ac- cording to our capacitie, 156. andas hee pleafeth. 166 The leaft of his fauours not tobe valued. 157 H is refped in comforting thediftrel%d. 164 He pittiethwhen none elfewill. 170,174. He preuents our neceflities. 172. Howhe may befeene ofmen. 184, &c. Signes whereby to know whether weefeeke him. 2o2,&c. When hemay be faydto be abfent fromvs. 256 He lookes for fruit where heebeftowes his fa- uours. 258,266 Herequires nothing of vs,bur what isfor our owne good, 258. and he requires notmuch. 259 Our deftruítion greeues himmore, than his owne difhonour. 261 Hee labours our conuerfion. 266,267 He fubftradahisbleffings,whenweprouevn- gratefull. 270 His