The `fable. His Bountie. z82 Why called the hidden God. 308 By weake meanshe confounds the mightie. ibid. Moreto be honoured thanour Parents. 318 His workes and wayes mull bereuerenced,not difculfed. 322 Sometimes tnoft ourfriends , when heedenies vs what we aske. 313 No refpeaer of Perlons. 327 Protefts his children otherwife in the new Law,than he did in the old. 36o Why called the water of Life. 401 Euer forward in rcleeuing ournecefiities. 1.35 H is fauours feldome conic fogle. 5oz Heneuer forskcs hisFriends. 503 We mutt fly to him inall extremities.5o4i&c. Whyhe appeared to Mofesina Binh. 515 His honour rauft euer bee preferred before our owne. 535 His counlels arevnfcarchable. 550 Not partiall in bellowing his fauours. 554 The way to fly fromGod , is to flyvnto him. 578 TheonlyLordof all. 597 &. No ftriuing sgainft him. Gob Not calla.the God of any mais , whileher li- ueth. 609 Hedelayeth nothis fauours. 628 Hisreward exceeded)our requefts. 628,629 Hs abfence terrible. 633 Hebath two Houles. 635. Goad. Neuer truely liked, till vtterly loft. 543 If publike,tobe preferred before the privat. 181,185,594 Gofpell. Milderthan the Law. 346 Grace. Enablethvstodoe what Naturecannot. 5o Theorder of it different from that of Nature. 108 Notobtained without diligence. 166 H Haire. HAire l sth binhurtfull votomany. l Harlot. The priceofa Harlot no lafting portion.397 Hermanners. Hardnefeofbeart. In the Leweswithout paralelle, 206 They that hue in ir,iuitly fuffered todye inir. 58,117 Markes whereby toknow ahardheart. 296 A hard heart can neuer bemolliued 537 Health. Life isno lifewithout it, Heart. It cannot loueand hateboth at once. 117 Mans heart, Godstemple. 557, ece. Of the whole inan,God defies only the;Jean. 369 What is vnderftood by heart. 371 It bathmany enemies, and all within it felfe. 161d. 130. 239 Theheart ofthe Earthrwhar. Hearers. Curious hearersreprooued. Heauen. The ioyes of it. Notpurchafed withoutviolence. 124 194 230,391 545 Inour palrageto it,noeyes of Natureto bere- garded. 311 The glorieof it. 627 Hell. Thepaines of ithow dreadfrll. 244,&c. All other pains, but pafttmes to thefe. 453 Honour. Defpiled of Chrift. 327 Neuer without it's burden. 35 Gods children more ambitious to defense it, than inioy it. 192 Earthly honours brooke no partnerlhip. 228 The delireof honour not alwayes tobeecon- demned. 317 Honours where no merit is , asides but toour shame. 554 Defiredofall. 555 Hope. Moreprevailent withman than fore. 190 The natureof both. 619 Sathans praflifc to depriue lobof his hope. 620 Hofpitalitie. Pleafing to God. 375 God