Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Twfirfl Pe>fecutiolls in the Primitive Chucb. E¥:~· g\:~~§~{~;f~~~~~¥~~1~ ~~tE~~~~1~;~~l~x~~:~~;.=~;·t~ too~ Licinius. . And thcfc w~rc the Emperors an~ ~tfors, Book _and ftxth Chapt~. £~~1f~I~~~{f~[E 'of C•r>fl••· was the fon of Lm·opsus, a man of great nobiltty of the condttiOtlS ~f hun m his dghth Book and ~rn Chap- :...-,. d·c ~omtm nation, as Ltt~fs affirmeth. He came _of ter. For he 6..ith he was of a TyranniCII dtfpo~tion:; the line cf EnMs :md Cl11uduJ thedaughter of C/audru1 the fe:trfullcll nun that might be-, and curious m all :n{lh~"d;:U:~:~J1:!~~o~ct~pl~~irh~ft~;~~~: :~:~~~Ji!~~: '~}Di~d~~~ ~';~~~t;\~~c~i;t~ wnhGalmu1, andwouldrulcbut mFranu , Brttaznand and therefore he ga\'C gro.toffices and d1gnuiestom.. Spain,_ refuting tltt other KingJoms for the noubld'"ome chanters. Furt!Jt~Jnore, t~at he wJSa.n cxador and ex• and dtfficult go,·m1ment of the fame. Othmvife he tortioner of the Cniuns, ]1ber.J.l to thofe rhatwere flatter~ ~:~=:::~~~:5::~~:~~~~~:~~::~~1;;;: 2~~i~E~d~r~r~~~~;h~=~:~ia~~~~;~::~: der him, And as C;rus.onc.e faid, that he got tr~fu~e vifhtd virgillS, and defikd mens Wiv~ To conclude, newlfk- ~~~Jl.P~;,,. ~~~~g;:~~~:;sn:~~~~~:n~~~~~)~hcha;v~\~:~-~~~~~ ~~e;35c~~;r~:~~a~~~~~~;o}~a~~~b~:r:~~~~~i~;~; ~~l~~ dJ3t his fi.ilijcds h:td rre:tfure, th:m he to have it. m his dt'C:ly: Andhechofeoutthcmofl:worthyof h1Spolincal · treali:rre Houfe. Alfohc wasby1ut1.1re fufficedwich a little, Magillrntcs to be the Idols Prid\s, and dr:vi(ed that they i11 (o much th~t heufed to eat.3nd drink inearth~n.~ef- ~oul.d cXtcUte that their office with great authority and ;c~~~v~~~~~~~d~;~~;~~~~1~f!t ~~~:~~~~~~(:~;q~1k~d~~ ~~~g~~~~ a~::f ~~~i~~~ ~~::~~erfo~~;tc!ti~e~~J~~ gamilh his ub!c, he would fcnd for pbte and other fumi- EJU Churches exercifcdcmcl pcrfecution, and ufed ascxe~ £-f,b.l;u. ~~t~1~ h~~~i~~~~;, t~~ t~~rd:~~:1~~~;~~~1J~ffed:~ &:~::befi~:c:~~~;;_ Pmati11s, ~imiamu, andTheoJ~ ~~J.~ r:~;~~~::~t¥~~~~~gj~:£~;~~~ ~~~fi~l~~~riJI-1~~~~\§~~~~;~~.~:~ tontnry to piety _and Chrifiun Rchgton, neither aided ~ngthe hrfi lx:ginnmg in hiS Rdh outwardly, from then<:e l~e any other that d1d rhe fan1c, ndrher dcftroyed he the 1t procttded more and mort to the inward parts of his Churches, but commanded tlurthcChrifti:msfhouldbe bodr. Forintheprivymembersofhisbody, therehappref~c:d and ~efcndcd, and kept the~ fafc from all.con- penni unto him a iUdden putrefad:ion.' and afrer i1~ rlK: rumeltous injurtcs. And when that m the other JUrif- bottom of the fame a botchy corrupt bile, with a Fifiula :U~~;;;.f: ~~~o;rf~;;~~.m~i~!:,~~~~:~t:~~~~;\~en~~~ ~~~~;~~:~ fu:;~ga~Pil~1~~~~:t% ~~~~~~~c ;·'t~ ~~~ t~-<~l:.~~;t::~l;ei1;~~ro~:J ~~:~~;r~ncT~~c\~~1t:: ~~~~:%'~d~~:~fu:!~:; a~~~h~o;~;r:ec:~f~~e t;; ful atl: of his followin~ bcfides others, do thew rhat ?Y abwul:mce of meat before he. fell lick, \~45 tumcd alfo hewas afmcerc\Vor!luppcr, and of the ChrifiianRe- mtofat; which fat now putrificd a11d llinking, wasfo ligion. ugfome an~ horrible, that llQne that c:1mc to him could Thofewhich bare the chief officG amongfi the E~h1~kcs abi~e the i1ght t~crc'Of. By reafonwhereof, th~ Phyfitians M.,,;.,;,.l ~~~~:~~~f ~fJs E~~.f:cd,rs~~~r~:~I £:;::~· ~~~~f;~: ~~;~~~ }~~~e~~~~:~:~7.~;~~~~~~~~edab: J!h~ait~~~olO:~~; i~&~~.: ~~~~~ ~~~hi~d~v~1l~:~~tfl~:!t1~f;~o~~~~~~~c~v1~~~ ~~; ;~;Jefmt~;~}1~r~~~~~1~fro1 ::c~~mp11~19~~~~:w~1; ~~~;~i~:· ~t1titc~~d~:~~f~ r:f; ~~~~~sE:~~rr?:f£~~~~~~rpe;; }~~f~'a~:1i/~g~~~ ~~f~~~~;~~h;~~~c~:~~~~~[~;~.~ f~~~~1i;~:~:~~~~::~~:E;.~~~ ~~~~:r~t~ ~~::r;~~~~:.~~::!~£~~.~~~t~:~~~: ~~L~oftb. ing himfdf to cl.mfe out fuch as would do facrifice to com.m_andcd all men eo cea(e from the perf«Utions of the a:~;~:: ! ili~c~= d\~~~~1Jdth~filf:l~k~~ s;~~~~~f;~~:!r!~~f~~~t:::r:~l:~dr:J~~ -J•6 "-'· the f~me, fhould be thruli our and OO!~ilbed the Court. iug of their Temples, :m~ that they W?uld obtain of the m. f'r.t this appoh.mnent, all the Courtias divid~ themklves Chrifiians in their :Ufembhcs (which without all fear and ~·If~ ,?;•- mto compames: The Emperor nurkcd whLCh wm the doubt they might be: bold to make) that they would .~:;;;J' - ront:anteJt and godlidl from the rdl:, And when feme devoutly pray to tlx-ir God for the Emperor. Then fto.Jllrlle. (Jid they woclJ willingly do facrifice, other feme openly forthwith was the petf~ltio!l flayed, and the Emperial and bokUy denied to do the fame; then the Em~r Proclamations in every C1ty were fet ~p, containing the ~!y rebuked thofe which were fo ready to dofacn~ce, retradio1~ orcoumerrr.and of thofe things which 3gainft nnd judged them as falfc Tr_ayrors unto God, accountmg the Chrifiians "-'O'e before decrc«<, the copy whereo( them unworthy to be: in his Court, ,.,·hich were fuch erUut:th. M. •• !~J%~1d0 ~~~~~ ~h:n;;~~- co~r;;!fr t~\~~: m~~~~!~::leea~!~c~~bu~~~=~~!C::: ~iffi mended them which refufed to do facnfice, and confeffed ed t<;> ref~m all thin~ acwrdmg to the ancient Laws and th• 'e~ulM: G~; affirming that they only were worthy to be about publick D1fCipline.ofthe Rom.t,r1 and alfo to ufe this~li- anto ~JCe~ s~;c~~v~~ ~:;u:~~~dt~J~~~:ce~h0~~ ~{ ~1aili~~ ro~ta:h~, a::~ ~db::~e~~~~ ~d~t nght