The Table. Two baitsatwhich theyvfually bite. 402 I TheWorldsentertainmentpoore andbale. Their Incontinencie. 409 444 Mans dsfrcfpea a frequent occalion of their fall. 457 Workes. If goodwifhes were goodworkes the wicked would f.,one be faucd. We muff workewhilewe may. Workesourfpeake words. Word. Gods word mans belt fuftenance. 87 EffeEìuall by whomfoeuer itbe vttcred. 209, 211 Comparedto a looking-glafíe. 464 The truth Wifedome. 469 The maaieltie and efiicacie of it. 4704547 How to beheard. 530 Thefamewords out of diuersmouths,maybe chuerfly relifhed. 51.6 World. Worldlingsmoftcondemned of theworld.i 8 Nothingin it butdiforder. 39 Likened to the fea,and why. 64 Nothing but in flew. 91,175. &c. Amixtureof good andeuill. 272 Worldlycontents not attained without much toylc. 404 400 483 5o1 Wrath. Gods wrathmoveviolent,than lofting. 158, 201 The longer deferred the fiercer. 256 No flying from it. 276 Y rout& THequalities ofyouth. 273 Too much hbertie thebancofyouth. 274 Liable tomany mifertesand difafters. 497 Z Zeak. IF true,it carrieswith itboth Lightning and Thunder. 362 Without aetion,nomarke ofaChriftian.4t4 The natureof truewale. 450 Whereindifferent fromLoue. 451,&c. Erata, Por Callire,readCarchi. *7. For makc,marke.4t4. ForAbulat- Ar,Abulen,fr.;SB. For LUuriabantur,Luxuriabantur, t22. For au1ybub,8eelzebub, 22s For Suanr,Smot. 31. ForStaniq Stabtt.tóF. Fur bath,that.4. There may be form otherlitterall cfcapes, but fuch as an ingenious nature will willingly excufe,becaufe theymay beeafilycorrelied. FLAC IS. 40''