e The Table. Peter. Twoopinions concerning his denial]. 607 How it maybefayd,helof'c hisFaith. ibid. The occafionsof his fall. 6o8 His finne like that of efldam. 610 More iniurious to Chrift,thanall his Enemies 61z Why heasked not pardonfor his denial'. 614 Pittie. Hach alwayesaPrayer for themthat need it. 378 Euer profitable to them thatvfe it. 476 Pharifies, andScri6es. Theirwicked behauiourtowards Chtii 1'13 Their office. s a a Whattheywere. 210 Phyfltians. Ought conifer the poore. 31 Chriftthe belt. 171,177;380 BadPhyfitians, the Butchers ofa Gonfnon- vetale. 177 Place. Many haue often faredthe better, fortheplace in which theywere. 38& Pleafires. Of this life altogethervanitie. 186,197 Whereunto compared. Pinner. 410 Netter robe (howne butin extremitie. 552 Poaerty. The wholelifeofour Sauiour was a patteme for it. 636 The Poore more refpdtedof God than the rich. 30 They hauevfually thenobler minds. 189 Forfaken of all. 277 As necelfaryfor the rich,as the rich forthem. 374 Prafi. All the retribution that mancan make to God for all that hee recciueth from him, is ro praife him. 401 Precedents. More auaileablethan Precepts, Pre&ßinstüx. Afpeciall markeof it. Preachers,PriJts,Prelats. Ought to hauebut oneWife, one Vine, one Luing. 254 Their fcuerall names in holyWrit.. zoo How theWorld vfeth them. ibid. Hot fiery fpirits vnfit forthis office. 567 ThevnworthineffcofthePerfon,noprejudice to theFunftion. 497 Chrifts preachingpowerful]. loo,eo6 Theofficeof a preacher. 13 3 Theefficacie of Iona. his preaching. a 3 9i141 The belt preachers, haue notalwaics the molt Auditors. 141 Pricftsare tobe bothSheep-heards,and Chri- ftians. 196 Three forts of preachers. 2.13 Thofe of loofer lifc,to what ref-enabled. z14 Their maine aime is the glorie of God. 215 The honourof prieft-hood. 448 APreacher fhouldneuer boaftofhisparts. 468 Hemuff reprooue boldly. 471 Preaching andPraftife fhould neuerbeefeuc- red. 527 LikePrieft, likePeople. 540. Kindred the ouerrhrowofmanyPeelers. 555 Ignorant and fluggifhPrelats, the defte Lion of Gods Vineyard. 253 Prayer. Prayer and Alines the wings ofFaith. 22 Wemultpray for our enemies. 52 Reafons and inducements hereunto. 53 TheexcellencyofPrayer. r 14,efficacy. 144 WhyGod fonaerimes denies vswhatwepray for. 130, 149 Prayermuff beour ppraaife inaduerfitie. e 38 Vocal] prayer necetfary. 148 What weare todemand inprayer. ibid. Importunitie in prayerpleafing to God. 151 Weaiuft pray difcreetly. 157 Not with the tongue onely. 370 Sickepatientsmay pray,but notpprrefcribe. 45 Heartlelle prayerslike foundieiTeinftruments! 501 Ourprayersmuff not be long,but ñ rong.i6id. Pride, Preftmptien. What kindof finne. 214. 155 Mans