The Table. Mans prefumption. 230 The bane of theSoule. 157 Neuer vnpunifled. 609,6ro Princes.See t- tagiatratet. Shouldregard their people. They littlerefpe4 honeft feruices. Profit. Privat profit regarded of euerie one. Profperitie. Aiwayes enuied. r82 Finds Freinds, Aduerfitie none. 198 Worldly profperity can follow no man far- ther than thegraue. 243 No lure tokenof Gods loue. 376 The Souks bane. ibid. Prouidence. Diftrutt ofGodsprouidence the caufe ofmuch cuill. 438 It reached] alwayes to the preferuationof his children. 563 Puniì/hments. SeeChafiirement. Gods,different from thofcof earthly Princes. 109 Heproportions them to our fines. roz Hevfeth them onely forprcferuation. 168, 249, 261, 486, and yet many times pro- longs them. ibid. 33 z We arepunilhable even for our thoughts. 169 The leire wee arepunilhed here, the worfeour eftare. 179 God labors to conceale both his Rewardsend Punilhments. í90,2o7 Princes haue a threefold end inpunning. 24.7 Great punithments not bee in(liftedwithout great conlideration. 267 Gods punilhtnentsof twoforts. z68 216 541 418 R Recreations. y Awfull if moderate. Necedàrie. lo 418 Redemption. Chritt Cooke great paints for it,&was at much toff. 391 The ggreatnetre ofitmay be feeneby the great- nelTeof Chriftstheme. 553 Reformation. Mens reformations , wherein differingfrom thofe of God. 271 Religion. Sinneneuer more odious than when masked with Religion. 40 Manswantonneire in matters ofReligion.122 Thedifhonor of Chriftiansis todiffer in Re- ligion. 298 No coil moretedious toman,than that which is beltowed vpon Religion. 4.31 Religion mull not be guided by policie, but contrary. 594 Repentance. How it is tobe framed. 9 The NiniuitesRepentance. 140 It is neuer tobe delayed. 10,141,624 A patternofit. 177,&c. What maycaufe it. 28 Two things requiredofeuery true penitent. 193 We mutt haften it. 382/484 Humilitie,Obedience,& Faith,required there- unto. 484 Thenature of it. 486 Gods goodnestowards the truly penitent,so8 Of Maries Repentance. 574 Reprobation. Neuer difcouercd toany. 207 Godsprefciencenot the caufe of it. ibid. Reproches. Chrift more fenfible of them, thanany other iniuries. 535 ReProofes. Not alwayes in feifon. 297 Brotherly correEtion is to haue place euerie where. 334 Hethat would reprooue another, mutt correft himfelfe. 338 Reproofe when tobe vied. 3 3 9,& They muttbe privar. 343 Wemußt notrefufe to reprooued. 348 To reprooue a !inner isthe belt feruice we can doe to God. 350 The molt faulty euermolt ready to reprooue. 399.414 Sharpe reprooues workeweakeeffc ts. 590 RefurrelTion. Chrifts Refurrcftion the greateftMyracle. 128, &c. 460 Kick That