Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

82 Tbe Ten firji Pnfewtions In tbe Primitive Cburcb. hind ·them ; their Bmds ( :IS Prudn~tius writcth ) w«e unto all men a perfl(tual Momm1cnt of thine own wretch· :~~%;n~:~~l~1;~~~~~1~:110T~~~cdch~:~~ 0·~~~cj;J~r; ~~~;~ edL;;~t~~ t:ti~~ of <?OO his terrible ju?~ment is ~lfo to Tfte pun!at. t!Jc: BLfhop was t~JS, That he jhoulJ worjlup the gods ~vhom be: n?ted in Claudsus hLS Prclidcm and Mmdkr of h1s Per· ~~~ ~~~ ~ili~::\~:11~~ ~=tr.e.::h ~~0 ;~~~fi,;~'::7utt ~~~~lS.tha?~~~~i~ ~;r;;;:ta~:r;;~c~/~r~lt~~~itr~ ~:;;::r: god cf Stod:s and Blatk.s 11vbom ChlJenus doth worjhsp,but fuch fo~t, that he biting _off l-11s OWJ"' Tongue in lllJ.ny ~;:~'/!~~;:~/;J'!e:,":nJ 111//~t¥:!/[;~;J::U~~:he;s~"1 fin~~kh~~di~ ~~::i~n~:~s ~~~ {;{,~1· Valtrian, aft(r the G•Li•u• 'JJ;bofo F[(IC~ I am btre tke Pafto: and SheP.keard. At thiS Capr1vity of his. Father, ~tt~rly _t~e rightt?us hand ~~:r!'! ~~~[·• ~or;!a~~~i;~:J~ :J:o~:v:;~~~ a~~d ~~~f~~h;~~~td~ ~h~:te :;~:~ ~~~~~j~b~=sv~%~~~eh~%~~~~ ,;_ ~:·~~~~ ~~lds~l~e ,~0a~:i:t~~gd1~f~ b;e;IJ~~~~e~ ~~:? ~~~~d r:~h'~~f~:ta~~~~~fo,~~~:dqR:b!u~~~;aa~~tlf~n~~ up their hands to Heave1t, prailn1g the hvmg ~' to the that Trebtllto doth reckon up to t h~ nu~~r of thirty gr~t admiration of them that flood by, pray m~ alfo that together, which in fwldry places all at one tune took upon t~ Element, whkh fetmed w fly_fron:t them, might w~k them to be Tyrants and EmJXrors ova the Monarchy of his full fore~ upon them,and fpeedily difpatch them; wh1ch Rome, by the means whertOf he was not able to fuccour The r~oouT was after their req~en obtJin«<. In tJ:e me:m (pace, as his ~athu, though ~e would. Notwithflanding the (aid }~~JC f~~:~:,,::£~,7Z:61~~,~~J~7~h:.~~~;~~~~~~:~ [~:~~~~J~;;~f~?u~,~~~E2;,~:~!~ 1i0~:,t ;~~~~h~~d~e~,t~~;r~;~:,s1~~e1~1~:~~. ~~.u~; ~ir~~1pp;~~!~~ a~:~~J%,~1~~~ r:~~ i,;cz;•·7· t~1c~~~~f:Feth~:~£,~:r~~~~h: ~h~:J;e;;.:, ~:~~~~ t~ii~=~;,·;:t;, 1J.;rl~!,~:,r '::u~~~~\~;tlj;;:n~~~;:u:~ eotIJ. had coademned. . Pmna, an_d to Dt'!'U~tan, anJ t~ all other t b~ ltl:.t Biflwps. Pr!~;::~~!~ =~~c~v~F~~~:l~~~h~~.~=~h~~\~ ~~;':t~fb! ;o:1ai:;'efrb:{,f/'r_Lba;:toJ:;~;/:,~:o;z; d~nk, d~firing him with much weepmg to f(Ctlve_and t~tt~l _that (ucb, wb,,b are Jetamttl m banijiJmtnt for ~h~~~ ~~~:ov~hre~ ~j~f~:~h:i:1~C:~uf~ti~h~~'e 1r~di:!~~ ~~~p:;'::J:~~;yor~t~:::::,}:iha"£:he~{en~::;;; nt mod <- ~~~~r~~~rf~r:~r~~~~ew:li;dd~d~~~t~~~Xf i~u~l~e 0~r~~ {/t~:::t~at b:}ori;;J; J:~o:/:J//eho:1~ :::Ff&.: A1oC,.,.. but n~Jther would he: fuff?"any Srrvants hdp in that whubyouma]nuwlawfull]uyoy, bathbunlongji~uby •••fw. whrrrmhc was no ldS wi]Ji,~g tha~1able to help himfd[ megrantttl. .AnJ tkeriforefor 7our mort warrant mtht And thus this bldfc:d and frmtlitl B~op F~u8uofus, with fame, I b'!vt mn_mt:uJ the t~amplar hmof to the cujfoJ1 !;~~ ~;~ ~~~:fet;~~;~~~O~~~.t!~ft~~~~}~I~N~~ ~f j{,t~~li~;; /:{t:':~::r ~ttJru~;~war.J, wbmyou m~y Chrill wuh the lheddmg of their blood. .Aurel. PruJent:us, ThlS Mandate_above prehxed' d1~ Galtenus ~end to D~<r Al>ol~n A~:lJ1i:i~nr:; continued wicked Valtrian in his t}'ranny 'Xt~:he~!;;:::~i(i;'~~drald 1Em=m~~~~th~~f=~ e~~~; againft the ~nts ofChrifl•. ~t as all the ~yrants before, fiia~t Bilb?ps, JXrrnitting to them full liberty to rec~ve ct.r1ft11" ~~~r~ ~~~,f!t~~!!~no~a~~eof~f:J~n:Vhj:t :~~eJ~t~~~:; ~~~~:~:!~~~kdt~ft~:~;;~~:,:~:wrre wont to affooate {~o} ::~:.~:a;~a<~~;'::f ~:,ith':~~i;·~~~~=~~d,~ ~;j~~fj-~fc~ th!{ ~~~ i~h:Ja~=rt~~h~ ~~~cho?cl~c~:~ .. fe\'rn ynr.;, and about two }'t':lrs had afflu~trd the Church not fo, but that fome there were whcch fuflered, of whom ,w-,n,.., ~~rj~t!~~f~~;;;~f]~i~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~l~~If~~t;,t~~~ ~:t:.; . nel.S, it is doubtful: butthisiscertain,thathefcllir.tothe fuppbntcd him both of office and lif~; !Or he accufed hands of his Enemies,_ bcmg abollt tl_Je age of fourfcore him to be a Cbriftiat~, and thmfor~ flid that he was JU?t ~:.::·, ~:ii;;,;~rf:;~:if~i?~(,ft,,~:;&:,l~:~~:df.i:[~~ ~~~~::~~~·~~i~~2h~~~~;~:Bij~~~fi~~ boaotcd. ~t for his riding-block: for wh"~f!XVer the King fhould indetd, and confhu_1dy to Hand to his ~fdlion, sa'·e him hghtuponhis Horfeopenlyin thehghtofthepeopk,Y~-/e- three hoursto dehbrntte andadvifewuhhimkll. Thtre ~~k7~~~K~~n::~~\~~:~ ~h~;~t~n ~~~~~~~~ :h:~~~~ll!!h~~1~r:a,~~n;~:~~d;o~~~:J ~~!.~' horfcba~k. And fo continued dtis blockifh but~htrly 'Em- i 1~ doubtful deli~rauon and perplexi~ m h1mklf, took peror w1th fharne and fport enough nnro his tinal end, as /urn by the hand and brought him mto rhe Hour~ or witndfeth Ltws and Aurelius Viflcr. Church of the Chrijfiam, bring before him a Sword &. E•f•J. , Albeit Eufobim, in a certain Sern:ton to the (which he had under his Cloke for the fa_me purpoft) and ~iJB{'~~lf!!~~ ingof the Sub~ of God, thtrefon: hall proved unto of that Order (whointh~famctimeWa5thereprelmcathlf«· uscherightt'OUS JUd&mttlt of~, in that thyfclf h_~fl his Manyrd?m)_~k u~ and bare upon his own fhoulbcen bound i11 ChanJS, and earned :nvay_ for ~ Capt_Jve d~rs., wrappmg 1t m_a ne~ and fumptl_lous Weed,_ and Slave with thy &orgeons Purpk, and thy unpenal-?-rtrrc:, fo honourabl)' comnuttcd tt to the bumL E,fob, /,b. 7· £•!•~-~•. and atlengthal!o, ~ingoommandcdofSaFes, Kmgof " 'f• 16. 7·Wf· 16 • the Ptrfimu eo be flam and powdered with lair, h~t fet up Of