The TA e. World orofAngels. 294i572 Thefini (lecpp ro it is matieand pitie. 397 Set out bydiuers aptfmilimdes. 573,58z K Knowledge,See Learning,Wifdorre. TO know thyfelfethe beginningof per- feEfion. 4bo L Lambes. AName attributedto theiuft,and why. 154 Law. Whereuntovfefull. 40 The law of Taliation. 46 Lawes if many,gainefull to forre, but lolleto che molt. 363 Learning, SeeWidome. Not gotten without labour. God the giver of it. Lent. Why called the Springofthe Church. 464,&c. Liberalitie. Mullbe waited on byFrugalitie. Life. This life only a proceflion of quicke and dead. 489 True life,istomeditate on death. 1,4,49o,&c. Short life content with fhort allowance. 8,& 542 Whether bettera publique or aprivat lifer07 Aneuill life theidleof Faith. rz8 Long life the enlargementof linne. 136 Lifefeldomewearifometoany, 174 Thewills of this life are onelyfeemingeuills. .79,180 Life without healthno life. 239 Whydefperat limnersarefufferedto hue long. 241 Nothing permanent in thislife. 243 This life isertely toyle and labour, both to the wicked, and theiuft. 396 466 10 444 Light. Twofold. 188 Theexcellencie of thatlight which isfpintu. all. 189 Chriit,why called theLight of theWorld. The benefit of this Light. ibid.&c Reafons whyTome hateand fhun it. 519 What ismeantby Light of life. 522 Looking- Glans. Whyplacedabout theLauer in the Temple. 526 Lord. A name implying Honour and Power. 3 2. Lone Toloue our feluesweeneed not becommaun- ded. 42 Wemutt loueour enemies. 43 The caufes why wecannot. 49 Howour louemull beordered. 56 The perfetion ofit, how to bedifcouered.57 Neuerwithout &are. 92 HowGod fhould beloued. 377 Gods loue isalwaies working. 388,435,475 477 It cannot be repayd but with loue. 475 No loue where no rcliefe. 503 Godsloue feeneby hisdelayes inpunifhing. 513 Lout and Hate transforme a man alikeinto their obiefts. 564 Nothingmoretedious to onethat loues , than theabfenceof what heloues. 633 Louetriumphech oucr God himfelfe. 635 Lyar, Lying. TheWorld,theFlefh,and the Deuill,all lyars. 528 Themifchiefe oflying. 529 M Ofaisefe. TWofold. 404 1 t33tagi!lratet: Shouldbeefree fromwhat they punilh ino- thers. 360,457 Like fheepe-hoards they fhould feed their ßockes,rather thanflorathem. 437 In