Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

86 The Ten fuf/ Fe>fewtiolls in the Primitive Cbtmb. ~s;~~d:~~;:~~~~t·:~~~:~~~d~;:~~;, ~;~~~~';~:f!JY.:; ,~!~'·~1c'£i~,~~~;~ :::~~ ..., downupottthePavcmcm, andtr:uhngrhcrnag.ratfpacc pnfon, :lSamofl:h('Jvya ndcruelfpr(r:tcle to lxhoJd; :lS by the legs, made the proplc bdie,·c tha_t they had f~ifi.. :Mo tht: BilllOps, ~!ders, and Dc:!cons, which all were ced. Furrhermon:, other there were whtch J!outly wnh- cfia:med 3S men·k1llers, and perpetrators of moll wicktd. ~= ~~~mfuch~:~fcc.witraw: f~;:e ftdt t~ ,~:! :~fe ;;:t:·,~~-:~~:!,;;~, ~~i~ 1~:~~~d~~~c~~~c~h~ ~tt::g· Chrifth~lS, and. gloried in. the profdlion of that name : Fillt..:s .of the ~ and of Zeno~ius '~hich '~ a very good ~.·:.z;;,, fomc cned, Uyutg, that neither they had nor. would ever PhyfLCtan, which alfo was flam with Br1cklxtts in the Pllyforloo, be partakers of rlnc Idola~ry: and dx{e, being buff~cd fame place. Eu[tb. M. 8. (PP· '3 · r.tu1J 1• on the f.lce and mouth With the hands of the ~ldters, Furthermore, he maketh mention in the fame phce of m::tde ~o hoJd their ~e, and W thru~ out with vio-- oth~ which wcrc not tonnented to death, but e\'tty d:ty Jcnce. And 1f the &lims did feem never fo htt!e to do what terrttled and feared without ceafu1g: o f Come others that ~~~~~~~~hisw~;;J~~~~d\~~~~~~~~~~~~u~e~ ~C::~br:~~t ~:~~ ~~~~ld1~t~~~:~a\1~d~1:~ againfi the holy and confia~t fervants ofChnfi. Notwith- the tire, than touch the prophane or wickJ. facrifice; a lfo fhn.ding, of the we:tk fort umwnerable there were, which of fome others, that before they were apprehend ed.,would ~~11~~ and infirmity fell and gave O\'<r, ev~n at rhe firfi ~c~~hn ~~~~~~;:~!~~nyfi~~~~~:;nd~h:i~~:}~~ ~~~~ ~;E.,~f~~t.:~:r~:~~:~i~:~~~:f ~:~ ~~:;~~~:~~\::~~ E1.:~ ~:t!~i:i; ~;fi~ MmJT. moved by the ze:tl of God, after the Proclamation made for, and at the lal_l tOmJd, arid ~tCtlr kept by their at NicomuliP v.':lS fet up, by atld ?Y. ran and took do~vn K~pcrs ; who, wlulfi they tp:tde their cxru(c to do that ~:~: ~~~l~~f~he~v:E,:~~:\~~~1_~:;~:~~~C:.~~ ~~~~'~ fu~~c: r;Ifo~f~t~:~::~~:~lv~~~=~~;~t;~ Two othtr_ For wluch afr he was put tO a mofi bitter de:tth, which crs, and of a worflupful flock, indu~ With many goodly ;k,'~•Ant';r~· ~1.~;~~,8. ~:t~c~~~~~ fufo~:~1b~s.~~p.~:~. aJdurOO evat to ~~Z~in;h~;~~vd::~t ~n~~C:t~{tb~,;~~ :c;ig~:~ 'Y~ bei~!tfert~~~~-;~~:t~~ !f ~r,;~Tn:; ~~a~l:!ijJ~:~~~~:~~~~;~\o!~~h% 1~i:h11 c~~ Ei~r and more, makmg havoc~ of G~ people th!Cughout all tatn others was thrown to the Wild Bcafis, EuftbJib.8. Mauyr. ~crl"KUtlon 2ofe:1~i~~ ~l~~~~frl! fi~~~ £~~~r!J: gh~~~~~~~t;: CPfDi~~ a_nd fundry t~rments were the Chriflians in ~'fiY" ~ ~~~b1":~'];", on) ~xecuted his T_yra.nn_Y m the Eafl:, and MaxlmMnus Mefopctamul- molefled wuh; where they were hanged up E;r,t'i'i';:S, tmr:;~O<I ~~t;~r~~~!~~~~ ~;a· ~~~:~~~~o~:?~::~~~ ~o~~c tf~· G:ut 1 ~~~~~~gJ~'~n:~~r~~i~ ~;~~a~~~=O:. 1> f•h.lib.S. whom the M:rrlhal of t~e field ( ~ Euftb. l:b. 8, fPj· 4· e:a, where the Martyrs had their legs broken: Euftb. " 1 ·•· affirmcth) put t!M: Chrillian Sooidtcrs to thifchoife, whe- l1b, 8. (Pp. 12. thcr they would obey the Emperors commaJJdment in dut Htnri~11s ~e.E_rfort!iP m"lketh m~ntion of the M:trtyrsof ~·/.nor ml~lllcr of f3crific~ he ~mm::tndcd, :md fo boch tO keep Thar[u1 m Clllfld, as TharatuJ, Probw and AnJraniuu : n..:..~::, ~~:~~~~ar~~~~Jh,::~:\~h:~~~;~h:Q;~~ ~~r~ct:~i~~~~!;r ~=~t~f~:;;~ffu!ft~erC: ~~~t" ~~U'~tc men couragioufl_y an£\vmd, that they were not only ready after Il?k~ mention, EuftbjuJ ibi~. So outr.tgious was ~!::!!:• of andf~hh Jo to Jay ~'':'Y t,htir a~ and we:tpons, but alfo ro fi1ffcr the bc_gumm_g of the _Pt1}~ttOn whtch.tlte Empcror!llldc So!Jltu. !d~t~ t~:~ ~:;!:~.:;~ J:'~}~ ~c~!d:~~~d t:;;; ~~~;;r:tfr~; r~:~;~~ht~ ~f~~:is6t~r~~ 3~PE~: Si~~~ m;.t:~:~i~~:~c!~~:k~· ftcn .'·ery !lllll}' which were ~~ 1~1tiJ~ )~~~mwt~mfl~u~~fe b!fo~~ m~~,:~~~;~~::. defir~ to live a fimple and. poor ltfe, and which r_c{?dcd. as much of, as if they had be en his 0\ytl ChJldrcn. ~~~:d:t~:lda~l:~o ~~~~tri:r~b~ft~ ~~~: ~~~ ~~ht~~:~ c~:~~~·,~h~~h ~~ 0~n;tv~~k~~ ~: ~~~:~ ~~.n ~~he~~:;~;~v~~ldff:il~~~~~ :J,;~ca\~tr;:r~: ~i~~J~o~f', ~~~;v~o~a~Ji~!ni/~h~~~ ~~~~~'~:i& M>n,T. on or tl(){; as alfo tills was another, that m the bcgimung after they had mingled. Vinegar and Salt togrtha, of t~1e Pcrfccmion, thcre wne b:lt a. few f?Imcrm-d with they p::mrcd it upon the mofi tender )llrts of his bopum!hmcnt, butaftcrward bylmlc and htdc he begatt dy, and lafily, roafl:cdh imata.fcftfire, asammwould morcma.nifefi\ytoburftoutintopcrfecudon. Itc:tnhard· roofifldhtoeat) as avifrorious Martyr ended. his life. X~!; b~~e:!s'~~\;~; ~~r~~~~JdMRc~~~~ ~:t8tffi~ea~~d~0~1~"iE~~~ ;r~C: ~~c!s ~~;:~~ f,=;=.·:. E>f•~-fiM. the: nam.:ofChriH, Euftbms m his Eigluh Book, and fe- were firangled Wtth a Halter: both which being of n•rn. ~·I· 7 • '"cnth Chapter faith, dut he himfelf knew the worthy the Privy Ch:unlxr to him, when they faw and bcz:.:?onr~~- ;~;;~lr~.:~~~~~~~~~~i:~61~~:~1~ ~~ti~~{,~~~~~~~:~:~~~~~b :~:~i;~~~~~~ lkafiS, ~ere prcfervcd without hurt of rh~m, to the great rhis :ta:Ot.U~ted in him an. off met, t~t we all confdS_? =(~~~~~h~tr: ~~~~~:;;re~~~~d' ,!d~iir:~:~ ~e Tf~e%r~~~~ta~~~m~~~~~~h;dr~uf; 1~;:~1:rr~~1:~ devour them : wh1J1 notwithfl:andntg moll ve!Jcmtntly and almoft wtth ltke p:tnlS to be tormented as Peur was, rngrtl againH thore by whom they were _brought into the and afterwar~ hanged. _Eu{tb. Ru(fin.lib. ~· cap. 6. After · Stagt\ who. fiatlding as they thought wuhout <hngcr of whom .AnthltnUJ the Bdhop ~f Nium1t1•P, ~ttcr he had _,4,!~.>"' ~:lii~11~~!~1