Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

t~fl; ~d';~. ~~:.of~~~:; ~~~bi~f Th:ct~;i~g~n~i:~e:rlt~~;;d::~~n~l~!~nl~l:7,d~~~~~~~~;::~r~t;h: ~~~~- ! I Canter- to choofe Sttphtn LAnght~n, then Ca~dinal of Saim Ckr;figm, for thtir • 1215 1:218 1219 l bNrJ. Archbiihop, which done, though wnh fmrt rr.uuumg of many the Monks,theyfingTeDtum. The King was coman to let this El1dio~ thus to p:tfs, fo as ht might hau his Sovndgnty entire. Bu.t this Archh1fhop Langht~n w~s fo proud and ftubbomagainfltheKing, thattheKingftJJtabtoadmto;ll parts of the ~Jf~u~~~~i?.!~E~?,·~~:~~~;E~~~~~~~:~~!f~ ,s5 the King was f~in to pafs over his Crown to the Pope. The French Kin~ maktS an anempt in hope ~o get t_he Crown of E11gland, butthe Eng/ijhtake3oOoftheFrtnchKmgsSiups,andfodefeatedhis projeCt. Popc:l1111~Utnt tbethirdcallsaSynodat Ronu, callrdtheCouncil of Late· rlf.11, upon t~is occafion. PrinctSnow. btginningtordillthe Popc,whae- ~~eo:O~~~ !f~~sC~r~i~t~~~::at the Pope hmceforth lltould have In this Council alfo wasfirtlinventedTr.mfubfiatiation, and forbidding PridlsMarriag.ewasconfirmtd. To this Council waethofegrtatmenin EngltmJ fummonrd to ap~r, 2 gg wbo would not confmt to the cxpulfion and tyran!"ic:tl dtpofingof their King. But the ot~~ fide and faction of the No?tlity oppofed their King luilily:, dtfuing PbJ/tp the Frtnch King to fmd hts tlddl Son Ludv- 'tli~:k with a great power, and theywould chook him for their King, and fo thishlndrtdnot. s;dfffo{;::l,i~fur~a~~~rei~~c~~!0t~ d~/Po;,th~~~:h~ta~'B}~~h::oa3~~ Tht:tr:: i.]"f:~0~a1sh:::r~n~~~; ~~l~t;~:;~rai~::t:~7~ abfolved ofhlS Abbot afor~hand for doi_ng this [act, he finds a T~d m the Gar- 29° ~~1~;.f:~h~hi;bih~ ~:V~~k~~~~-e~;d1 ln~~ ~tu;~iW7~~ ;:;~::!rh~ Kingwi_thafmilingcounten~nce,fpeaking thefewords, Ifirfhaltpltafo i:~;:,7;:=ft ~'t:13!IiJtf;:;J:k!:i~~~";iAr 1 Th:KJ;gJh:fn; dnutk,aod anon being ill, inquirtd for Stmcn the Monk, to whom feme anfweringthathewasdeparttd.thislife (forhisGutsgulhtd out of his Bdly) the Kingreplys) Thtn GoJ .have merqen "'J feu!; and foheditd,muchrtptntingofhisfortntrlift. JnthisKingstimewastheBridgeofLottJ6n,bting ofWood, kuiltofStone El::; the ~wtr <?fchcx_>f~t~ Mayor in I...cnJcn was fi_rfi ~nttd. ninth rear Uwis * ~ ~tCCht~:t:t~Fa~::~~:;~r~~~tio~ru~e;h;~~~~~~~ ~~~:d~ Hereupon they all gaveconfmttochoofe this young Ht'I'IT}for their King; who is crov.1ttd at Gloujler, btc:iufe the Frtnch held Weft· u;;:~:;·,hok< ofth< Son of King John to I>< King, uwu th< F""'' Kings Son makes War upon England ; Earl Marlhal and others gives him Battcl,and win the Fitld of him. Then lAwis rakes LondotJ for his fafcty, fhutting the Gates till great aid from France was fent him in 100 !hips, but they were tncountn:d with upon the Sra, moll of thnn taken, and Euflace the chitfof them, and his Head was (mitten off; fo that the Frmch Kings Son Ltwil agreed for Jooo pound of Silver he would dtpartoutoftheKingdomnevatoreturnhenorhis. A Parliament is hrld in E'if.tlanJ (now Le~is and !lis Frtnch are J?One out ~~~~~~~~t~byl1o~h~{;~~h~rd confirmeth allt~e pnviledgts The Kingdom on the other Hdt grant 10 the King two lhillm~ of every Plow-l..and. ThomasBu1etislhrintd. This year Order was proclaimed, that all Alitns lhould dtpart out of the Rtalm,exccptMerchandiurs,goinginandoutunderthePoptsfafccon· dud. It was cottctived that the dtvice w~ to make di~tn ~tat Men tlrangas, that held Cafilrs and Holds of the Kmg agJinfi his will, to go A~~~~~!eu;r;~ng King was crowned again at Wt.ftminfltr. This year the Pope of Rome fiirs up LNJovi!t dte Frmch King to lay Siege agaillll the City of 'lhcloufo to cxtinguifh tht AlbingmftJ. Vol. J. Page302. Th<