r8 The di/ferenc.e between the Church of Rome that now u, r.... ~•••• Irrnem , Ambrofo , Allt.uftin~ 2nd 7JuoJortt11s af. the v?icc of Ordtt might hcre ?c hta_rtl, it would fay, Givi: 1•~-:J.~•r-;. firm, that the Chtm:hof &me IS thcchitfofal\othn to~lung>t~tbtlllltches andhkc, ltkchono~r; to things ;1;.~:.~11._ Churches. . . . . unlike,. unlike ho_nour, &c. Wh~~u:fore, fte1ng the Set of ?,11;~;. H:d1:~e;1~~~~~~11~~~~~0J~~~~ ~r~~:·ch~t~d ~:;m~ a~td~:a~lli~i\he:f1~~1 k~h~~t:::d ~:::,r:,. len~;rocri:h~·~~~~~~~~isP~;ed~~~~~~c ~~~~~c ~~~~:~r11~ ~~~·:J'f:t~~::L~~;:~l~~:;;:~~o~t~,~~b~f:~ excellt:Lll..)' of the Mimftcr or Bilhop., not ytt nccelfanly h~ ought th~efore orderly to h:lve the honour of an ArdiL dor_h caufe tl~e fame. For in matters of the Cht:rch, bilhop(ordrnnghimfdfthcrofter)andfuchoutwaJd Pre- ~~ff{lt;, ~il~J~~~rf:~~sf~~i:~1~t~i~~; ~~~;~~~~~~};;,~;t¥?.~~t~~ft~~~!~fr: t1011, where the Minifter or Bd'hop IS mferior to Bifhops or the fordilid ru~e of Order doth r~quire. For fo much as MiniC!rn of otha Churches. As the mofi f.m10us School they yield to hu.n more than is his right, fo moch they take in a Rialm, l1ath not a\way the mofi: famous School- from thtmfdvrs, which is due to them. And the fame is Mafler, ndther doth make him thereby mofi ex~ellent the caufe, why both Grtf..CT) and Ptlagius h~ Pr«!ece!Tor in Lear.Jing ~boYe all others. So if our Adverfanes do rtprt~eth them, wh1ch gave to the Archb1fhopof Ccr.- fuc~1~n~~~hgif~~~~~! r~~r~11 lli~t)'~~/~~; f;h~:f~~t!~~~~~~~itJ~~~h~r~;d~~~: ~:·r~~!~~~c 1~~~1 e~e~l'c.;~ ~~~~~J:;f tdh rh: ~~~::J:,;';:;;~;::::,1~li~=~~t~fi~tttba~11~ tfie~~: ~;f;f.;: conctnung the Principality of the Church of &me, whik any lingular thmg ;., given to one perfon, aH orhtt tpn. 3 "" oommended at thJt time of the Doltors., it may be trur, Pridls be dq»ivtd of tht:ir due honour. And for tht: like Olli<aion. and 10 wdl O:JX:li.Ulded one way. And thus do I grant caft:, Ptlagius t:xhoncth that no Pridt do give to any one ~~ig~~~~~~g:&~~~ mmatJonovcrotht:rChurch(S.Whaetoistobeanfwered: (faithhe) ifhebecallt:dthech!cfumver&!Pacnarch, then ~~I~; ~~~:~~. ';~~ri:~;t:i~Z ~h~hf;~r~; ~~~~hd~~ ~ifi~~~ ro:;~s~~f~t~~r~~t:~~~~ =eo~l~:;f;~~~~;: outv.'anl form of civ1l Re~mt:nt and Policy ? that as as ~thcrs be, O!dt:r gL.vcth that he {hould ?ave the DlgJUt.Y the Roman Emperors in !Linr.> p3il governed over all which to Archb1fhops 1S due; whatfocvens added more, 15 the world, fo the ~cm an Bifhop mult have his Monar- dc_rogarion t~ the reil. And thus much conceming diili~ chy upon the Umverfal Cl?'gy, .to make all other Chonof degr«S, a11d order in giving to every degree h1s f.{~;:' ' ~~:~:~~:i~ :\~~A~~::::~vi:f~· ... ~:::,~~ ~:s:~r;f,~; ~,~,gm;~~~o,~~,~~~~0rl,:;r%~ J."t.:.-::• Po('<.. is Chrifis ~~gative Non Jk r Jf they fay' there n~ Dod:ors aforefaid,fptaking ofthePrincipaliryofthe Church~~~·· ~~,~~· n~ !)(: dillmdion of degrees~~~ ~he Church, and in thiS of Rome do mean not only of the inW:ltd Vertucs of th~t -"d. ~ Sup.:rioriry dJ!lmCtion of degrees, Su~1?u~y mull nccdfarily be Church, but alfo of the ourward Authority and J urifdiCb- ~~~:~~ ~~:~~~gfo~:~~f~va~~e~:;;P!f1Sc~fi:, c~~~~~ f~~e0:~~;~~:~e0f~7n~~'ilia~ ~~:h~~~ot1:= ~~lt~~~~~~~~~~~~ by the Scnpture be appomtcd, or by t~e Priml[:~ve Church relfon th~cof, the aforefaid Prmci_~X~~ity of the Church of allowed, asPatriarchs, Archbifhops., BdhoF&,Miniftersand Romt, dLdnotholdthcm'JurttlwmoftJhumano. And D~cons, for of thcfcfourwe fpt:-cpi!yr~d as chief. In asi~holdcthbymanslaw,!Obymanslawmaybercpcaled ~1~~ ~~~~~~efa~~rufo,wJi~;~~d~rt~~~~.~:i1:~ d~ aga~·~··hmfore, be it :~dmitted dmt both the Pope litteth :~nd nyi1~g that which is due to ~eh degrct", neither yet main- fucceet~eth in the: Clm~r o.f Peter, and alfo th:Jt he is the Bi- ~~~~:~ ;~; ~~jJ~~~~c ~~~~:1~~b~:~:1• to ~tc sfU:; ~1~fc~y t!~~~r~:lfu~t;d~;~.~~~e'~~~~;~~~~':fi 1~th~ abovethc Mmificr, to rhe Archbifhopabove theBifhop: BlfilOpsandChurchcs:oftheworld. Fortirfitouchingthe ~i~~;r~:~J£H~;~:b~!i 1: ~,1%::~ :~f:~·~~r.;,!::;,;~::rr::::'~,~':,~ ~-,~~~t,",~ ;,,, ~~i~t ~~;·:~d~:i~~:~~~urc:.·:~n~: l~~~:~:r~ Bi~c;~1dly, Whether he fate there as an ~FQfile, or as a :t~r.,., .A_~t·""·~• :~nd definition of order by the Authority of Augujl. lib. dt Thirdly, Whether the fitting in the outward Sc:~t of p,. ~;~·lhw;. Civir. Dti. Wher~ he th~ de.tineth that which we.c:ill Or· trr nu.kerh Succdfors ofPmr? ~rdc- ~~b~~;'!it;£:.111 c}ro~{faitjl~)'~~di(£;riO:;;!u~~; Ptt~:~:~;; ~~~~~~~~t~~~l 1:1\~~~:~e~~;,:~ Scat cf Iiuon gi,•at to all thin~ according as thty :~re mat~JCS, Fl lthly, Whetht.r the Succtllion of Ptttr maketh r-ther or not matches, proportionally to every one his own nght an Apo!ile than a B1fhop,and fo 01ould we call the Pope the a:nd proper p~ace. . . Apo.lile of Romt, and not the B!fl1op of R~me ? This defimti.;)n ofS. Au;uftmt,ilamling with the things SLxthly, Wh~ther EcclcliafhCll F unCOO.lS ought to be bffore premifed ; now here JO}'ncth th.e quell ion between us efie.emcd by o~m:~ry (ucceffion of pbce, or h}' Gods fccret and the Papiils,whether the MettOfOhtan Church of Romt, cal!mg and ftnding? ~~~~1o~~~:~:~lro~~~h:!~~ ~~~~~~~~~:~h ru!~~~:~~~i' ~~~~d :~t·~Y.1.1t:\~~. ~~::~~ bt,~:~ru~; ;~~ wlin:rfal Chrifimdom, ot not? To the anfw~ whereof, if more liom Pmr than lrom other Apofiles? All