1440 ~~~:it~ ' 473 147+ .t~JJftri~. I. A Chrouolcgy. ~{=. of I ~:~~~~~ ~~~i~ IDo;,~~~too; ~~~~h.Jomnji.r a Fmuh man, 0111d a C.trnulirt Frin bmm in V~~-1~ i:;."- ~:~~t1~Gof~n1~:bt2~f:,~~~~~:~:~;~;~~;~;}~~i , .p. jS5. 1llt)' ~~: > ' c~Ii:d•r the:d. l'111S2. ,',' put up petitions tothtOJunctl. Vol.r.p.7S9. Pope &gmitts is depofed by the CowKil oiB".fil, and Pope Ftlix chofnt in 783 hisro01;n. Tha~d ~~~~~;,t:}~~rr:oT~o~~i~~~f:'~~~ei.'~~;~~ .;.S~~~~~s2_u~n Frunce Ric.harJ Wich pcrf~ut«l for Rdigion. 79 6 Thts y~ a: Counc1l is cal!td by Hmry Archbifhop, 10 confult about Pmnu- ~:1r7~~~~h~;!~~~~h:!~d~,~: which the Prel:us were cut fi101t in ~~~~J~f'~/;~;#;;~j~nf~h~~~::1D,;k~8l'mft7. The Duke jufily ArtidtsagainfithcCardinal. Vol.1.p.799· Ele~tn()r CobhAm, Dutchrls of Gloctjhr, and Sir Ro,e-tr Onlty Ptidl, are con- :~~:~:s~!::.or the next ym !Ollowmg, the one tod~th~thc 197 }.Stlffml ~;;~~i~i~i,}:k/J:Jw~~~.Li~~~~ginV~t',;& ·~:· Alfolnt Colltdge, and 8oo Br.narJ Colltdge in OxftJTtl. OfPopt:Nhb.5. fttVol.r.p.8o6. The dc=ath lilf that good Duke Humh, Duke of Gloujftr. Cardin:ll ofWincbefter, the wicktd n1emy ofDukeHu?'frJ• not being able 802 tointrtatorbribedcath,thoughhefpeaksofbmh,dks. MtJt.PtJimaiusa Fkrtnri~,Ma r tyr. Vol.r.p.So6. W.WtJnjltt (ucettds the Cardinal at Wit~cbtjfa. MtJgJtJltn Colltdge is built at OxforJ. The MarquefS (aftaDuke)ofSuffo/k, anotheJtncmy of Duke HumftJ, now is beheaded. };aeb~::s~e~~~d~C~~~t~~a~~. i~v:~;he ninth Ottoman. What he 80 3 l·l\.'11f• won from the Chrillbns, (et V.1 .p.842'. Du~~";Ms~~j:d?, ~:~ 6~~e~i~~~c~J;e~J:~~lfcda~a1i~1~ ~i~~~:J;~~ CaJe ; afttr, the Duke' of 10rk, as it fol lows in its time :md yor, i~~~:ncl~%C:i~h0J~!:nf:;j~~~K~h~!:;k6 .. nmS.Aibans, and 804 take him Pnfoner. A Parl iamfnt lS called, the f:nd Duke is proclaimed Proted:or.V.Lp.8o8. '11J. llm· After this was long War bctwttn the Houfc of Ltmc11jftr and York. IbiJ. 'bier. Rtpwld Pecock Bilhop of Chictfler is imprifoncdand pcrfmucd for the Gofp<l. ManygoodfentmctS ofPtusthcPope. The Duke of York is fl:Un in Baud by the Q!ttn. Prince EJwnrJ the Son and Hdro( the faid Dukeof:ror.t,r:Uftth agrot Army, and by oonqudl inBattd,pofi'dfeth himfelf of the Crown,audmakes 8oS K.Henrythc6th.toflytoScotlanJ. QMngawfutththeLand. K. EJwarJ himfdf fitteth on his own Bench, in the caufe ofa etttain Widow for Rape. King He'"J6· comes with a fufficientpower of Scots and French, to u:oover hisCrown,heisbeatenandAics. OfthisPopcP,n/us,fttV.r.p.8o7. K. Hrnry 6. is foond in a Wood,takm and imprifon«<. Thdit'e!r:J, ra:;;;~,';~~:~~h~;hm;:ltl!·~7:h:c:rdt:g~i~ 8o9 ddire,movesgr(":ltWaragainfihim. Ofthis PopesgreatwickulndS, ftt V.r.p.8o7, 82.4. Great fights between EJwa-1/J the 4th, and many Nobles that roft: up a- ~~~;:~ ~~b~t~~g~i~:~ch!"K~~~t.d, and Prince E.dwarJ Son 1o~nG()()/t(an Englijb Hus,for f!m fignifiesaGODfo in tl1e Bohtmsan tongue) ll~~~i~~:;~~~f.~~~:~!ri'::k~,r~m~::::::;~,:~ Wars and Peace be-t wool Cb11rhs DUke of Burgoin, and Frtderick Emperor, V.1.p.8zr. 'JolmaNetherdofFranCOfliarnartyrcd. Th~ year John Je Wtf!,Ji• is pttfc~ucd. Ba)lrt:.ttts the fccond of that name, IS the IOth Ortom1m, what he wen from theChrifiians.V.1.p.845· A Men:ha1,1t in ChtapjiJe, for j~fiing, he would make ~is Son Hei r to the Crown (meaning his own S1gn, being 1he Crown) lS by K.EdwarJ the fourths command, within ldS than four hours, h:mgcd,drawn and quanc- ~: ?:::?j;~~~~·,~~~;~~~~.~~1; d<p•i"<dofhi•Crown •nd Lif< by his UndeR.JchPJDukeofG/oujler. Vol.r.p.825,826.