Prophecies concerning the TNr~, and Pope, which ofthem i5 thegreater Al!tichrijl. 86~ _{~!~~} ~:a~t~f·E:;t~%~~v~~{~~Jfi:d ~:~~Y ~~t~;t;';?u~f~ r~~ 2~~~~h~re~:~· ~~~c~ ~~et~U~~~i~~~·.!~h~rr he prepared by the Lords appoinrmmt, to come out of Kmgdoms, Provmas,, Towns., Cafl!cs, Villages, and ~fr~~~h!~~!~n fcr~~~~~:h~z;~~~ ;~eT~; ~~~~~~ag;~~ ~~~n:;;~:! ~~(us~~:;~~ht~er:~~ Iftnv three undtan j}irits like Ji"f.l• came Cltt of tiN anddoingsofPopclnnoctntag:ainfi King:Jabn; ~r~~ ::::/o:;f ~~b:':ff~~ ;:te r:tp::;:::,"t ~t;b:;:a,1; En~~=d~(~h~~h~t~~~ 0:r~:~~:c~~~.~t~s t~:a~i~~u~ ofl•thr• j}irits ,f;wiJ1 , Min( wonders, togtJ unt() tbt Kmgs t-[ not grant unto hu!l themvefimg ofhts Btfhops. Mark wdl ,. ~iiJ.... ~':t;:t~t:~~~· ::t afa;b~t~z:f::!:'d:;;~:;t;:::t&~: ;:o;~!r;,~tcdf~h~r~:~~~~a;t:~~~~ t~~;~: E~~t And it ~Uoweth fhortlr aft~, And_ he affimbfed them trr cond_, tre:tdmg upon ~he neck o£ Fwleri'c111 ·f!arbar~Qa, L•~· •· bul ~:::e:;:::~ !';:;P~;~,~::,;;~,j;~:&f::rtt~;t;;t: ~-~:l11!~~~~:~~::~n~1(oat~~~~!~t ~~(e ~?; :~.;~~ it follo~·eth .m r_he, And ~he [Mirn~hAngel lie twn~ upon htmfelf, TRPUfUam a/}11 & haftJ,(cus ju- . JX!IIrtd tilt hu v,.,J m the a1r, and~ m1gh1J 'fJOICt c~m~ per utnculam ambulans, & rt~nqttam Uo & Jrt~cflerm-- ~::: :;:;J~&1. ~t!b;1ir {:~:~ :=~. ;~: :1~:-~:,.·andCo~yn;f=~~f1~!t;~·~~~h toward the lafi confu~mation of the World ~eat force have hm1 thOe fiX hundred years, and wh.J.t Dragon or ~J~~ ;h:r::rJtl~~hl ~~~~~ a~d~~l~:P~~ ~r:~~':~~~ f;k a~:rs: ~r:n~~~~a::It ~;~ higheH, and thencometh theconfummation, Wtth Jaflum felves. . . · , ejl,&e. . ltfolloweth mort?vcr in the fame Prophecy of the : ·.• Wh~c;fore it is110t for ~10ught that the_ holy Sptrit of Apocalyps for the thm:i Argument, And he duth aU the ~}o~Mr~ God ill the fame place, a lmle bd'ore th~\ doth pqwer of rhefirft Beaff prtf~,ltly ~e(Qre his faa, anJ eau· pourouthisVial, do_the~honall. thefuithfu_l , faymg, .Bt · ftrh tbetarth, r#ndaO _rhemhafmantsrbertin, roJJo-r ~;:'b.. .. =~~;£;i~~tt;t:tt;,~::;:n;::t:;h!':fatt~ ~~~k~J,'::~ :!~,1~~c~eaff, the jlrspt of whofc. JeadiJ wound wn ~~~ mti£1;j~~j;~nef::~~d Ptt~lils Bifhop of Burdens, and. ~~~ ili~fi~~1, t=~o(~~e:.~: 0f~n:f:~ t~~ ~:~~ :::~ ~;-b;.v::~x;~~l.~~tl~;,{~ <=;~.: ~~~ ~::i1fchiss;=:r~~~w~~~~:~.((T~~'! ~Pe~~o~~ ri~;:~c n. P.o- Beafi nhng PUt ol the tarth, h.lVmg the horns of a La~b, the Apocalyps d_e_fcnlxd, havtng feven hea.ds and ten horns, upoouuicil. ~,.?..~ &c. do apply the ~ame .to Mahumtt.and the Turks, w~th mu!l needs ligmhe the City o£ Rome_, whtc~ may eafily be difculftd, a folmm Dedarauonmadeupon the fame. Which m· proved by twodcmon!lrations, F1r!l, bythecxpofitioli terprt-canon of theirs, alth().lgh iu fom~. point~ it may of the 17 Chap~er of the C3me Apoea{yps, where is de-- feem to have fome appearance of probabillly, nrnher cati dared and defcrtbed the faid BeaH to Hand of fevm Htlls, it be ~enicd but that Mahumtt and the Turk be pdli_lem and to COI~tam ten Kin£t> having the _whok powiT of the Adtfhf~ iJ!dptckcd.:nem_irsof Chritloorl..ord~ and moll btttC!" Dragong~v~n; andal!Qthefa~e Cttytobenamc-d !JuonofiM Perfecutors of h1s Church ; yrt ~ rouchmgthc pro~ and Wl»re ?f BRbJion, ~run~n 'lJ11th.the bloml of t~t Sam~s. ~!!.~ natural ~caning ol t.he Apolll~ m that pla~, _fprak111g of All whiCh proprrt1rs )Oyned t.ogether, can a~tt ~~ nowtfe ot~. the&l fe Larttb,&c: tf weconltdrr well all t~e cmumllanccs b_ut onl_yto_the He~thenEmptrtofR-,,whtch.Cnyarrhat of that lkafi, and mark the conftqutnce ot the T exr, both ume ofwrmng rmfeProph«irs had the govcnmmr ot rhe ~~.ft ~~~~~~!~br~~~i~~: . ~~L~~=~~h ~~ef;n~;s,~~~ :; 1be w;~~T~et ~~~ :~~:nd~ ~o~~:e~:~ ~.~: &~~~:1 ~ucS~~~~J. :lj S;~r:n:C:r;i~~~l ~:_:d~~~~~~ ~~~~fi ~a~ ~\\~;r ~~~!,' t~~r:,o t~t ~-:~rr:, :: P:;;. tbc ~t:d~~~ ~~ ~~:ts~r~~~~d~m~~~d~~~~: 1:~:~1~~c~~ ~~~f:jh~~~b~tJ:g~e::~ ~~~a~r~~;h~'1m~f~ to be proved bylix.pnndpal caufes or argummts. ~~~~:%~)Prr:~~i~:d1~~:~u~'a5n~=rrh! 11~r~~;; "'nK &rll The firft is, for tl)at this Bea!l is dd"cribed to .brar the ~~iDns of the He~then Emperors of RfJmt, as is afore fpe-- u.r- ~oms of~Lamb; Byrhewhichlamb,noOOubt, tsmeant CJh~. , Chri!l. Bt the horns of th~ Lamb is ~gni!Xd t~~ outward ~hich. thing thus lb.ndin~ prov~ and conf'diCd, that , fheworrdemblanceofChrili_oorSaY!OUr; wh!Chfbewor dlehrfilka!lm~llttdsli~mfietheEmpire and City t_efembll:ncecan have no relatt~l to Mahum_tt, for that he R~mt, thm mu!l 1t ntcdfanly follow thatth~ feoond . Bcafi ,..., ofrbc taktth hunfdfto be a~ve_ Chnfl, _and <;:-hnlt as an excel· With the Lam~ Homs., mu!l lignifie the B11hop and Pope:::~~~ lmt Prophet of God httmg at hts feet. Wherefore: ftt· of the fame Ctty of Romt. There~fon whtrrof is evident of the ~~~~d;tt~~:htl::i~~~~~~~n~ c~!\onchi~: ~~C'f:ry;~C'd~~~att,:thj~~t fr::d'~!~~fi,thha~i:hr:Y~ ~~":c~l; but oqly to_him which openly m plam wOJ1s prote!lc-th, Homs of a Lamb, received and exercifed all the ppwtr thatal_ICimllsLambsandShttpnotfingularly, butuni- ofthefir!l&ill, bef~eorinthe fightofthefaidlkaft;. •• 1.,.;1~. vcrf~lly thrqugh .the w!lole world, are committed to him which cannot be verified either in the T urlts or in any- . 8-~""'·*"asV!carofChrifi, andfuccdforofPmr,andthatallmen othc:r, but only inthePope of Rome, who (as you U:e) zr••· & r.nuft confefs the fame of t~m:ffiry, or Hfe they are none of reoo.verh, ~th and deriveth to himftlf all the po~·tr . Chrifislheep,&c. Wheremitiseaf~etofttwhtretht:pre· o~that City andMonarc~yof&me; infomuch dut he The~ The r«ond t~~e~df~~~:~,d~!t';; /JJifkt like tht Dragm, ~~~~h~ha~~:~~~d i~d~:'~that~i~iJ:sS:v~htmID~~ ~l~~!f uat"orl. &c. _A l,.an;ilis HQmS and the Mouth of_ a Dragon do t10t his own,and that WhiCh of right and duty belonged to him lf.r.w,, {~;;;}:!~~":'~~~;~'a~~~~~~dfo:~~ tlf:~of!~~~i;~~J:; bef~~ this authority or power ov~ all rhe Ernpi~o£ Turk or other (if~e judge truly~ fo lively,_as it l the,Bilhop Rome he: worketh not in Ajia, or in Cmftln!tinoplr 3S the of Rome•. When th~uhea~fih_Jm call h1mfdf The Aprr Turltdoth, buth!th~fight of the &all ";'Inch. gav~ him .ftolm:IBijbop,TheVstt~rofChn/1, TheSum./JQrof Pet~r, thc:pown:, that IS, mt.heCJty of RomtJ.tftlf, whtch is ~tt~:H:~1of:t~b~:;d\~~jd·nTrtt:kf~~~~0ht~ {~~?&aft here in this Prophecy of the Apoc111Jp1 d~· a Lamb indeed, and fuchaoneaswoWdwa!hyourfetr . . . f~r humility; but hear him fpe3k, and you flull find Fourthly,_ .Jt follov.uh more, AnJhe ~aU[eththe tarth,i~~~' .. y;u 1 • 111 • ~~~D~n;oo: ~:~lt:~~e::~~:g,0~~::ru~~ ~:; ~~:ft, ':v~~!bb:J:1~:~i; ::o:~j~tJ;:; ::;;'; J-~:~7£: .and thrc:atrung Empaoo, KU~g5, J)ukes, Ptjnces, Mu· Tbt llltt!J'relatlon of tb15 ~d· /J j(o of all the~~~