The true Plate of H~~.t and Jerome, among the Bohemians. ~:;:~; It followeth furth~ in Muhodim, concludin~ his Pro- Proph~ca1 words of Brigit, Lib. 4: Ct~p. 57· ~cerning ,_,. 6 Lord • ~c- phcfte, A"1thm (fatth ht)jlutll ap~ar the 'o~mg of the the Ctty and Chureh of R_onu, which_ as lhe fitth, mu.ft of~it~~~. mrllt. [on of manmrlu ckudsof H_cavcn;wuh ulefltal glor],&C. bt p~~r~ttl and foowred wuh _rhra thmgs, to wir, "lllith wntt~ Whn-~forc after the bunung of thcfe two notable P~ Jl'a_rp jlvord, wttb fire, lfnd wub the plough, and that God ~ets, wnh m~ny other thoufan~ burned alfo li ncc thetr UJ//1 do w:th that City, as one that rtmO't!eth ~!ants out if ~~:~; ~'fcf,~~n~P j ~~g~:;; i~~ ';h~0 cl~u~~o~g:~~:1f~ ~~ fl~/[:;;a::';h:j:~~;:;e,a": f,":~~;:p,:;J~;%Za~J~; Vmi c1to -Domim, Amtn. sl:m to bt jlam off, the blood to bt drawn from the jlejl1 to And thus much touchi1_1g Jl-!tthodiils, of whofc Proph: bt wr in fmaOpims,11nd the b~nts thmif to bt brol:m,fo lies, how much or how hctk IS to be ~etmed, I kavc 1t that all the marrow. ~a; bt quifod fi"om tht ]ame,&c. But ~1S;::~~:h£J,£i~~:~:t:,~~~~J;~~~: ~~~~~~zi::~ag;,~,::~~~~~E~~; ~~~~ riuJJws, Dt nO't!iffimu tempor1bt11, neu~er H:eromt m Ius many thmg of the Sirt~ of Chnfl: wtder h1gujftJt, and of ~~~t~~in~~~c~ht~fe~/:~ 1u~h:;;';;~;;cs:~;!:% ~~ec~!r~~~v?rit~B~r~~ aG~~~r~~p:i~~d'o~f~:;:,~:,: nrl'rop~·any mentLon. As touchmg HJ/J~gard1$andBngtt, and &c. haththefew?rds, Afttrthat rhepeaaa_b!t B~/ljl,aU!~~?'~"_. ;,~;::;?If.0t~~~~f~~2~~rfir~~:t; ~f~Y.~€~!1~~~%J~if~Fff:.1~r.~~~ ~~.~·?:;no ~~.u::~ ~~~ ~a:m~h;1~ =~~.n[~a;h;r,:;;d~ j b/e7,0 .:;;~~;~~~::~:};::;';,~0bf:~tf,'•a!~J ~~iiJ ;~j giVe fome attempt ag:unf"l England by the Seas, before that fbaU be JOJ11td -w1th Humamt;, tlx Lamb jb11U l;t 1# Ha;, ~7. 8:f.~;: lte ~f,;o~~f:h ~~~~~1t off ouny rdHrnonics and revc- j::,~q";;;~';,jt:::J::,fl,:~ ;~ b:[:;t "a':::::;:h~~::: "lanons of dxfe above faid, or el(e I could here rchcarfe the (Hmcifod, &c. AltO,An agttl woman fl111fl,oncm;e 4 chtld, h11ving