Tbe Ten jirft Perfecutions ilz tbe Primitive Cburcb. ~~~; ~:~YJii'if;;J,·~!:t.:"i:~J~'"irJE~t~i:! :::~ti!:~J;~~;J~'ft~i~;~&~~!rH; -"•"· ha &ck Contra DrtnttrJ.an. And 11lfo De vamtate 1dol. poor brethrm ot otha Coumnts: for fo ofta1 as be had pr(ft.li»K. tbofo Mo!s to b~ no mu GoJs, but images rif artain caufe ofabfcnce, he commined tht care of thofc poor men JMJ Kmgs, whub nmher ccuiJ fovt tbtmfohm fr~:im tohisftltowofficas,andwroteto them, thatoftheirown death, nor fucb us worjl1ip them. The true Gqd to be b~ propa g~s they would hdp thtir b:ullfhttl brethren to cnt,f!11fltbatb;t~tttjhmonJ"[Softh_cntS,PlatoantlTr~f~ that whtch W:l.S nrcc!Tary for thtm, as wi01dfeth the ~:~~~;o:;;,~~;e:ha~o~~h~~/fn:a';~t:: ~h:~.~~t~~£; ~~~~;cysffrsut~~~!~f~~r:~~s ~~~&i~~. ~ ~:~~~~;~~~~ ~tf~~; ~.t: ~:~/{s p;;:;;,k z:~:~l;:hs~t~c;;~;_t:su:~;~:r;,~~:~ ~~~~dlS f~~;~va~~y o~d~~~~c~c~th~o~~~~ci~~ t~~ ~:~~r:: tlfg that if there be an1 dejtCf rn moreafe ofrhmgs,tt M not vemmenc of the Church in his firll book and third epiHle ci 1td ~nd to be ~fc~tbed to them,br~t rathtr to the decreafe if Nntr~rt, and fourth book and fourth cpifile, where he redteth ~nJ ~;~~.:!. languijl1mg now tO'Wards h~r age and latter end.Agamfor expoundeth the form or m~nntrof a ctrnin Vi!ion which thatithathlmnfoforejilldandpr(;p/ujieJ,_tbattO'Jvar~s wehavebeforefufficicntlycxpreo:ed. theend~fthe Worl_JjiJouldeomeWarr, l<"ammeandPejh- He lud morrovergre:~tskillm theforeknowltdge of lmce. Mort~tr, if there be an; ta11[e thenof mor_e proptr thh_Jgs that £hould dunce-, :lS may be gad1crtd in the fixth ~;;;:~h;;•the:,'::fm~/(:;;h;~;;:r~;j~J~:~ha;J~;la:J: ~;:~1hi~ 1~a~~ur!~o~~·ve~~~;,r,t::it~~hh~~~~1~~ :: ~:cr:t;::,~~}~~~:t;t:!'/:cif':;~::~::a~~c~ ~~~~n~0~e~~~~ts~~~~~~i!~h~~ ~~~e ~c:~ift~kaj b~~~:!;hr14 if~~m:Ji~;b;,~:~~:~~ %;-::;;;~!=j,~'~; ~n~~ ~~da~~=k;31~froel~tJ~~ =~,0~~~ ~~~k~~[; eud if the cr11tl jl1tddmg if the mnoernt bi«JJ if the Chn- by wh1ch vertu(S he concolcd nothing that he tmderftood, jfians,&c. but uttertdthefamemeeklyandpatkntly. Alfo that hec,,n... kepttheeo:lefiaftical pe:u:e and. concord with thofethatm~k•nd Thuswithma~yot~ more probationsdoth G_[prian wereof~notheropinionthanhe_wasof. Laftly, tha.t hep.~ucnt. defend the ChriliJ_ansag:unfl: the barbarous exdarnauonsof neither arcumvmced nor did prejudia: all}' man,' but folthe Heathen GentJ!~, Of w~1ich C,pn~n, for fo much as !owe~ that thing whic_h fetmtd good mhis judgment, it is ~~~lf~)~~nr~e~~"J.~t~.h~~ ~~:;~<nJ}co~!fed. ~~f~ ~~~~~::. Stit'{~;fr'~tt~~ ~~~~~:fchffi~~~e:6~ha~ fitm, tufl: ofhis life and br_mgmg up, then ofh1s death and Hu:ome writeth,that he was very d.1hgent in _readmg, cCMartyrdom, astheworthmdSofthatmand.eftrvtthrobe peaally the works ofTerwUian: tOr he fatth, that hec,,_/, ,. a remembr~. Of thi~ Cyprian therefore, ?cherwife na~ raw a. certain old man whofe name was Pat~lus, which !f:.'.~~',1:! ~~~~S'Je''~~a~~.w;:~!::':::;ePJ:r';f:[::Ji~:a~~;:~~~~~ !~!~\J~~~~,f~j1~~~~~~!~te:\~:~~t?f;~~l~a/:~i~:~et~~~ g~f· ~~~~~~~:~~~~ji~~~~;~~f.{~~·~~ ~~{:E:{,~;t~t{i~€~~:~~,~~£~:~~ thy Rheton~i:ln m Ajhea.: of whofe Converfion and Now a _few words touching his Ex1le _and Martyrdom. fuJ?tilinhthu:nf~lfin his hrfr Boo~ and fec<n_Jd ~pifile, Of~isEpifil~ ~vhk~he wrotehlcktolJJSCongregation, ~~on~r ;:~~~~~ ~n~~~~~~~ri~{~~nc~~:Jt~U~~~:~~~~~~~h h~t~ve1:~ :t: ~;~~;1~f::~~ ~ ~cl~~t~~~~.7nh~~ CJJuu. m his Commennry li!X'n 1_~M, was through the grace of h~ took no ldS are as well oflns ow_n Church, as ofother God, and the means of Cwluts a Prieft, whofe name afth Bifhops being abfent, than he did being prd(m. Wherehebare,andthroughtheoccalion_ofhearingtheHiHoryof in alfo ~e himfe!fdoth fignitie that YO)ruJtarily he abthe Prophet ]on_~«· The fame Hurome morro~·er. teftitieth fa1ted hunfelf, le~ he rhou!d do more hurt than good ~~:~h~n~~~~~;ist(ub~a~~e,~dv~!t~1tl~~rr~~~;= ~~,;~re 't;~;;f~~rt.by Th:'fro~ ~t ~~b~;pb~ ~:·;rft daintdaPneft~ wasnot long alter conlhruted Bifhop or oflus.banilhmen~, whereinhet~ofr~ntirr;rsfought for, Prltft, 1bu tht Congttgatlon of Carthagt. But whether he fucceedc:d he wnte~h unto Ius breth~1, as. m hJS dnrd book a1~ ~!:t!,~.r ~~rt:~~r~:~;~::FR:c;ifui~~~~l :r~:~~~;e~i-~~ili~; ~~;r~:l~~1~~ ~:;::~~~~.r ~~~!~:tl~~~ ;~~t~~r~~~~;d r. one~ ~~ar;!11f1i~f:/~~:etJ:l h~e~~~ a!d~d.~~~i; ~~~! ~:;1~lf~1 ~f~ ~~~~ :;~, tlf~~~g~~~:: ~~~~erd"~;te~: ~~;r:~ fuch good f,lflS :md vertues, that, as Nnuanun11s wri~ miS the Proconful of Af~t~r. mto_ the C1ty. of 11J~~rbm, as ~~:~1, c\~~~~~~dofg~;;~~~:d 0~~eca~~~~h{~o~6~f~1~; ~~~,?sra;~;;i~; t~:~£~~~:. tfu~~~~i1t~~o ?t{~n~~~~~dtl~:4r~~ Chriflian men. bd1tana,or C~~rabJ!ttana. But when Pntenms the ProconTh• vtt\u« And. to the li.trther fetting f~ch (to the praife of God.) ful was_ dud, Galim11s ;1tfarfr_n11~ fuccced~ i_n the room Tbe apprt; ~~.~~~;;::of his godly Vertu(S wherewuh he wascndutd, appear- andcfficeofPatmms, whotmdmg CJprJan_ 111 a Garden,~~~~~:_ of td. ingaswtlli;ihis?wnworkstothemthatlifttoperu(i.-the caufedhim to bt: apprchendtd by hLS SerJe?nts, and_to fame,asalfodefcnbedby_other worthy Wricm : he was be brought before the Idols to offer Sacrihcc. Wh_rch oounroru and gentle, lo~mg and full of pati~nce._and. there- when he would not ~o, then the Proconful_ breakm~ withallharp and fevcrc m his office, acCQrdmg as the caufe fonh in thefcwords, fatd, [An_g hafl tlxm lwed m a(amrequired, as ~ppeareth in his fidl: Book and third. Epiftle. legio1~s mind, nnd haft gatheml togetbtr men rf a wzekeJ ~;.;~et:. ~~1:=~ 'an~ctoo~5m~fipl\~1~in~1 1~~;ii~1~~Idt~~~~ :b/'R~:z~;,:!fr!~~J~~ {:![,sa; ;;:,7{/o,!~iJ~b;[f_ ft:a'!tth~:~ ing the Mart)TS., :U: appe:u~th by Ius L_eners to the Elders md Emper~s Valeria1_1US and GalinJUS rMJoh tbte to the lbun. and D<lC<U\S of hiS Bdhopnck, dJ~t wtth all ftudy and en- Sefl if thm urmJonlts. At ln1gth the wick~ Tyrant d~avour they (hou\d gnttly entettJmand 1hew pltafure unto co!~emned him to ha~e his head cut off, he p:mrntl}' and. T~e Mar· thT~~j~j1E1;}f~;~~~ ~rr::~~~ili~';!~!0~~·_what ~:~~~;~~~~~~i::ch~A~~dr~ :b~h~l!~J~~~~,a~~:d~h~ = d Tnemlhle·. ~;n:~ ~~~d~~~lhis~a~~ he N~t~rt=t:;;~v~i~ 0~[ ~e;~/t!~~/:~o~1;~h~:: ;h~:~~ ~~~~~~r~~~~-~0~u~d;td { ~~~~} §~:; ~~~~:~~:~~~~~~;~~,~\~~r,~~;.~i~1~i:~~~:~ ~:i::~~~~:;~E2:~~a:~;;~·~:,,:~~r.:~"'&t.~~: