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A Prayer againjl tbe Tur/,J. Certain godly men beari11g Fagors. 877 A Prayer againll rhe Turks. {~;!} INd~~~i~~~~gr~~~·~ w!~t!~f~~:ru::o~ ~(~{ > ~t~~t~~ 1~00 ~~7ed~~~~~~:l~~: Sar•mu and Turlu agamfi the Chn!hans, thou haft to as he went to his bunung. ~~~~~31~n~ic~~ ~~~~(y ~;;;f:d b:h ibra~~ ~~~ d~l1~!, t:ai~l_~h~~~f~C:;r~~: ~~:r~rn;:. ,. ;.:~£:0. ~:·~::~E~o~:~:J&~;;;~;,;::~f.~~~ ~~:~d~~·~~~:~~~~~(~~·~;~;j; ~*~~ Antlch•Ht orgrc:tttt.:'nuchnfi, l tY,"!!recafieto ~eand Judge, that there went tlnrtttn Lollards afo~ the Procdlion m ~~P~~t the Twk IS _rhe mon:: OfX'tl3.1.~ ~amfefi encmyagainfi Pauls, and d1ere were of them etght women and a Chrill and Ius Church. Bur 1f 1t be asked. whether of young Lad, and the Llds Mother was one of the eight, therntwohathbttnthemorebloodyandpenuciousadvcr· and all the thimcnbcar Fag(lts onthcirnecksaforethi: fary w Chrilt and his members ; or whether of them bath Procdlion. confiuncdaad fpilcmore Chrifiianblood, he withfword, , or this with_ fir~ and (word te~cthcr-; neither is it a_light W illiam Tylfworth Martyr. mJttcrtodtfccm, neither is ttmy part here to d1fcufs, ~~!1 ~h~:~ro;;~}~crt~~ ~~~0~{ t~~~~~:e~~~%~f~~ f~f~~m~~ as ~:i~0~~~(e~G~~; 1~wth:~e fu~n~c~~~ now to rtc:ntt'f again there where we left, in dcfaibing the and caviUing ~ays of ours, dl:lt nothing can be fo cir~ domd\ical troubleS and perfecutibns here at home uitdcr tht cumCpedly wntth1 and lluricd, but lhalllyC in danger of ~J[f.~ ~1f[J~~!4I~}~E:~{~f~~~1 ~~~ii.~~~:~f~¥~~l~~~~~~~:~r.~ fercd the p.llnSOfbunungm Smuhjit/J,aboutthefamemne, as mnch poffibilJt}' :IS l nuy, be it known to a\~ an~ fulwhkh_was the !car of our Lord, 1500. Ex Pol;chron g<~lar fuch_~fotls1 \\·ho by C\•ide~'tcc- of truth and mmd$ me~t:~l ~~:d~3t~:r c!r!;~~~· ~a~ o;nJ·h~~:~~~~ r~~~l :;t~a:~:~~~s:~.~~c:~e Jhi~:ltrl~;;&ttnb:a~,::.l~di Wilham_Cary Citi1en (albeit thl': day .~f the month ofthisihlt l fballd«lm. A!(othmiso~_thef3idcompa.~ <lo!IJ a httle dillCr) wherein is thus tdhhcd , That on . cy, one uam&:l Wilisam Page,an aged Fatller and yet ahvc, ~,:;r:!:arh~~:~·J;~id ~1;~bur~~~~~:h~~~~b%/~a~~~ l ~~!d~~v~0 ~~~~~~~bout:~0c 31~t~he;f~~~~~~(r£i;~~:h~~~ k~~~~~~~~:b-~1~~~.t~~o~id\~a~r~~fc::~~t~f :1~;h~ha~:~~;;~; 3;;~~ \f~~~~h ~ltr~?~~e ~:~:6i:1 i~ct~ayD~~n~~