The Te1z jirfl Perfecutio:lS in the Primitive Clmrcb. t at worchy Mlllm have ~~ined mofi wonhy by the worthy a~ of t~1ei r Dt~tp!csand fcholars? Fuully, Abraharn(a.crificed hts only begorunJfaac; JlonedSt~ phtm,prcp:lfed the way eo Preaching Pmr : Even fo Father d«hrcthymanifoldvertuesPy methyfon. Offer thou him that proffereth himftlf; grant thacrhebodyofthy fcholarmaybe facrilict'd., whofe mind withgoodlrtters thou hall bcluti lirtl. Thefe words with rears Saint lAw· rmceuttmd, norbecaufehisJVIallerfhouklfuffer,butfor that he might not bt: fuffert'd. to rafk ofDcaths, cup which hcthirllcdafter. n. ,..r,,u Then Xijfur to his fon.lhaped this anfiver: .I for&ke ~!'f;~~o ~~~:dr;~~J;fur; t~ve~f~bJe~~ ~!:k 3o:!J~~ am J, and therefme run the race ofaligllterandQiier Death : But Juily and yow1g thou lrt, au_d more Jull~y, )'ea more glorioully lhalt thou rriwnph over this T )'r.lnt ; T hy time approacheth, cea(e to weep and hmem, three darsaftcrthoufhaltfollow~e: Decentitist~atthisfpace of time come bttween the Pneft and the Levlte. It may not befeemthec, O fwct.t pupi l, totriwnph under thy Maller, kftitbefaid, he wanredan helpcr. Whycraveft thou robe !Xl'bker withmein my pa!fton? I bt:que:uh untothecthcwhole inhtritance. Whyre.quireftthou to cnjoymyprefcncc? Lctweakfcholarsgo befort, and the flronger oomc~ttr, thatthofewithoutma.fternuygec the viCtory, whrchhavenoncedbymailertobegovemed. So Heliarlcft behind him his bdovt'd. Helifm. I yidd up into thy hands thefuccdlion of my virtues. Such was their comention,notunmutforfoGodlyaPrieft, andfo J_e:LIOUS a Minifia ; ftriving '~ith tht:mfdves who lhould hrilfufferfur thenameofChrifi }efus. Intragica!Hirtorieswc!uveitmcu.iQr\ed, that through ~ha~r;:~~:~ra~~~~~e~~~ft~~e~~~;:;:;it:~~) I ~:':~~~·~1f,::,:::·~;;;;;G~'l:~::•.frb;·1'{U:~~!;:;;o!:(,;; £!r~~jf~~m6~~~~ ,t;t ~i~:~~ ~~~~~:~ ~~(h~ ~~ I >Ot ;:~":.':,' '":~''•.::~::~'-·." ,,. ._,,., v•• ~~, 79 :,~~~~r=~;\.:~::~~~~b~:t~~~ !:~~~~~ the faCt, the other confenung. But d1ts our Llnvrmu, Pc~,:;;::,;~,:~;~:~ ;;;::~~b:~:,:~:r;·~:~r~~~~:.~o~~'; """' ::k~~~,P~~r,'f~~~~~b;fusnoard:~ ,:to~~d}e~~ ~ vntt.fpirit, who ~irlling after the Cup of M:trt)Tdom, ha.dtt(hordyaftr-rfilledtothclurdbrim. ¥f;:· :£.~;:r~~:a~i~~~~~.~:t:.:~£:~r; ror, bu1 tobca Muuller ofdl(: Sa.cnumnts, but adifiributer alfo ~}~ ~:~~~:E:~~~1.~:5E~l~:~:~.~~,:i~~~~::~;; I ;~~f~~;.~:~~ ~:.~u,~~i~·s;.~;j~~~~~~1%i::~i~/~tif ~~:~s: .. w~:'allod rake of avarice to fcrape to himfdfthe Treafureofporn :fO~:~~e Chriftians;. then with the fiery fork of Tyranny, fo to to& and rurmod t~m, that they fhould wax weary of their Profellion : W1th furious fuce and crud countmance, the greedy wolU: demanded where this Deamn Lawmm, hldbdlo\.\'edthcfubJlanceoftheChurch? \Vhornviug :;tdaG: ;~te,11;:;if:at~ ~~~e~~~Fed~r~~ ~'oul~h~t~tn t~d'~"C'',dc"mhipthoGods;,,uk«j><~£ number of p:;cr Chrilhans to be Congregatnl. So when the dayo!'lusanfwer WJSCOifl(',thepafecut.orftri&ry ~~i·~· :;~.~~E£~S~~;:·~~a:'l;:~.~~ ~<b. rr~~~~~t~ ~)~~il~thhh~ai~~~~l~c~ei'\r~~~ more prC:CEOU$ ~ds can Chrifi have, than' thcl'e in whom he hath pro1111fcd to dwell? For fo it is written, 1 was me to eat> rwas-thitfly,aJJdyt:ga\',(:,1