Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

88o AWomarz Martyred. Dollar Whi((ington Jlrtin b; a Bull. ~~~e(~£~~~(~i~~~i·a~fu'iJ: h::d ~~UJ;~~y i~~~~ ~~~~~1h i~~n;~~~~}~JJ ~~:t:;~th~~e~u~~ ~~~~~tl ;:!1:1~~~~ { ~:~~.} dcdare the fame. uon and wonder of:l.ll them that faw it. Although the carnal ((IJfe of man be blind in conA Faithf 111l Wo111an burned. ~~cr~~~dtl~~a~;~h~f :~~~~~~hicil:np~-~lym;:ait~im: A nou~lc · B ~~a~;o:~~v~ f~~ff;!ted efro~1;;; ~~i~ew?;~f~J~ ~~tsf~n~~i&;~\~~~n~~v~~~~~e :n1;~t ~~~ tt: f~ ~~~~~ ;:~:t • :~1~o~ ~~;:!1 • nor!b~n~~~J . ~~~~~~:~wi~;Jn ;h~ ~:~~ ;~;~1 tPo:~e~~dtlj~~~~~~nbor~a::~ 'cl~~,~~~i~~~f bum•~ In Jcmonllrauon of Gods trughty power and Judgment thiS w~etched Cha1ted\or, .and alfo in admonilbing all ~~r:;~- ~~~~o:St ~[¥n~!mfloc~:n ~~~~~ea~v~~~~~u;:~ll ~~ea ~= ~~~~ol~t~:f~~~~~~e~rk!l~~~t1~7lc ' to fear rhe Lord, ~~t~~ ~~n~~~:t t~n~=t~~~1~~~f~~f·f<i~:'"J;m~ ~n!!0;.n_;0fl_~d ~~~n%i:1!~ ~~~ ;h~n~ :fhlr;:d~~~:~ the St..>venth. I cann6f _JUil!fie, therefore to flop fud~ cavdling mouths Wlt111 r. to The conlb.ncy of which bl(ffed Woman, as it is J ~ will dtfdt:u_ge my felf with"'anthomy I t1un fufficKnr' rh~ftory. glorious for all true godly Chriflians to behold ; fo t~at is, with the wr,tndS of him whk~ both was a Pa: agait t the ex:tmple ol t~e Bifhops Chancdlor, whi<.:h p11l, and alfo prefent :tt the CJme ttme at the buming cmelly oomdemned the mnocem, may offer a terri· of the Woman, ' whofc_ name: 'Wi Ruwlanti/Ytbb; blc f~clc to the eytS of ail Papifii'?-l perf~t?rs which R(I'W/~nJ, d1~dlmg then in C&aping-SaJbury, ~COl~:~~ ~h~~a~ ~!t:.xam~e'n~~~~~f t!he 4~:~ ~~fi~ t;,;~~~wt~bafc:j,~~:f~g ~;~i~ 00j1~~; where: fhc was Martyred, was, as IS faid, Chtllpmg- hiS troub1e f1X rears together, was hunklf imprifoned S11Jbur;. The name of the Woman is not as yet an_d pnfccmed for the fame caufr. Unto t!k which come to my knowkdge. The: name of the Chance)... RichaYJ Wt!Jh, bdng now :~gcd, then young, the foreJar, who condemned h~r, was_ called £?aCtor W~it· faid R.D'ut/anJ his Father, to the intenr ro exhort ··~··~ ~~,:~c ~eK~~e_;fn~~hebun~~~h~r~~~~h~h~f!'~ ~~~~~ :,~. (~n~f t~~fl~th~ 35bu%h~~~f~~ :; ::=-~ ~ ~~~dla~~:,~e:u~~ t~pbc m~~~cd~f t~~~~~sH~ ~d:' ~~;~~~~i~~~fd<liJhfcefica%t o;r~~lB~h~o;~: Jlory brought tO my han~nd that in fuch conve- rh~d< Wtbh IS yet l1\.ing, a witneJS of his own Fa· 11ieut f(afon, as 1 was drawing toward the end of th~ thcrs words and trfiimony, which I rru1l may fltisfie ~~~r[~it~~lf r~ce_i~~rr~~i~~~/m~;, aJr;? %ei~~ ~~rt 1dr~n~·~~;:~d,; ~~~( ~~ir ~~chasisr~~n~h~~ out Gods holy w1ll and provJdrnce, that tlus forrf:nd Porru~. txnmplc ~oukl notl}'l' hid and unrn_nrmbrrd, but ~f~~~ ;~1g','S!~:O~d~1gk·;:~~c~~:·,o~e~f~1a~~~itr!~ Verfo1 to11ching the [ante Thomas Hatcherus. kcpt,requirctll . w:~t~1dc%~lJ~~y~~:~;~~~;j ~h;~e~~~t}~bZ!c~~~~ M~Jrix::t:• ~;~~:~:e ~1JI;at;;:'i~~:t"nJi ~~~ ~0~\·\~fc~ll:hi('~;pi: t~~~ :~~ ::~~Ol~n1 Ptrr':1 ~~~'f;:,.or;;m:ra'{:;;;:e::n::~a nota tjf, ~~c~ti:d ::JS ~t~c;~~~d:,'~ ;ca~r:t:rcr~~;;r f;J;,;;zm;j;~;,.{:;g::languif, all the ml~tirude, both in the Town and Country about Omni~ fu.nt Domin! dtxrr.e- [ubj~fla ~tmti, ( · · c~~~~~~~;;n;;~~~~":!,;;~;; Juo. Evllans, [r11fl{) (unt rtptntt fugtt. F{)rfe villm qu:s turba fnqums conjluxtralllnlr, T~~z;~!'~,i:::::;~~~=~~hE~::::~{)~ Sol11r &_ unus erat, rapiJos qu~ mijit in igntr, Et E:~~:)~;;fo1r7i:,(f,:t ~;:erft~",n~s; C~rmbur hu~c toi!Jt, pottYJt h~nc ptdsbul, lilt Jl1ctf, madtdo. ftrd~tur [tmgum~ corpus ~ruta perque~Jasvi{ctra~arfapurnr, fl!!u nrm a Dommo, nufls qm ttmpernt orbtm, ~o[.iftt _h~c jirri,_ non rtpundo trtmllt ? Ulrto tr-r;sbt!tt co~mtatstr 1"./t" proct~las, Stralmt, ctrfll p11jfibus tlla vnllt. And thus much concerning the JlateoftheChurcft, Whercinistobcunderflood, wh:lc fiOIJilS andptt{KUtionshavcbcm rniftd upin _allqt.Wtcrsagainflthcflock :~~ ~~n~~tio~~~~n~ri~h·~~ b~yt~~r~h~~'fR:: :~ndhisrrtinur. Whm:alfoitistobenotrdinthcdays ~;drl~ei~o~,i~i~~t~~f f;~~:Uri~~~~ ' '"' ;.;,y foe <hdkofi .I cn:afcd, and whatgre1t numbers of men and wmpcn have: ~~{: ~r:~~j~~:~:~~~~~,~~;~~~j~~~~ I fuffrrrd. fur the fame: with usinlinglllnd, as by ilicfe fioritSabovcpafimaybc 3pplrtllC. Nowthdi: things_ dcdarcd, which to_ the ~'urch:J"J!:' f~~~hln~ ro ~~;r;3~~~~~ 'ftar~~i~~~~~~} t~r ~=: = we1lth, which commonly doth follow the Jbtr of the lo•... thtO. Church. \Viler~ rhe Church ii quietly and rnoddlly go- ~t'"'t vamd,