Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Tell firjl Pe,fecutiom in the Primitive Church. ;:~;;,~:. g!-:~;}i'!.~~[~J;£~?J~~~~~:~:;~~~~ crimeisthcreinme dutolfenderhrhyfarhcrhocxl? HJfi ~:: J:'%of~~1:~r~?r:~~li~; ;·~~;thD~u:~~:!: ~;~~~~~~~~;~~tr~;~~l~~~·~~r~£~ ourMafierpoffefs, thanthepoorPoople, iuwhcmhelovul ~~r~:J;~ 0J rr:~~~~nJr~: !3~c~ h:~:!~~.ti~1~! !bred, he rampcd, he fared asone<nJtof h:s wits: His eyeslikefireglowed,hismouthlike aBorefomed,histH"th like a _hel~nd gri•~ned. Now not a_rrafOJJabl~, hut aroarmgLtonhetrughrbecalled. Kmdlet_hctire (hecry.. ed)ofwoodmake no(parc. Haththisvallamdelndedthe Emperor? Away with him, away with him: Whip him b%\~1 ~~~g::i~~~~m ~:~~h~s~ ~~~~;~~7r~~'~~~1 ~:~~ 7'1 unrohimrhc:fellowfhipofthy blcod, towhomthouhall committM. thedillributionoftheLordsbJood) See that r_hy Judgment be nor miflakc:n, whilfl thy fortitude:_ is ltkedabdlaucled. Theabuling of the fcholar is the dtfgr.tcingofthc: Mallcr. What_? Have we not learned that worthy Mafiers have obramed mofi worthy fame by the worthy a& of their Difcip\esai1d fcholars? Finally, Abrahamfacrihcedhis only begotten Jfaar; flon«lStephan,prepared. th~ way to Preaching Pettr : Even fo Father dedare thy marufold vertu(S by me thy fon. Olfrr thou him that proffercthhimfelf; grant thatr_helxxlyofthy fcholar may be facrificed, whofe mind wtth good letters thouhaflbeautifit.od. ThcfeYlOrdswilh tc:arsSaintLawrtnuuttend, notb«aufehisMaflcrfhouldfuffcr, but for thathemightnotbefufferedtotafieofDeaths,cupwhich hethirfic:dafttt. peror? Pinch htm wtth hery Tongs, gtrd him with bu_mmg plates, bring out the firongellchains., andthetiref~rks, and the grated bed of Iron: on the fire with it, • . bmdthere:bd hand and foot:; and when the bed is fire hot,:::..::;;~ ;i~~P~~i~~fr~J!~fu;~:e~i;y~<;!,~~~~:~~~:;~ :~d~o~'' th• .•nlt.-n Then Xi.ftusto his fonfltaped this anfwcr: J forfake ~~;:t;;,to ~~~:frr~~~:tf~r; r1:ve gf~t~e::~ ::k ao~a~~ am J, and therefore nm the: r:lCe ofalighterandc:af~r Death: But lufiyandyoung thou art, and morelufiily, }"tamore:gloriouflyrhalt rhouuiumph over this Tyrant: mentors.Thewordwasnofoonafpoken,burallwasdcm·. 1 w~l~r~~;fa;Y~~~~~afi:11ed ~fis ,r;:;,k ~~~~n'~1(~~ bed. of Down. So mightily God wrought with hi.'l Martyr Lawrence; fo mirnculoufly God tempt.nd his ~~~~f~~~~n~~~~ r~~t '~~o:;n:t~!~in,Jo~tl:;: !;~:11f"t~f£~f~1~:~~:~:h,~,~~~~5i ~f[J:~~; nt of God he fpake to the vanquifhcd T}'l"3nt. ~m. Thy rime approoche:th, ceafc to weep a_n~ lament, three daysafterthouOJaltfollowme: Da:entltiSthatthisfpacc: oftimc:comebt:twemthePriefl:and the Levite. ltmay not befc:emthtt, Ofwett pupil, to triumph underthy MaOer, kfiitbefaid, he wamedanhelper. \Vhycravefl: I ~;;::~:;h";,~'J~''~;:~::;;;:;;;;;.:J,r;r:;;,]:',;,~:; ~~~~~~ :~ec~h~~k ~~~i:~~ mw~~~~:~r~rt~~~~~ I. cnjoymyprtfence? Letweakfcholarsgo btfore, and the firongcr come after, that thofe without mafler may get' the victory, whichhavenonwibymaftertobegoverned. SoHtliaskftbthindhimhisbtlovedHtlifous. l yieldup into thy hands thefucceffion of my virtu(S, Such ·was their contention, 1:0t wunttt for fo Godly a Pridt, and fo :z_ealous a Mitllfier ; firiving '~ith themfdv(S who !hould firtlfuJferforthenameofChnfi)efus. ln tragkal Hillori(S we have it menriOJt~, that through ~~~;~~~;~~rn~ii:fe~~fte;~P~ft:~e(~s'~~it~;) God ,,r,~;i~t '"~~":~cyg'?"' «ii'?td•y<h;1;r,'or·L;,;: affirmed himfc:lf to be Ortftts : Pi!adn wifhing to die for Onjhs, Oreftu not fuffering Piladu to lofe his life forhislake; butndtherofthemmightc:fcapeDeath; for boththc:feloverswcreguilty_ofblood, th~onecomrnitting the fad-, d:e other confentmg. But thiS our Lalvrmce, pi~~;~:,~~~; ;;;;'~j.,:~,~~~:f~r:~~[~~.~,:~~i :k~~rp::r,'fa~~~~t~~by~is110 ard:':z:f~~edfc:~~ ~ vmt_fpint, who th.irlhng aftn the Cup of Martyrdom, hadJrfhonlyafrcrtillc:dtothehardbrim. ~~h~ u t~~~~ ~~~ts~:~s~~:y~h~~~~;1 ~~~~ ~;:~:: ~~~~~l~~ti~~~~ff~~~l.~?~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~:s~~~~!~~i~~~~:B~~· .,.,fta~ltd rake ofavarice to fcrapc· to himfelftheTrc:afureofpoor ~~~~~~· GhriC!ians;. then with the fiery fOrk ofTyranny, fo t~ tofs and mrmotl them, that they fhou\d wax weary of their Profdf100: With furious face andcruc:lcoumenance,· rhe ~~B~;f~\~;~~~~~~f~~t!:~~~~ §~f~: greedy wolfe demanded where this Dtaoon Unvrtnce, hadbefiowedthef bllanceoftheCh rch? Whocrnving chrrf:daysrc:fpite, promifedtodeclarewhererheTrcfiue might be had. In.themean time, he caufed a good '"'"' '"'""""' '"' '""' number of ~r Chnfiians to be Congregated. So '"~hen the day o_f Ius anfwer was come, the perfecut_tlr fl:m11y ::::~~:~~~%~:~::fi:~::~:\t;.::~;~~~~~~;~~!~~; charg«ihlmtofbndtohispro ife. Th nvaliantLalv- ~,fu~:or :c~h~:~~~0¥r~~u~:n~ ~~~r ~~=: ~~e:a~t~: ~,b. }rnfi.tre il':detd, in whom the fairh ofChrlft Reigneth, m whom Jef~ Chrifi . hath his mantion plact : What more prc:ctous )t"eis can Chrifi haVe, dnn thofe m whom he _ham promifed to dwd11 F9t (o it iswritt~n, I was me-roeat;TWas thi:ffiy,andfegaVe