TheTilble. Whynor in vie now. Ibid. Hypocritesfauour themmtich. 1 zo,&c. The natureofChriftsmiracles. a 22,ßíc. How theydiffered from thofeofthe Dcuill. ibid. Whymiracles (houldbedc(ìred. 123 More frequent in the rime of Grace, than un- der theLaw. ibid. Prophefles more auailable. a 90 Neither necelfaricto faluation,nor fuflicient. 326 Chriftsmiracles, all wrought forthe reparati- onofour miferies. 430 Mirth .SeeSorrow. ThebenPhificke. 267 Mine/. Theinftrument of all raifchiefe. Moores. Ofall peopk the molt fearefull, aridwhy. 73 Mort cation. If reue,neuerwithout mirth. 119;ze Mofas Cbitire. What itmeant. 212 274 N Niniue. THegrearnefeofir, 132 How theNiniuires (hall rifevp in Lrdge- ment againft Chriftians at the latter day. 132 o obliuion. HAthtwo bofomes. 535 Offence. See Minnie. Offerings. Nohonowo God, whenhurtful!ro others. 366 Offset. Thefale,ofthemtheruinoft Iiingdome,4 . Oline. Why the Hieroglyphickeof Mercy. 413 What was typified by themountofOliues. 412 Order, The want of it any whcre,brings all intocon- fufion. 441 P Pradtfe.SeeHeaven. Parents. ,1V11 beloued of their children. 275 w They mufthaueacareof them. u6 Partiditie. Inall thingsto be auoyded. 440 Molt of all in Iudgement. 472 Pafion. See Chrify.Death. Chrif)tglorious inhisPaffron thrceniassner of waycs. 292 Punfìuall in difcribing it. tic Itlhould beferioufly confidered. i6rd.& 222 'T,isthefountaine of our glory, Pallion alters all properties ru it felfe. Patience. Chrifts Patience more ftaggercd the Deuill than all hisMiracles. 55 Theexcellencyof it. 68 Oncewounded,outragious. 356 Patience andHope theonely means tobring vs to Heaucn. 156 AcceptabletoGod,andprofitabletoour felucs 169,172 A patientEare (hall reape great profit. 349 Patience whenmoil to beapplauded. 533 Apatientman, whereuntorefembled. 534 Patience the balgeof Chrifts Diuinicy. 62z Peofrk. Nothing fiercer than theirfurie. Perfeeeution. Whether Lawful! to flye in time of perfecti- cion. 551 Perfnafiens. If falfe,thc molt dangerous inuafions, to Peter 293 532 314