Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

Ehe Table. In choiceof State miniflers, what ought to be regarded. 441 Magiftrates fhouldbe bold in reforming pub- lique abufes. 454,&c. More heede the conuerfion of theotfendor, thanthe corrationof his offence. 455 Two things they fhould fpccially lookevoto, theirconfciencc and theirfame. 526 Theymuff be examples. 527 Chrift inhis proceeding againft theDeuill, a patterne for all magiftrates. ibid. That Common-wealth is loft, in which the magiftratesand their minifters areboth bad 563 They Ihould euer haueGodsLaws beforetheir eyes 588 Ill RulersPent by God to punifh thepeople. Goo They fhould account notimetheir owne, but other mens. 631 üYtalice. Will neuerbe alfwaged. 530,562 Blindand Pimple is all herpraflifes. 59z,&c. Euerher owncfoe. 646 The name of man imports three things. 3, The qualitie of his thoughts. 60 1, His pride and vanitíe. 2, Two definitions of him. 625 Deferres his promifes. 159 His attributes,obliuion,andbafenelfe. 3 His bell knowledge is to know himfelfe. 4, Thebenefit arifngfrom this knowledge. 6,7 His only fupporterGod. 16o Nothing his owne in thislife. 251 Norcan he doe any thingof hinifelfe. 252 TheVine ofall plants,moft refemblethhim. 255 God isableto makeof himwhat hepleafeth. 256 Goodmen are fearer. 2S9 Nothing fo foule asman, without his God. 279 He is the Deuils Cittadell. 28g WhySarhanis fomaliciousagainft him. 29t Ofall creatures the mollfurious, ifnot guided by reafon.3z9,Chrifls Art ingaining him 637, TheDeuill not more cruel]. 381, 425,598 Why God Puffers in him fo many corporal' weakenelres anddefeas. 480,&c.506 Inferiourto the creaturesin all humane goods. 508 His wayesare two,and heneedsaguide. 52o, 6o8 (mailers. How tovfeand efteeme theirferuants. z5,&c. Theymuff vifit and helpe them in their ficke- nelfe. 31 Thebenefit of hauing Chrift our Mafter.1 1g ctiteditatioA. LikeGun-pouder. Meekenefe. Preuailes viva the fiercefl perlons. cilteraerie. The true vfeof ir. 3 Mercy,SeeCharitie,Pitie,Loue. Gods omnipotency feene molt inhismercy. Thepraflife of madebrings with it the grea54 - tell glorie. 55 It ditferenceth Gods children from thofe of the Deuill. loo Workesof rnercie moll enquiredafter in the day of Iudgement. log Mercie and Iufticethe two PolesofGodsgo- ucrnment. lob Mercie aCuremotiue to Mercy. 553 Merciful men the fitteft tobe about Princes.ib. Goddefers nothis Mercy, but to augment it. Notfoplentiful vndertheLaw,as vnder Grace 16g Gods Mercy euer in competition with mans malice. 260 He that would findMercy mull feeke it. 387 Judgesmull inclinetoMercy. 421,455,&c. AI/argument of goodnelfe in whomfoeuer it isfound. 424 'Tis Gods care to worke his children toMer- cie. Hee delights in no attributes of his owne,fo much as this. 481 'TistheSppringfrom whence all his otherblef- fings How. 496 Sometimes fogreat, thatwee cannotthinke on it,but with terrour. 498 Merits. Vtterly cryeddown. 5 55 148,321 c.Xitriflers, SeePreachers, Aiagfretes. Mirada. When tobewrought. 85,324 Why