Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Jogs AChronology. Htnry the fourth, E~peror,attmds upon thisPDfe., widihis wifcand.chil- Votz. drcnbarcfoor, athJSPaba-gatc, thncdaysandthreenights, lxforthc Page couldbeadmitt«<in, dltn too he is made tofwe3runrcfonable fubje:Ction tot~ P~pt in all things: :ihd wbcn a.ll is done, the Pope {51VtS away hiS Crow11 eo &Julpb Duke of Swevt.;, with thcfe words, The Rack to Ptttr gtJvt the Diadem, .And Ptttr giv1s it 1111to RoJulphs Ru~lm. HilJe&r,wJis accofed of grievous crimes in a Council called at Rrixia, by Henry the fourch, Emperor, who had been fo wronged by Hiltlebrt~nJ. ~;d~h~1~~~:!~~:~~r~rrdH~';h~;.;~~::;~~Jh~ =:.mned to be depoAbour this . tim~, or not much after HJ!dtbrand the Pope, dies K. WiUtllm 204 the Conqueror. 8!"e!:o~:~~!cis~~ fneat~:lumr, pag. 239· Rats fwim over to a Biltfops Towa, that was cruel in time of famine to the poor, and devour him. WiUiam Rufus is Crown~ by Archbil'hop LanfrAncus, his ddrr Brother. 207 Duke Robtrt in .Aimamt comes to fight ~or the Crown ; where.upon WiOiAmRllfmmild!yquiet«l him, by takmg the Crown.frcmlumat 3000 Marks I'" Annum, and agreeing that the longdt hva of them twolbouldtakethcCrown. The King did not much favour the Pope, bccaufe as M11ttiuw P117ifrmfis =~i:e:: :;{!:(~::t ~74/t/!;e;~; ~~ :;'{:;t;e;:.•rd; And b11tl IA'{r•ncus .AKhbilhop of C•.nttrbur1 dies (Pci;Jm much con;'mmds h1m, I fa: not for what.) After whom the Archbil'hoprick is v01d four yrars. Ext~~: ~c=~~~~:r:.•;:;,!~o~~~~;tbio:~~!lefih::;~:Jtu~:: asalfotheroofof Bow-Churchatl.Andcn. Pope Urban calls a Council at Ro"u; in it he Excommunicates Lay-pcrfons' 208 thatconferrcdfpiricuall!vings. . Pope Urban C3lls a Council at CIArtmolmt, where he by an Oration,movcs 30000 to go to Hier•falem, to fupprdS the tyrannizing Hrathens that wereovcr theGhriti i:l iJS, , This being about the fixth y~r of_King Rujr11, M11lmn Ki1)g of Scofl in-~ ;~~hhfsnfo~~"fj;:~~ a~:t:J;~:~~ h~:v~~~. been a ~rat lnurthtter) Thy~:~:~i~t~th%eA~J;;m~e!h~ tp:h;~~~kftlt;~bi~~~~:~~ . ~;.~ :{[t~:.fa~~~~{ ~~~~ tt~;·w~1:1t8~~J:!j.d!~~ ~i~~et~ai~~~ theBu{gRrs, near to the Town Civit:u. Y~tat lafi wlimall the armiCS mrt,dJCy wrm on, won fome Towns, as .Antsoch, andllewmanySart~tnu. Cwbona, Mafia of the PtrjiAns Chivalry, is flain by t~e Chrifiians t~t 209. wan in th~ (aid Voyage to Hi"u/Aitm;. with who~ were alfo flaUJ 100000 Infidrls. Shordy after tllC Chrifi1ans take Hm-ufaltm. Robm Duke of Normandy was chofcn King thereof, but he n:fufed it, lxcaure he heard of the death of WiUiam Ru(111 in England; whercf0re he nr• . ver profpcred after~ ~~t~f$;~~~;~~~~~7~~;b~r;h~~~~E~~t~~h~~~~ 2 t'4 Tht»Earlwritesananfwer. ibid. Tl1isymro9o, (asGisburnrtports) afpringboilsoutb!oodthrttwceks togc:thcr. Stttheli~llgrcatyotume, pag.256. OfthisPopePafoha/f4(cerhetirfigreat Vol.p.242· He fcrs. up a.gain HtnrJ t.he fourth Emperor! Excommunicated him, as d1~ fb/Jtbrn.•tl, Ius fon HmrJ> makmg h1m Empaor, call~ Henr1 thetifth; as 1t follows inAmwi105. SCepag.zs4.~55·ofthefuli grratVolumc. This King Hmry the tirfi was WiOiam the Conquerors third fon, who now z 16 fucceeds his brother RJ{11s. He had his name of Bw~elerk, for his know· ledginthefevenLibcridArts. l Duke Robtrt the ddefi br01hu of K. Htnr], and firfi fon of William the j ~O~~rn;;,/~~~o~~~~:fr, ~~~f~~~i:t~:r~:rho:Ca~ ~~r~ J ptr Annum, as Ril[us had btfore; and fo Duke; Robtrt returned toNor1 m. anJJ farisfitd. A.fttt Duke. Robtrt and K. HrnrJ fall out, and Duke. :;t~:;~etah~a;i~~·arAas:·a:~~~ r~bJ~:J!~"~~n~t:;\~~ full:. • \ Th;,King In,<fioiBilhopswithoutthe Pop<. ... A~~~~~:~:~~~ ::n~le~~. o~,~~;;fo~!f:~~~~~l;A;~~~ \¥~~~;~~~~~ !~~~ifbop, and condemns his Book. Sec the hrfi grc~t · · [d] 2 Great