Fonseca - Houston-Packer Collection. BX1756.F66 D5713 1629

The Table. T Tearer. OFdinersEons. Faulty twomanner of wayes. They work two effeCts. More fauorie toChrift thanWine. Theirefficacie. Time. Howredeemed. Torments. Hell torments euerlafting. 495 Tongue. 4.597 hmutt 583 ! A godgand all Mil ogue. 614 No (courgeCO thedill one. Temptations. Our Sauiorbath fanttified themvotovs. 71 The general goodwhichis deriucdfrom them 75 Wemay notthruftour felues into them. 76 They wait vpon perfeRron. 77,84 Chili} could nit Lee tempted either by the World or the HcIh. 78 Hunger ágre_rtemptation. So Ambition is the like. 90 Twokinds of temptations. Temple. Godstempleought tobe reuerenced,and why. 1 to,&c.45o,562 The publikc temple isto be frequcltted. 161 Thankefulneffe. See Ingratitude. Requ l red for benefitsrecciued. 382,475 The Doueof all fowle themolt thankfull.468 Our thankefulneffe a motive to Godsbountic. 91 485 Theefe. The conuerfion of the Theefe, inall refpeCts miraculous. 617 'Twas theblazoning bothof Gods rnercy,and omnipotency. 618,as alfoofhis diuine pro- uidcnce. 619 By warmo.iues he was induced to his conuer- fion. 621 His Faithnot to be paralleld. 626, Nor his Hope. ibid. Chrifts bountie towardshim. 627 Thirfi. A greater torment than hunger. Spirituali thirlt neuer fatisfied. Thought. The qualitie and varierieof mans thoughts. 601 398 405 Thrtfh. Totltrefh,inScripture,is ro rule with tyranny. 307 Trading. Thebcft eucr with God. Traditions. Howfame forth tobe regarded. 365 Theirs variais. ibid. TheChurchesperdition. 366 Tribulations. More profitable for vs than Profperitie. 376 Gods Eye isallwaycs vpon the Tribulations of his Children. 478 The Preferuatiues of Vernies. god The belt Reward that Godcan giue his Fol- lowers. ibid. Triumph. Chrifts Triumph,whcrin differing from thofe of Men. 647 Trafl. 354 171 6o 290 296 146 Thefiueft rye. 3r57 Truth. Seldome welcombevoto any. 328,528 Can neuerbe fuppreft. Hardlyheard in Princes Courts. dio Tyrants. 535 Euer their owns torturers. Their ferae,themother of theirfury zoo V Paintglorie. EVertobe avoided. Yiaorie Temporali villories gotten by fightiig , fpi. ritual' by flying. 76 rice. Hardrobe remooucd. Euer afraidof Vertue. 379,553 24 Irr Neuer