The Table. God the onlykeeper ofit. .a43 IIumilitie. Twofold,oneof the Vnderftanding, another of the Will. 33 The onely way toHeauen. '217 No Humilitielike ourSauiours. 635 Hunger. A great temptation. Why Chrift would hunger. 8o 78 Hypocricie. Feignes the good irbath nor. 15 A kind ofStage-play. 16 TheHypocrite hath no hope of Heauen. 18 Thedanger of hypocriticall and luke-warme Chriftians. 268,301 Hypocrifie ftraines at aGnat , and fwallowes a Camell. 262,368 I Ego, I. AWordof great authoritie. lealorofie. A truefymptomeof bafeneíre. Imes. Ajealous and enuious people. 315 Godsmany fauours towardthem. 316 Their fubtiltie andincredulitie. 565,566 The murderersof all Gods Saints. do 2. In nature both like the Bore and the Beare. 45 338 604 ignorance. A main caute of all oureuill. Images. What difference betwixt the maker of them and the worfhipper. 151 Incredulitie. Amaine let to Quills miracles. incentinencie. Is aSir=whichbath twoproperties. 570 Informers. Like theByes of /Egypt in acommon weale. 401,591 322 Ingratitude. Thefirftfaultthat euer was committed. 143 Neuer vnpuniflied of God. 144 No cut to vnkindaeiTe. 224 God fubftrafts hisbleflings from the vngrate- full. 270 It is vfually therequitall of goodneffe. 330 TheEmblemeof it. 383,568 Toreturne cuill for good,a diuelifhfin. 63 5 Inheritance. Gods inheritance may run a twofolddanger. 248 Injuries. Mutt bepatiently digefted. Whcn,and how to beforgiuen. Tofuffer them is truenoblenetre. Interceßion. Not robevnderftoodbut of the liuing. 379 Twothings requiredtomake it effeftuall.378 47 333,&e. 533 Tonne. Whencedefcended. r33 Reafonsmouing him to flye. 133 Why hewould becart into theSea. 136 The Martinets charitable alfc Lion towards him. 137 Iugde. No fmall comfort, that Chrift (hall bee our Iudge. 94 Twopropertiesof aIudge. He mutt not berafh. Iudges muff inclinetomercis. Agood Judgecompared ro aCrane. lodgement. Why attributedto Chrift. 94 Judgementhow ro beguided. 471,&c. All ]hall appearsin iudgement. 98 Theday of Judgement deiredof theJul 99 `Pilau Iudgement againftChrift. 64o The moltvniuft thateuer was. 641 Iudge Foolifh two wayes in theCale of ourSauiour. 634 The vileneireof hisfault. ibid. Iu]!i/cation. A greaterworke thaneitherthe creationofthe World, 95 137 4.21 458