8o [be Ten firfl Perfecutions in tbe Primitive Churcb. for their ~fpaous holth and co~tinuancc. Then the 1 and fiin«< up to mh~ifitt to the confc!Tors lying i'n lxtnds., ~~~~,~~~f~~~u~G'oo:v~~~~~~ ~~~~~;~~ ya~ r'i:~ ~ ::: ~~:~~~~ ~:ili~f:hb~!~:~~~~1 ;;c~d ~~C:",;. our Gods alfo? For you art command~ to worlhip fi1ch tJ:is day, _cmclly mu~hcring ft1ch ~ ~ brought before f•llio.,.,r Gods, as all men know to be Gods. DtrmJfut anfw~~· hun, tran~g foiTI( With toi'TTll!nts, unprifoning ilnd k~p- ~:!: ~;,; rl~~o~;~d~~~:~faf~1:~; t~-~ ~~~ t~;~:~i m~:,;:~d :7n:~~erh::n~u~~~~i~~~·:~s :~~r~~ ~~~~ ~:~ confider not the bcnign~tyof~hc J?mperor; wherefore you Yet notwithft~ndmg God with chct~ , and daily !hall n::tmin no longer m dus Clfy, but lhall be fcm out refort of the brcthrm doth comfort the affiided. H.er: tO the plrtS of Libya, unto a Town called Ctphro: For DionJji11s. ~f~~~J~::~~~~;~:~;at~~~i~{.~t~~~ ~~~~r~rif~;~.:~~l~~~~;!;~;~~t~~ ~ilt: And think not COI1trary, but ye !hall be watched well l::h':non, where he bemg a very old man at lengthwas F.,,,, ~~~d',o ~~~~~g!Anfi~%fto~~~to;~~~i~tctl~3~~d ~;:,~~~::r;:~ ~~l~i11~~~1011~ji~~rl~fr~klf, thus the ,flories report f~~:X.~ ing of himklf: An<las for me (faith l1e) although I thathefurvwmgal1 tflefe.troublesandperfecmions., b)'~~ ~r.mt•· W:l.S lick, yet .he urged me fo firi~!y to depart, that he providence of God, contuuu:d after the death.of Valtrian, would not gtvc me one days refp1te. And how (faid Wlto the twelfth yt;~r of the Rcign of Gal1tnus, which Thcrlld ~~;:i~~~~;:ffeZbli~?"A?ld~~ ~~~~~i~roJ~~:~l: ~:~ ~';\t:xr~ d:;;cM~·;~ !:~~~ :~~~; :rD~::;}. And yet neither am T altogether abfent &om the Corpo- that he had governed dlC Church of Alo:andria the fp;~ce m! fociety of the Lo~ flock? but I h:~xe colla1ed them- of feventttn ~·t;~rs., and bt:fo~ that had rau~t the School rogtther,whichweremtheCity, bt:ingabfent,asthough I ofthefaidCny of.Jin:anJr~.a, thetermofhxtttn years, hJd bmt prefent; abfrntin bOOy, yet pre[mt in Spirit. A.nd afcer whom fuccttd«i Maxtmlls, as ~ a~\'e fpecillcd. In6Jllt ~e:h:::~ ~v:~re\fc~~~~~~~a~~\:d~~0~~~~~ ~~tj~:~ ~~hOr~~~g ~~fo,f~:~~ O!~~~o;~g.~t~£ ~f!: f~r~~::~~i~~f~i~iJ~~~~~~~ ~~I~~!J§~~~~~~~~~!.~;£r?a~£~~~· 1W.7. Lord. And Co hrus the Word was preached to them fi:~nd,andpatientlytofufferin tlusptrfecution, as men which bcfo r~ were infid~ls; Which Mirlifietyafterthat we bci1.1g grieved with themfelves, began eo Itfll!l.tt Jnd accufe b:td :tccomphfhcd there, the Lord removed us ro another therr fogreat OuggifhneC~, and cowardlyneghgence, to fee place. For.EmilianllstraJ~O:tted us fromthencetomore Ot~rsfo7ealousand val.i:tnt, and themfelvesfo cold and {harp:tndCl:rtd:erpLlcesofLtbia,andco?'rr~,mdedustomeer Famt-hearted, in ~urmg fc;r the Crow? of ~hrifiian all together at the City Mare~ra : Thmking t!lere to fep:t- martyrdom : And hrft c~nfu\nngand agreemgwtth themrattusfevera\lyintofimdryVtl!ages.,orthinkingrathcrto felws, theycame to Cefima, and there flepping tothe take and prevent us by the way. After we were come Judge, declared themfelves what they were, and obtained ~;;Z~hi~~.;d~~~~~~ ~~:e~~ho~~~~~~%e:: ~er0~h~~n~: ~%' a~J11~1 t~; ~~~f~e}:~ the more gnef to me ;. yet fome fo\ace tt ~vas to me, that a certam woman, whofe name &{tbtus exprelfeth not, the bmhrtn told me 1t was near to a Ctty named P~r~- who had IM:ot btfort oft~ fa1 of J.!ard(ltl, 'vas brought z~J.b.l;h.7. t rmrum. For as my being 'at Ctphro got me the acquamt- before the Pre~dmt, and likewifc:obtamal the fame Martyr- ,.p.u. ~i:u~::~~;l~~c(,~~~~~fd~)~~dty~~~ doNri~~~b·,~~ Cf~2;,r Cart~age ~ this while frtt Thm :e\~~ic~~!fd~ef~~ :d"a~bfe:%u~o~ro;; ~d:7~~~:~~rt~~~ii,:;,~~ ~~ ~~;d ~;~l.;~ft ome to paiS, &c. Hugo, recordcth of three hundred Martyrs, of which three ft"!!:.:~Ji6• ~ Di"'.JJi• . Moreover, .the faid Dif!";Jius in. his Epiflle, AJ Domi- hw~red Mlrtyrs, the ftory ~th thus, that the Prefidc1t ' '"'•t·i~ ~~~~~~[~f~l~~ ri~~~~~ ~Jo~~e:111o:;:s:i~h~~~:or~~~j~:nvfd~;~~~:Jo~~~~;~ un~~~~~~~~~t!~ ~a~~zy 0i~lf~!:h~n~:llr~::;;;:; ~i~,~~~~;~;J~f~~l/~~:;~:~3 E~l~t~F~~~;.~:;f:~tffr~E4~ [ZrJt m tbt daJ.of falvaron I hav~ !Hlprd thr~, &c. Now mnnedf11~ rubbed wtth lune,then Wt:r~fcorched upon the :tS concernmg my felf in what fute I am, 1f thou defire fiery gnd-tron,at bfi were cafl wthe Wild bcafts; who, beto know ti~fi how I and Caius, and Fau,1us, Pttrusand ing not touch~dof thc'lll, finally with thcfwordwert bePall/us, ben~lpprehendedbytheCentunOn, wcretaken lxaded,.Pincent. E,rford. :~,;~~Y~:~:1 t%~To~~~ 1a~7'~~d'ier~~:'1~: till!n~;~~~~~~eC~ty in~~~Jred,u~~.;h~~~nd::ronof klr hm: included in a Well: place of L~bia., diftant the Cla11di'u tile Pref~ was h:mged tirft ~up:~n the ~ck, p.,.,,,., ~p.tce cf.thrcedl)'S journey from Parmmum, &c. And thenwascafitothewl\~ brafis, ofwhotnhebeiJ.lgnotlung ""rfJ"· m proc~ furthf! ]le a~deth: Jn the City (faith he) were hurt, was aftt:r.com~ltted to the fi_rt; :z~ tinally, not ... ~~j~~~rr.r.:~;?!~;~~~~~~ ~!~~~;,~s~f!~§:f~~~:~~ ¥~~- o ' them whom lickneCshath confumed, Faujlus, Euftbms, fputts, bywhomtheywcrefollUfcrablyv~xcdthattheyblt f.<sr· 17 ' t ;·.U.e and Chmm(ltl arc yet :ilivc. E11jtbit1s hat~ God raifed off their tongues, and ditd. zm,n,