Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

868 Prophecies concerning the Turk_ and Pope, wbicb of them u the greater Antichrij/. :hfc~Pt~~;d~i~u:~~~~h:_d~~·fe~ci.~~;~~ohfi'G6.-f"~f ~~;~ ~e:.ftt forth in Englijh, called, The Ccnttftaticm {~~~} ~~~;,::~~ :~~{ok'~~~ ~~~~;!eh glt~ennggoldmom.a- A;~:~~:~:~~~~~fj~~~~h~~~~~~~ f~0~~~h~y~ ~~[>Kth mK:~x;~~~; ~:Jo;!~Z~.~h~;tt::~~Z';;~f.~t;:, z:;1s ·~~~~;(~t:ti~;,':~~}~~::o ih:j~ill~:r~~~t rb:f~~~ and poffi.lfons, &t:. me:mmg t~at the Pop= havu~g d01~m- God only by our Faj th m Chrirl his wdl belo\'ro. Son ~f ~~~~a~:d,ffl~l ~~~!~~4~~;td~~d~~;ak:td~~~~frrc~1~~~~~~~ ~~~r;)/~~~h·l~~~=~a::~ ~::C[~~~f:a~fo~!O<~)I~~;~Iyat~~~dtrn~ rmgDodors, Wtth Fncrs Monks and P~Lc_fis, and ~11 ft:ch other tht!tg) but hath taught us to work our falvation by n,r..mth :!v~~~~ ~.:~~ ~kf~~~~. W~71d~T~~ n~;:\t~~~ t~:U~ ~~~l~~~l;~Ce ::~~~~ ~ ~~~~%~~h;;:~· a]lan~~~~i~ ;~~ ~; ::!::t;,clo 2ndwb. winch apply tlus ~ophtcy oft_hc feventjland deventh mull:~l1eve(1fwewJll befavcd) and receive him robe ~~~;; ~~~;~~; ~:~;t~~:~:~~!'?,~~,7~!,~:~E~~f~~:3 •h<B~:~::ru~~:~;:, :::·,:~.,{,, •mong •11 tho p,~ T...A. concamng the I m le horn m the mtddle of the ten ho~ns, phwes both of the Old Tell:ament and of the New, there and the grca~ defiroyer of the plca_fant Land and. g_lonous IS none that painteth out the Antichrill:ian Kingdom of holy Mountam, to mean tirll: AntJothus, and by hun fe- the T11rk.s, better than doth the RMJtlati~n of Sain\ condly to mean the grrat Amichrifr, the T11rk> who John, whofe words let us weigh and conlidtt. Who !~!h&;.~:~~d~~~~~t:h~~;::Soff;:n~1.a: ::;,c;;~ ~-!~~h Aftl'dagf{ t ·... t~;~c~e J~:~ ~te 0~~et~l f:aid. the world) and there writing o~ the Seven Trum;ts of 0\•erandbefidcs thefcProphrciesaboveall~ged,thtte th_e Seven Angels., at the found111g oftheSixthA.ngd E:u-\Cb•p. may be addtd alfo the Pr~y o_f Eukul, caf. 39· f:uth, ~fo tht four Angds which art btund in rhe Apoc. 1• :!d lJb:~~ ~~~~~~e~~~:gof1~~~~f! ;u~:~~~\~~ ~~:~e:~~r:r:::d~: .?;{ej z:v:;ichE'J/:t:;~dJA;:,;hJa{:U:,f"fo;~ '::5 whtdt ftopptd the butldmg of the C1ty,and under the Syr~- month, and ytar, to flaJ the third p11r1 of men. Anti an Kings,~c. yet in the f:wm: alfo are~xprdfed the ca~am1- ~~ numbtr of Hor(tmm wrrc twrozy thouflmd times ties and affi1frions ofChrifis Church m thefe b.ttt nmes, ttn thoufand_.· and _I heard tht number of tbtm. Anrt ThtPro· Wl~=~~~~~~f:~h:; 1~lt~hi~~!~~::J~t ~~come now to :t;;,, 1 {:;;_n~nft~ry'fJ~O:berbor!:n:•, a::/':;j;;;~{ftonO:, pbo~•• of the Prophdies ?f the New Tefiamen~, and rrurk the words and of Brzmftont,. and tie heads of rhe /prfos WtTI {!';11-~~t of St. Paul, wnring t~ the The/!alon:ans, which then Wtte .u the heads of Lrons, and out_ of thtir mo11rh 1 'JPtnt connrnlng Chri ll:ened,lnd now ctther :ne Turkijl1, or under th~T11rk, forth firt, and fmoke, and bmnfton~; 1 thefe thrte. ~~Th:r.z ;;~~.~ ::~~:o~ltt~;;~:;b;Jpt1:'e;;; b;~~d:11 n~0b; ~~:g;;;, j,:;k;~ :;:;~,f;ft:£, "':Z,f1 :~o;u~!:J :~: ~ /mer as [tnt .fom us, as though the da1 of Chrtfl were at rhm mvuth1, &c. hand. Let no mmltlecri'fJe you b] aiJJ means, .for the Urd J;ft. n;:r~;;/:£~;ke1e;:a~b; ;e~fai~J~n;h:j;,.J:fi£2~ · Ag~Yott~e5~V~;~,~h~h~~nA~: ~fv~h~~\~~~~2~ fr~:FE ~:n;,j~b~ "wh7/b:'f):'ft72/~;j:'fo~~::tea~:J fo ;f:':/; ~~. Chrifi to the Judgment and ,.RefurredJOn of theE}:}.~~ Ttmplt tJ[ ~od, boaftmg himfe!f to bt G~d, &c. Although By the Stven Angels with their_ Sevm Trumpets is fig po:>UQdc<l. ;1~~~~· · ~;:o}~h~V~~~a.gues that come m this Cevmrh and lafi ~~de- By the Sixth Trumpet of the fixth Angel is mt3nt rhe ~';! fixthPiaguecominghllandnextbtforethePiagueofthe J~ {f:~~~~~;~·~~~ ~~~~rt~'I~:o~ei;~~~h~~~ ~~~~~i~~~t~,Ki~:,h [h;;h~lab~u~lt~ ;;~~~e~~ aptly it cloth agree:, that unldS this great d&dion from loweth to be fecn. ~ f:: il~a;~ :a~~;~~~~e~l~cl~~~~ ~~i~~ ~h~~tn~: ver8iu~~;~sJ~fi~~~ ili~\~~ri.~~d=~f~h:hi3t~til~~ t~;:~ by the Htll:ory of thefe Turks i~ eafic and evident to be that is_, the Turks OUt of St]lhla, Tarrar~a, Ptr[M, and "'Z: B.. known, confidering what a nrrn hath hapned ro . the Ar•b1a, by whom ~he third p;nt of Chrill:endom !hall be 1 om. Church of Chrill: by thefc miferable Tur.ks,wha~ Empires, dd1royed, as we fee Jt this day hath ~me to paiS. Nations, Kingdoms, Countrit"S., Towns and Ctties be re· I_t followeth in th~ Pro~hccy, Thesr powt~ p,an be in Apoc. 9· moved from the Name and profdfion ofCh~i1~,how mlny thttr_ 'mouths, and m thm tayls. For tkm ta]ls foal! !~~~~~~~~5in~Ji~~n::!teAfr~ttl~~ i~f E?!~~~~a~~.;~~r::: !:,~:k~;.erp~~;ni:~v~~fc ~~~:~·Ti:;;! ~j~~ .:~:mw~;z away from Chrifis Church to.Mah11mets Rcligion,fome to of thm mouths !hall tlucate1~ great dcfirufrwn of fire fcrve for the Turks Gu~rd among the Janiz-arites, fome and (word, to them that will not yield un:o them~ for Soldins, fome for Mmers, fomr for Gunners, to fight and m the. end , wl~cn the _Chrill:ians. ill all y1dd unto · and war againft the Chrill:ians; fo that the moll part of the":~, tmll:mg to theLr prOtmf~, they hl!e Sttpents fh:dl all the Churches, planted once by the ApoiHes,are now de- decetve them in the end, and kill them, as appearnh by gcneratedinto7urks, only a linallhandfulof Chrifiia.ns thc:ftoryofthcTurksabovepatt. . fi~~~·~dde~ei1:v~~f~~~i:~}o~~e ~~ii;: ~~c~~~ ~~~ The like Prophecy alfo, after the like words and fmfe, is himfe!f do help, ChriH only himfelf doth know. How to be fttn and read in the flXtrtmh Chapter of the Ar_ca- Apoc.t6" r;Mr~·· ~~!~hr~dt!~~\~~~:~~~:·t~~~:~~~~~\~t'JJ;[~~ tp[h• r~:~~i~},le'f7vi~~rG~~ggf!n~~~t~u~~!;'~ · Notwithlb.ndmg this Text _of the holy Apofilc (as I ft:venAngds,byoneofthe~ourB~Jis(thatJS,mthcume ~~~i~":1:r aforefaid) may be verified alfo w1th no le!S reafon upon the of one of the four ~ona~lues., wh1ch was the M01un:hy :.n:J.a. Bifhop of Romt, r~n upon the Turk, but for ~har_heis of Rome)fpeaketh l1kewtfe of the fixth Angel~ whrch Tbtrour :&f~~~o a man of !in, that JS, his frat and C1ty is a great Inlllltai- pourtJ his 'fJial of Gods wrath "!"'! tht grtat Riwr Eu- ~~~tbc ner of wickedndS, and a\10 for that he is_ an ad11erfal)', that phrate_s., and tht waters rhtrtof drrtJ up, that the Wa] tJ{..,..., rhc is, contrary in :~.11 his doin&S and. procttdmgs to Chntl. 1tht K111gs if rht Eaft jhoutd be prtpa_red, &c. ~;;~"""'' Thirdly, For that he lmeth m the Temple ofGod, and . . . fo did nor Mahumet. By the fixth Angel wtrh the fixth Vta] ~ mtallt, as beFourthly, Bccaufe he is an c~lter of himftlf, ~nd fittet!J fore .d~e lafl: Plague (a~e one that fhall come upon the more like a god than a man m ?<~me, whe.rrof ft:e more Chriilians. By the Kmgs of the Eafi arc ~~;:~t:~