Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

882 Tbe deatb of lCi11g Henry. Certain perfons per{ecllled at Coventry. !~~ d"id~l~~fo~~·~~t:~:; ~~~~(h~!/h~1f th;ilti~e)~£ RObtrt Crowthtr of the f:une City. was accufed that{~~~~} the other Kings lxfore named. ~e was an Herenck, lxc:mfe he dt~ hold, that' who-~ .. ,,.,.. And therefore, as the Jlate of the Commonwealth doth fo rtcetveth the Sacrament of the Altar m dt:~.dly fin, or commonly follow the fiate of the Church~ as ye heard out of charity, r«civcth nothing but Bread and Wine. before_; fo it had been to be wifho:l, that thlS Kit~g Hmry Ittm, That neither Bilhop, nor PrirCts or Curati'S of 7t"hbemg ochcrwifca prudc:nt and umperate Pnnce, had Churches, have PO\'cr in the Market ofPemnce to bind not pcrmitted rh~ unt_empcnte rage of the Popes Clc_rgy fo and loofc. much to have thctr wdl.s over the poor flock of .chnJl, as Item~ Th~t Pil~hna~c to the Tmage of our Lady of Again~ PU.. then they had; aa:ordmg as by chcfe _perfecutcons above Tcnuer lSfooldhncls; for it is but aHockoi a fionc. Brllr>l&~. mentioned may appear. The whicl~ Kmg Htnry the Seventh, albeithebada(ufficicntcuncmuancc,who hadnow Rcigne~ 24 yc:~rs, yet notwithflanding !me comech the ;~;;~~~~~gh~/~~~:y~et;:~~;r; :o t~~j:C:J~:ilh~~~~~~: oo:•-:• ·•··•···• ~""'" an~ togotowmck throughmifordcrandnegligencc, the State of the Commonwralth cannot there long endure wichoutfome altcmtion, and flrokeof Gods correCtion. But ~~;::B~~r,!~~~~h~::~h:~:~:~:~:b::::,::, :: howfoevcrthismarkistohetaken, thus licththe fiery. thataftertheburningandvcxingofthefepoorfervantsof Chrillaboverecited, whc1~theperfecution lx-gan now in the Church eo be hot, God calleth away the King, the Jt~t;;'b f~~~el~~n~t~~=~t~~~~~· }=~i~,Vho/6e0~;d ~~~)!~ R 0cra~rHcr:tck:hl!::~e ~~yd~,~~~f~h:t~~cdm:~R'tltlt .. ~ .. u.wr,. ::~:: fro%e S~i~~~r~r~·~~~:~~y.~~r~~ ~; ~~~t~~~~ rhe 0~t~fcihrf~~t ~a~;:, t~~t;: 7:SK1~ ~!,~.~ great vertues of_fingul3rwtfdom, excdlcm temperance,a_nd m1ght}', who would give him whatfoever he would ask. ili~~~~{;h~~~~i;}~ ~~~~ ';~~~;e~d:~~;d ~~ th:~J~;r!~~a~/~\~1i:~~trifr. his hand, nor looked up, at inferior bt~t tO a few ; ~t this J&d which lacked in him, !tun, That he promiftd oue to !hew him certain books was fupphe.. ~nofi luckily ( bldfcd be the Lord) by his pc-- ofH'!efie, if he would fwear that be would not utter them fl:erity fuccttdmg after lnm.. Ofwhom in the next Vo- and 1f he would credit them.. ' lumn followh1g ( Chri!l thereunto allifiingus) we have Itttn, Thathedideatf!cfhhl Lmt, and was taken wichFJr111tnlo~ tofpecifiemoreatlarge. themanner. lnl.f~•· ~~l'lrc.. Ki1~nJ;;~r~n:1~!S0~~~~t~~h~~;~~i~~::~a0ff~et~c~;fi~~tl~ lon~:m;nJfit~1:fte m;~n;\6d~~:J~ ,~~~~jn ~ ~:~r~~: a~[~ certain_godly pcrC011S ~rfecnted ~n the Dioce!S of CIYt!tntry could n_ot, if he had no more but contrition only, he lhould a1:.d Lt~hfi~U, as we hnd themm the Rcgill:ers of the Dio- pafs to JOY without _Pmgatory: And if he were confdfed of c~(Th~'~:~f;~;e~~lj~~i~§5, ~arch the 9th, amon_gfi :e~:~;;;;~: ~·h: rl~~~~~~~~~~~~~dfal;a~:at~;~;:~~fu~~~~ :£:t ~~:~~~d~~ ~~~~~~~~t~:e~~':~;d1 ~fo::?ob~t~~~u~f ~Sfi~~ry for that fin, he would never be confdfcd for Aaricw.r.. CIYt!emrJ and LitchfidJ in Saint M1chaels Church, UJXlll Ium, Becmfe he fa id all is loll that is givf:n to Pridls.. thcfc Articles following in order.. lt~m, T hat ~here was no Purgatory,. that would par· Aptnli lrfi, Jobn Blomfton was openly and publickly infamtd, don all fms, wuhout conftllion and fatisfad:ion.. iE:~~~":£ ... Jl*·•· F accufed, ICJXll"ttd and appeached, that he was a very THomas Butltr of the fame City was Iikewife open-- n.. Blllln, Hnctick, lxc!ufc:hehadpmched, taught, holdenandaf- ly accufedtobe a very Herctick, bttaufe he did [~§f ~~igf.~~~~~~;t~1f~~~!~§~~; ~~;?::;,;;~~;~;:;;,~r;;,o~~:d~~ ~~;!, lte~, That Prayer and Alms avail not the dead ; for . lttm_, That there was no Purgatory ; for every man Pargalory incontmcnt after death, he goet~ either to Heaven or Hell , tmm«hatcly after death plffeth either to Hea,.en or Hell.. droy<d. whereupon he concludcch there IS no Purgatory.. Irtm, That whofoever departeth iu the faith of Chrtl ~~nft Me· Item, That it was foolifhnefs to go on Pilgrimage to and the Church, howfoever he hath lived, fha\1 be the Image of our La~y of Dan~afhr, Walfmgham, or faved. ~~";,~~~ ~:~:~~-~~;~~;f ct111~ ~l~~~o~~;~"~i~~:o;r: ;~:n ~i7~~ anJ~~~;il !~:~:;r~~~;~~!~ma&es are nothing wonh, Kt tchm, asm1he aforefatdplaces, and JSweJI mtghta ~~~~si~~~~i~still~e!l~~~ ~i;~:~~g::en~~;ht~~~ r:r~; Jo:: ~~k~~:,a:r~;~ ~~ ~a a vr:l~er~tii~~g :~~ ::::~~~,; morebutdrad flocksandllonrs. to the hnageof our Lady, faying, Her head Cha_llr..uges.. Ium, ~ha t he f:~id in Englifh with a frowning counte-- be hoar or I offer to her: Wh_at is it but a block ? If 1t m.nce, as 1t appeared ; a vengnncc on all !itch Horfon could fpcak to me, I would g1ve it an half peny worth Priefis, for they have great envy thatapoor manlhould of Ale.. get his hving among them. Ittm, That whm the Priell carriech to the fJCk the~ dyofChrifi,whycarriethhenotalfotheBJoodofChrd1? R !chard Heghttm of the fame City was accu(ed, &c.. Item, That he did eat Cow·m.ilk upon the lirfi Sunday ~~~:~n. Chri~i:~l ~na~~~~gH::~~~kPo~~~~~~.~ouf71!n:~~~c: of/;~:~· Th_at as c0n~ming the SJaammt .of P~e nit Hmli• all hiS own works good and ill, and fiibm1t him to the and Abfoluuon, no Pndl bath power to affoil ~} Ma~l 10 ea,. • m~,~~~f-r?::"it was fondnefs to worlhip the lm:"lgtS of ~:d. his fins, when :lS he camJOt make 011C Hatt of hiS f~t~ • our Lady of7'cnun- in theforefaidCity, or of other Saints, !ttm, That the Image of our Lady was but a Stone or l>tO<k. fortheyarebutfiocksandllones. aBlock.. E~~t~~~ pu{'t:::~ ~~~~re~fi:~~:g~~te ~~~~~~( T()Wtr were Rl~~RTJ Hi!min w~ accuftd that ~e \~a very_Hcre--ll· fW•i~. :h,,~~~Ol· tha~: e~,oJ(~a~i:,;~:~a~;t~}bb;:a~:tZI~tSah:~~~~ bemr ~~~~,~~~1; 1e~~~~:a~;n~~;nP:':1 't~3~~t-~I:! are butdudilocksandfiones. Tuhes