16 The difference hetween the Church of Rome that 110w M, ~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~ but <_>nly the vehemency of T ruth_, and Zeal to Chrifi and 'Jama, BArthc!om~, Pa11l, B~rnabe, and other all and Chtyf•fl•mo ~~v~L$ ~~~grt:Sa~':·he ~~v~{~e!;r;::1of~~; ;f:ot ~;;3~~~ ~~r~ r;~~;g~b!hl~~/ru;;~~"G;e;~;~~r;£; b;S~~"."! nnivcrfal Church (wh1ch was toomuchforone man to wM-IJandPrtacb,&c. Manh.ult. Moreover,forasmuch , take CQargc of) and to be Prince of all od1tt Apo{lles, ~hen as this m:m co!l~~th out of ChrJfofhme, that the w~olc - ?::::.":."" would l fuinlcarnofthem,wharmaneth {Dextrd!{omta-- worldwa~ comtmrrcd wPm~, h~w 0JallwethenJ?yn t is) the right hand of Sociery bctwrtn Peter, Paul, and thismcanmg_of Cbryfo{fome With Same Paul, which faith Barnabe, m~tioned Gal. 2. ~V hat taking of hands is thrn t~at the Go(pcl was committed tO ~trer r.nm the Circum· lxtwcenSubjeds~ndtheirPnncc~n ~yoffellowfhip ? Or c!fim, as was Pa11l QVtr the U11mcumci[irm? And here whcrefe!lowllli~.IS,\~h~tMafl:erfhiptsrbae?Oragain,what ananfwerto his doughty argu~t~lt, both to the form, fiate ofMa~erlh!p is 1t hkethat Chrifl ~give to Pmr, and to tl1e m:mcr thereof: albc1t concerning the matter, :~l t:~~:r.d:. ~:a~~~f ~yr:~~~~~~ ~h~~~te~~ .~:;fo~~=-(~;~e~~;b~~7o;:~~; nt ~;~,:~~n di:.:SU:ta~ :r ~hc}t:~~h'hl:~~~~~!~~ :C:~!;~)~~~~~~c~~ ~~~~~~!;~~~; ;,o;: ~r;~- on, nt:ithtr do I deny Ptttr to be worthy of the fame. But lords calling fendeth, and fettcth over Ius Flock,whcrefo-- yet th~fe words of u;>rnnundation give to him no fiate of ever, or whatfoewr they be. For as Pt~er lxareth a Rcpre- ~~?sotl)cdilt~~7a1&1~·~a:~lu~~ca1!:; r;;:~O:,~/:. Jr;~. ¥;t{:~\,~fo~.cJt~~:fu't~e~~~f {.:;!.;:;. fpeoalcbargeto!.:rneoneoyhisScholarsforhisriper Ptter bcallfaithfuf~OIS and Overfee.rs~Chrifis tOW3l"dnefs: yet this givcth !urn no fulnru ~f Authority, Church, to whom Chnft our Lord bath comlll1~ted the ~~M·.f. h~ ~d~~~~·~~dW~r~~~t~I!r;~h:~:f: ~~e£e ~h;~ =g u:~t~R~~o:~ r:rc t~~~~rl-:~ Pf>~. •oJ. edof Perer; forlfitbetruethatS• .Augu.fh?efaith, that andnotth_e ~~kconfellion(contrarytotherulc ofHilfuch thi~gs as were fp;>ken to Ptter,have no lightfome Wl· lary De mmr. hb. ~.) do tie the ApolUdhip or Rock of ~~~~~d'i~·b:a';r: fih;ir~ r~:ta~ ~:= ~=r""~~~ ~f~s:~~~I:8~=~~~e~~,~~f~~~f~:;~d ,?;~::·~· nothing eo Claim ~y theCe words, but all redoundeth ro t~e not C3mal, bath no fitch ca~na l Race or Defcent after ~ny Church, which bemg ffi("Jnt by Peter, hath power by thl$ world_ly or localundcrfl:andmg: but hatl1 a more myft1cal rofon, both over the pcrfon of Peter, and orha pelfons in mcamng,after a fpiritual fenfe of fuccdf10n,fuch as Hserome H;~.,,,. Anrw•r to the~~r~;r~ llum~ltth in :111 argume~t of our Adver£uy ~~fo~;e1~::!tt:;;::r::~7Ai?,(fai:h 'hef)~~o/cl ~t~·,~ •. :7.1~:,~· af;:u~ wh1ch he m the margentofhl$Book calltt:han in· BifhoJ;6~ lx£'0CC"dforsof ~le Apofiles,&c. ":""'PfO- vmable argument drawn our of the bowels of S. Jolm Ot tike force and fufluon, and OUt of the lame figure, -;:.!fo~••• ChrJfoJfome, lib. 2 • .De Snctrd. Whereby he fuppofeth to the ~ame Author P:ttchrth moreover anOthC'r argumC'nt, rh• "hole have givtn a lhrcwd blow to PJ?teflan~., an_d to have g~t· prov_mg., that the Biihop _of Ram~. was titulC'd the head of ~~cbcOIII· ttll. H~Ehrs viCtory up::m a ccrtam ~glifb Prifontt taken m Chnfis Chw-ch, in the Prirniti_ve nmc of the old Anceftors, m;m<l ro plamiield.,andofall_fuchastakehiSJXlfC· The Text only ~foretheageofGregcry. Hisargwnentproc«derb thus., St.l't"'· of_ChrJfoJf~me he r~tC'th, but mak~ no argumo~t, al- m th~ third figure : be1t he makcth mention rf. :tn in~incible ~umon 111 the 5:W1t Peter wasc:illed by the ancient Fathers, head of ~:':1~ margent. But btcaufe he cuhn- w1U not,or lifi not to fbew Chrifis Church ; P>p~Jb. his _cmming therein, I will form t~t an argummt for him Saint Pettr ~ Bilhopof Rume: whlchhewou~h.wedone,butdidnot: andfowillform Ergo, The Bifi10p ot ~omt was called Head of the ~~7ft::: ~~~;~~l~:~:t~~ xt:~~~~~£~~~ ~;:~:;;~.~~~~~,~:~;:~;~~~~%%~P:~!~;: ~~· d~~ ~~~fr?!~oj~f:{~'e~~~t~v~~=f~~!;: ~~~~1 ~1:~;~G?da~~~~:=~~~~~f1~~~ whofeChargehc:committ~thtoPtur, andtoPttasSuc· put to trial. Albcato leavcthefonn, andtocometo the c~!Tors. Upon this pbce o_f ChrJfoJhme, this C:lttk raketh ~arttt of the a1·g~mmr. Firfi, how wdl will he difpatch h1s ~tdmm_, C_hrifls fuffenng. HiS condulion 15, That all hlmfelf of 1he lnaJor, and prove !IS that S. Peter alrhough ;h~~t~~~r~~ ~~:cl:~~~:~~tc:~i~;!~o%~~d ~h:e~ef~h~ ~:t ~1:: h: ~::i~~; ~~~t~~_Q;dft~'!J~1~h~ ~i~·0:d A Popl~ tht~h~7~f~~ered for all men: t;,a~ft,,~; ~z:e;er~:;~;~~i::: ~:!~~~0~a1! :;'1~~.:,!,'' Chnfi fi1ffered for them \~horn he committed to Peter. .A_ugujfim brought forth for hiS ~fi advant:~ge, to Pf?Ve Ergo, All that Chrifi d1cd for, wtte committed tv hiS major: thus I anfwe-r concemmg OrfJjiu1, 7"trtu!IJan, Ptttr. . Cyprian, Hit~cme and .A11guftint, t_hat whlTe they _fpe~k of If rbis be the form of his. infOlubl_c argument, as Jt fecm~ S. Ptttrs Ch:ur, or planting: the F:uth at Ro~u,ftt"3.J.f$htway eth to ~ by the or~cr of his reaforung,anc\ alfo muflneeds this man argueth thtteupon,!lmPtrer was Bifhop ot Rome. be, taking that. medw'!', 3:nd making. that conclulion as he But that doth nOt cle2rly follow. For the office of the Apo-- !::"tZ:l"" clorh,(for dfemthehrfifigu~,andhrflmood ,theTexcof flies · pr"fr.ipt. f~~iE~·~~~~~~J~~7:&!~~t~I~ ~;~~~~~¥,~~~i:h~!Fk.~~~ f:~~; fal!eth mto one _of thcfe tw~ ftra.its; oth.er ~ncludtng ther,but that Ptter.was at Rcme,and thtrt: taught th_e f:Uth c~us, the form w11l not fcrve him,?r concludmg m a~other of Chrifl:,as P1wl d1d alfo,and puadvcnrure i~ a Chau liketigure,the words of ChrJfoJfome Will not anfwC'r to hi$ pur· wife: yet we fay nor tbat Paul was thcrrforc Bilhop of &mt: pofc; to prove t~at all r~c: world \~as co~mittC'd to J>_(ttr. but that he was there as an Apo!lle of C_hri~, whet~ he \~luch Propoli~011 as it 1$ flr.mge mScnptuJe : fo_ne1ther taught the-re franding on his tcer,_or litong ma Ch~r. lu ~;e~t ~cllPr~krl~~~i~~[o~;~{t;;;;ig:tnt,;';!:t~t~ j~d~rz~:~~~s'ti~i~~~~~World~c~~~~ J~i~l:ct~c~:nt~~;: wh.:tbcr