Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

the Earl ofGlt~- 2g2 lfrmc6 King, he" marri~ Ifll_ tl, Daugluer of the Earl of A_hg_uiOd ; ci~e:hb~~fbtlr of B;!t;lln d1d Homage to King Jobn for Bptam and :.:~~~~ . A~~~~~f~ifu~d~~~~~~~contentions betw«n King Jobn and lthe Arch- "-'>·;::: · ph~i~\:~r;,b~:i:~f~~~!·~:::i::~:s~Er~:£·~~~::~~:~~~~ '"J ~' •'-' King7obn'sddcr Brother1and that prefc~tly,orelfe he would waragainft ;· ~~. · f~~·~~1~:%: ~~~,,!iu;'p,fo~~~~d~}~;:rr~~e's~~~ ~i~~;rF~~~1j, "" 'l tocarrybacktidmgs. x • T~fniih}a~n~ol~~ 0Jn1~~~~:~~:~~g~1 t~eis f~~~~f (~e";~:e;h "~N. King. rl f'"' HuhmArcbbifhoptiCtmtlrh•ryd«~Ceth . Thcyoungerfort?fMonksat _ midnight chooCe their fuper_ipOr RugnoiJ., and with~:mt the Kmgs lkenct, : privattfyplacethhiminthdM'etropoliticllSeat,futgUlgTeDr:qn, ttr ~Whim away to the Pope. The nextJW thC contt1ltion betwe~1 the Suffragans and Monks of Cant"'" ' hur _3.~rhe faid..Eiedion,lSbroughtbefOttthePope, whop.ill(d · ofCanletthe