Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Thedi/ferencebetrveen theCh:a,h of Rome that now u, ~:Jt~!:~~~;;f,~~~~~~;~~tii~ ~r;~~~~i~fE~~.~~~~,~~:~~~:~~~ r::~r;f~~b~:'b~rioc~~r~;~il~!t~:~;~l~~' ~~~il~r:\\~~ an:~:~~e~~~ ~~~~~~~gof;ca~~~~;,~~~~::~ ~~~B:~~io c>£. ~· were e!cdcd cogether, neither ol them OOth !bould be fuffer any to or ~rtach to the prople any new Doctrine £'~9· ... ~~(~; ~~~t~~~f'e::~1~ 0 ~f~~~:r~~ ~~;e~;d~ 7>!;. ~cJ~t~t~~~~ ~~~~:;'~\~~~f~~~·t:rh~~~~~~~=~:~~~;'~~~l~ 79.cap.Siduo.. as lead to etcm~lhfe, andaHOthartheyfttup other to do ~o this 1ad)Oyn a\fo the.Law and Confiitution ofJ~~- tl~e fa?le =.and JOYntth withal a godly exhortation. _IJeo, f~;~~~~~~il~::;~~:;: ~~~~: a~t Ki:~~~~d:~::~~:~ ;;:.e:,:!~iJr0'J;:;;:~ ~~;~:;:";~a~~ ~t~=i"v~e~;;:;; :c;'~~~o~!:~!c ~~i ~~:.~,5 tfo;:h~~}~~:cl~~~~~~~ f:n~rf:a:& t~~~:;}/J~J~~:·~:cfirf:~;~erEf::~':n.DJ/. ~~l?~droth~ ~!~hh ~·:1~0ha~~~ h'~~c~ ~~E~:~~~ ~~;,"/p,;:';;~;ia~b~d7:n7:f:r~ [t!:(J c~~f~c~:}hrJ;fo m~.rrucate. And 1f any fhoold othttwif~ proceed contrary C?rifl:c, A"!"'· Funh~nnor~, the faid Carclr11 in his Conto rh~ fame, tht:ll the Excommunicat~ perfon to be abfol- lhnmons d1vid~th the goods givm to th~ Church fo, that =~j~~~~~~hf~~:rir:I ~trn~rt;~~%~~:i~~.Efu~~~~ ~~ :; :;:~::~~~~ r~d~ ~~~ ,t~~h!~~~~ as fhould f~c:m conv~nimt to him that had th~ ~xttUtion Odlmvif~ in poortr places an equal diviflon to be made i:;,~i~i::.'· th:r:of,asiscxpr~ff,~,24·1'+ Dt iUki~a .. Th~fam~Ju- bcm·~m ~ht pov~~andth~CI~~gy,.WlldS th~gift h~d ~~n;hb,;Zlh~d!f;:f~t:;~~d:~:~~~=~~:S,m~ ~h~f:~~~k:f~";f:;, 1:{i~·!~/A:b~~0d~~ili, to hav~ a d~tr-rmmat~ numbn- of C~urch-mcn or Clerks by th~ faid Carc!UJ to be dcoWI, that no Ecc!efiafiical per- ~o~~~~]i. ~.cnto·~·nX~o?5:~~~~~~f~eri:d:~~ ;~~~~n~ht~~f:rd~!:~~ f:t:%~ :~~~~ ;:p'f~-::~:~· r~,.;:;te· ~h~:h~l~:~:h~~ ~!~:~r~niili~~~~~ ~~; rnh~~~~~d!~i;o ~~~~:~~L~~r~;~i:~~icvl t~uon of the Churches mAfrzck.And that th~ holy myfi~- Kmg of Franu, and af~~r E~pcrour, was Son ~o the for~­ i"lt'S Jhould not be don~ in priv-at~ houftS; fo t~at whcfo-- faid Char~ti, who bcmg ,oyn~ tog~t~« With the fatd c:vrr !hould .:lttempt th~ c~1tr.ny, fhould be dcpnved,Conft. Charles Ius father in the Emp1r~, ordamW alfo with his 57· Morwvcr, Clerks lt"lving their Churches, fathn: fundry A& and Obfervances touching the govem~ Conjf. 58. Alfo conc~uun~ the order and manner ofFw1c- ment oftheC!1urch, as in th~ Author bcfvr~ alled~~d may fl~i~{Jj.' 6~-~l~~~a~a~~~-j!p~:;~~~l~~~~tili~~\1:~ ~~; b~Si~~;lYt~:~~~~~h:i's~~ ~ooJdt ~~~~c:{~h. ~y of Ccn/fa'!t!nople th~ priVIledg~ ot th~ fe01l~r Court, by tht- frt~ dtChon of the Clergy and of the poopl~, withm e~fes ~ly ctv!l, and ft~ch as tou~hW not the difiurbanc~ out all rcf~ of perfon or rr-wani, only tor the mait cf th~ Bi!hop: otherwif~ mall crimuul Caufes h~ l~ft them oflif~, and gtft of heav~nly Wifdom. to rh~ judgment of th~ f«ular Court, 83 . H~ giveth Alfo the faid Kings and Emptrours forbad that any fr~eal!O~w.saJtdDt:crcesforbrachofMatnmony,Conft.rr?. man or <;itizm fh01:1ld a1tn:th~ profeffionofMonkoy, and.tndJ\"asothersplacc:s. AndinhisC~ft.Iz3 .alterche without licmc~ askro of th~Kingbcfor~: and addWa ~~~~ ~~~:ts·,~:~\;~~~:d'~:~e~~~b~~rb/~~~~ ~!f:.i~r'~~~~df:~~g'av~fd~~t :t;•:t~: {V~::: tOIIl'l'· not after a fq:rt't mamltr, but w1th a lood vote~, foasrhey giV~ thanklvtsto R.~hg10n: again,for lhat many beoaf- ~ighr not only be hnnl, but atfo be underflood _of. th~ rily circumv~nr~d and ddud(d, by fubtil co~ttous pafons fatthfili pwpl~, what wasfaid and don~. ~Vhaeby tt IS to ~~king to gl!t from d1at whkh they have, Lib. 1, cap.IIf. begath~rtd, thatDivinePrayrrsandScrvtcethcn, was in rbtdtm. Ium, that no yOWlgcl~rmor rh~ vulgar Tongue. · fhavm, or (J"Ittt any Profdlion Without th~ will of thrir da}~~;,~t t~~ ]:!~;~(:":;,J~~.:~~!~ro~~ ~;i::;:~ ~~~~~n~~ ~w{,0b:f~r~M~~!:1U:!~~hdJcr~i~~ mattm and p:rfons,th~ lik~ ~xamples alfo may bf: brought of years to difcern and choofe what th~y will follow. That ClodM'"'· r~ ~3::~~\~~:f~~~:~r;~~it:~:~;~~:~\ti!:~2: ~i~£~U~~~;~~IT~~~~r.b:;fE,:~t;;t~£:f~;;.;:;~ 2~~~~~; ~~,_~:~l~~~~~~~r!o~!~:~~'~l~~~rc· ~~~:~~~~:l~YP~h;~~ ~~r~~~~~w~~Yl~hrs:C~::r~h~~f;Erd:cl.~~~~dh~: Church, Wlthm two hundred years after. Chn!1 : Ex pnmo fho~tld have no fanctuary by flyu_1~ into th~ Chun:h, &c. tomo Conn!· Carolm J1agnw, bt:lide hiS other Laws and whtch al~o was d«reed by Jujfmza.n. three hundred years r~~;~t~i0:~?if~~~[~~;~:~~~~{~~ ~~i~~~~~~r~~Pf~~~£~!i~~~:- Cmonla\ th~ Canomcal !Jooks of Scripture fhoulcl be read m rh~ body and blood of th~ Lord Ill thd"~ words: Ur fi mm frt- ..hf•t.liM. ~ff:t;~ ~~~:~£~ :~~~~~:~;~*;rot~:~~t;~~~ ~~:~~:Y~f&:u:;~S(b;~:~!~t~;:r~:E~ ..,... , ~, ~< • 1 • ;~'; r;,oft~e\;~ 1:,~~~;~:~4~~~ ~!i{J!.~i:r{tzl;:. ~~~l~eTnk:',~l. ~.m:a~:;.b~;t~~:::U~cr~~~= ,,~~~~~iftfi fu~~~~~o- ~;1 .. ~0 w'th ~~~~h~~~i~Wi~~l~~c~.~~~~~~J~~~1,~~~~~i~~~ r~;1:~ 1~ ~:~:~;~~;t~~~~u~~,'!~:;;~~ vt~~u~1:;eft~~~~t~ {he E~ r~ow.~• ';•m,. ~~~;:~:n ':/:~ r~~~ld\·~~d~r~~~~~~.«A~~J~£c;h;;;~h~;. t~~~ ~7,1,; ~~8(«~~~, ~~~;c~~~~d~:nc~~r£~~P~:;r~~:~ ;:;~-;;~~~- before