Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A Table of tbe Turks, rPith thei<Wars a11d hloody Cruelty. pltfo~;u;;l~:· ttm;g;;:a~ Turk I th~~;i,:~t4~~i:;;~~;~~;l;~~~~ ~ ~~!~~} ~,~~':! g;,~·z.,~rz:~ie': ;~}~~rt.~ I ~,:;;;:;;1,; f.::'~~r~.~ ~r;h:"'r.,::.~''h j &7Lf.p>.. ~~:~~~ 3~~\:~ti 1~~~;fy;~~~ ~~~~~: I Ba~"kn 1 ~!9j-~eth~l~~~~~;¥(~:;t, I Albeit Frederic11s the Second Emperor was I T;rus, Sul~HJ, and Bmthus m Syna I :'~r~:~~~u~;v:'d~~c~h~~i~~~;n~~fu~ IS ~~';cl~~~,~~~:~'b~~~=%~~ :;~ I thcviolcnccan~perfrcuuonofthcBt~opof · dan,ractdandcafidowntothcground,and ~ed~~~~l~~~~n~it~~hth~b~~;~lTafo~~~~; :~~c~~~;~~~~:A~~~C~lnd\~~~~~~:~~e ~~ years, and fo returned. After wluch tlungs I C1ty whJCh the Chn!hans had m Afia So ~~;~·~~~t ~~~~~~~g~~~~te:~ a~~.;~n~.tll~r~~~al1~ ~:tLSnfa~ t::r~!T~fcn1~1 ~~~~~ft~t ¥busf: fso years. which was Ptolomau, or Aktr1, was alfo Enptzan Soldans and th~ Tartanans re1gn-l taken from them by the Sulr;m,fo that now cda'nd ranged over eh~ moll part of Ajia the Chrifii:ms had not one foot.l..:ft mallAfia. above th~ Turlu, ull th~ u1gn of Ottomad An.1230. Thus th~ChrifitaJlS bei.ngdri-l nus the Grat Turlt., about the fpac~ of nn out o.f Ajia by the Sultans ~nd Turlt.1, ([ ~nd chi!S have ye th~ w~ole difcou e of the Turkifh ye~ th~ fa!d T;1rlu :md Sultam dtd not long fi~ry,wtt.h t~etr Narr~rs,Coumnes, To"':"lS, Dominions, alfo r.,,.,;~,: ~~~t~;~;~~ii,e!~hee~~:i~:~.~~ 100 year$. :::J: 1de1f~~~~~~:';~~U~~~~~~~~!t\t.~%h!:~ p,.,.c.~~~ ~~bd~gJ~~~~At:tsb~/1t~~:~~:t~~ I ;;~ ~~ kno!~~A~~;:~~::~~:~~ ;~~~~t:~: ~::1~:~1;~~~dAg~~:~,~ea~~: ;re~~;z:~~:~~:,.,;~~h~ ~~~·~~~~t:.'~i::;~;h~:- !~~ei~~;::·,n~~~~~ri~o~~~~c~::J~.fh;~ ~~;~~~i~\~~~"fr~~~~fv~~i~t?c~~:r,:kn ~~~i~o~ ~t~;fo~ ;~~d~~,~~::;~~a~~ca~~~ I th~~~~Jr~b;,~:t~~Jnt~n~;::~·r;r,:'rc:ier) to WbJ u. to fcrve lum m Ius wars.Wh."h capttvtsa~d confider, which is worthy tbc noting, how th~ Bifhop ofPof1 n~~o ~;~ni~ ~~;~:h;~J'a1h:::~h~~e~ ~~~:~~ I ~;: ~~t~~~~~o{~(~r}:~h~i!~fit~~~~~~~t~~~~~~r:~~~ ;e~:u fervice grew m favour and dlnnauon w~th mg upon Chn~l:Ul PrnJCts and fub)c:ds to take the c~ the (ai~Aftlubfala,and began more tom· and towaragamH th~ Turlt.1; whereupon fo many great crcafe m nu.mber and firength ; at length voyagrs have bern. made to the Holy Land, :u1d fo many they flew Inm, and took to thcmfdves the Battds fought aga.mfi the Turlt. andSoldan for winning th~ name and Kmgdom of the Sultan.And t.hus 1 h?ly Crofs; and yet n~ lucky fuccefs hach followed thereof :~~::;;. ~fu;~n~~~~i~~:~,~:~~~~~~ti~~~~~~~~~~;~: J ~h~~~':h: ::~i~1:dttb~t::}~ili~,·, :::;:d fedJ,. about the fp~.c..:, as IS f:ud, of 1 agat~,t~ that grat ('Jlemy of rh~ Lord; lnfomuch that the: An.124o,After the de:tth of Mtlubfola, Chriihans ha\'e loll not only all t~t they had in Ajia, but the Army of tbefe forefa1d and CIJ?" alfo.are (~able to defend that ltttl~ they ha\·~ in Europe ~:~ f:n~~:. ~~~~~~h:r ac!11j ;ttl:; I :~·~:~;~~i;:·it i;~!J~~':n~~ meniT11. Who to fill up the t~umber of t~eir I mufe as their mmd leadeth. ,and as the Go.fpd faith, He that company tlut it fhould n()( dJminifh,devifed ha eh eyrs to fee, let him fte. This is ctttain, tlut as there ~~d%~:~·~~~e\~~l~bf~mc~h~ria~:~~ I ~f;':r:k: :~ 0th:teb~fin~~fu~nt~:~=~:~f:h~~ and the modlt:I"S lap; whom they I hath lacked no courage nor fittngth of mm,no contributi- :~x~~C~i'rn~m:C!l,a~~~l~~~~y!~~: ~bi,~~~raf~ r~~f;~~01 bJ~~~~f'~~::;~ ~ bumtls Law, and afterward to be tramed m luve lackOO. The rcafon and t:tufe whereof I V.'Ollld Jt were th~ feats of war ; and thde wett called Ma·i {o afi~ to be reformed, as it may be quickly conftrued. For :::~;~":.b1 malucbi. Am01~g whom this was their .or· what man beholding th~ life of us. Chrifiians., will grotly dcr,that none~mght beadva11ced co beKmg I m~rvd why the Lord goe~h net wtd~ our ~my to fight a· bm out of thetr own number, or dfe chofen gamfl the Turlt.1? And 1f my vcrdtfr m1gllt here have by tht·m; neither that any !hould be .made plac~,for me to add my cenfure, there apptareth to me an· K11ights or Horfcme~1,but only thcCh!ldrcn orher caufe in this matter, yet grt:tter than thi$ : of ChriOiat.lS which (hould d~.ny Chnl.llx-~ wl.tich to make .plain and ~ident~in full difcourfe ofwords, fore, called Mamalucbi. Alfo 1t was among le1fure now dnth not permit. Bm·fly to touch what I con· ~~c;~;:~~~~~~:~~~~J~ ~d~~{:{ed'.~~:~: I ~~~1fi~~YF~h~~:~d:l~;!~·a,~~a,ce~~ ~:~~o:c~~~t~: ~} that the fu..:ce~on thereof {hm!ld not de·[ ~od, lu~ not bc:cn fo corrupted in the .Chu~h of Ronu;or <>«! olff fcend to the chtldrcn and off·fprmg of thcfc fl60 years. if t.h' B. tlbop of Rom.e would yet reda•m. hLS impure Idola· .w. ..,1,:· ~~:~:n:11d~~ t3!~c:~l:~~~hil~:~~ ~~~~~~i~\~~ :: i:~;~~~~~i~~~t:~~ ~~~ ofcheforefaidSultan,but~ould~obyvoicc lyJufti~cation,accordmgtothefrtepro.mlfe.ofGodsgrace;ft""" and eltdion. ~he Tartartam w~th Tur'l~t-~ lnothmg doubt, but rh~ power of thLS F:mh, grounding menius their Kmg_, about th~ ume obta.Jn· ~ly ~pon Chrifi t~ Son of God, had b01h framed our 00. T11rquia, th3t IS, Ajia mmor, from t~1e h~tS m_ro a better d1fpofition ; and alfo foon would,or r~t ~;~ia~~~ d~~t~;,~;~oe}:~~~:Jt~e~f:~ \ ~~i?~ ~~~ 1 ~:~J;i~f~~~~~~~ ;:~(y";~; p~~ their Kingdom, and fo continued thdc Ma· I ro thc mtld voice of Gods word,·' rhmk not contrary, but malucbi reigning ova Egypt, and a gr~t I he !hall be compel]~ at Jail ro wvc place and r~ to.the r;;~ ~~;'{{;;,~:11 \~~~c~~a~fd~ft~;db~~~d ~hc~1 ~'~~~~~;e 'T,;:/!~~ :he:· Pt;~~;~rd~~;i~g~~1~~h~ hanged at the Gat~ of Mr~pbu, by Ztlr 1 th~ can, the truth and grac~ of Gods Tdlamc-m (hall fru· m111 the Turk,father to this Solymanmn,a.s_J Cht!e and .inmafc by fuch ~t:tns as the Lord !hall work, ''•Jt[o;.-. :~~~~1~;~o;1;eisf;~:l~f· Thefe MamRluch• 4 ~~~~~ ~~~~:~~~:1 ;lf~~.~~~~~~~ ~:::d) co 40me ~