Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Ten firfl Perfecutions in the lrimitiveCburch. Ofthc: lammta_ble fiory, or rather tragedy ofMarcus wrack, the wick«!. flourifhiug and prt\':liling: Hie,r. ti~·~:~,~.~ ~~;~~~:,~h~~~~:;;·:; ri::::!~'f~'E :~~F~:~:~!~r!.~~:;:·~£{;~;E =: quire~~~~~::i:h~~~~~~~1[c~1ts"~i~~~ t ~~~d:~~io;~ ~~:.~Fb1~~;~:~~cG~t~:m~,:~~:.~~;• -J:::~ili:'~ ";~;t ~*ilH:a~rer~~crv=~ ~~ ~b:h~;: ~~ ~~ i~~e~t:o~;~T:~Ft';1'%:n:ffii~i~~e~t,~h~'~~i~!r~~i~?~~Q ma~dment ofCfJ11jfantltl_us, pull«ldowna_cenainTrmple If:tu!, he hathptrhgurcdthe(~ ptrfrcutiqnsofrhrChri·~.!.!~~::t ckd.nttd tO 1~15, and m fie2d therrof bu1lt up aChurch thans. _So by the wordsofCimfls own mouth m theGof- ro.. ,.•m•ol where the Chnftians might congregate. 1l1e Artthu- pd he d1d forewarn his Chwch of thtfc troubk:s to come. ofOo4. flans remtmbring the little good will that 'Julianus ~re Again, neithtr did he fuffer thc:fc fo grtat a.llliCI:ions to :f'£~ ~~r~h~~~=dt~ ~ r~T~~~:u~~~;;h~~ ~~c:1;~ ~~~~:~:~~ib;_(~;it ~~:b:;~~lr t~~~: ;;;al;;~~ ~:n.churm wltab-jel. :::~r~~!~~~~~rrf;~3~=~~~thtilic;'ead~ ~~~:: 31~}0~~. th~~~h~~~/1f:h:7~~:bl~c:cl~~: u:~.j~~~·i~ :~;~~r3rf~~~r~h:bt~. \v~ff~}!~~~~d ~~:~h~t:~ri~le~J~h~w~~~~ blr ~~~o~~~~ ~£~~;~,~~~ gottcn, asmenmitherpityinghisolda~eandwornyrus, prophc:lie be well underflood, affigneth tht true timc.,1!:•~1n ~~~-· nor abafhtd at his vc:r:tucJUS converf:mon, bein~ a m:an howlongthefaidperfcrutionsfhouldcontinue, andwhcnt,• .t".. :?&cw· !Oadomed both with J)ofuinc andmanne~, firfi flnpt theyfhould ccafe, For as thncisnodoubt, but bythepo1111d~ i him naked, and pitifully beat h_im : then w1thin a while beafi u.ith fn·en heads, b:a~ng the Whon~: of B•!'Jlon, after, theycaflhimintoafoulfilthyfink, andfromthmce drunkmwi~hthc:blood of Sautes, isfignttirdthc:CJtyof ~~t~Fc~ ~lfur~~de!: ~~ ;~~k~i; ~i;:~ ~~~~on~h~1 (~{J:~~;:n~e ~d;~~~~J~f{~tZ£~~n ~:im ~~· ~~~~:~tya::::·h~dat~~a~tM;~; ~~~~~~~;l~k~n~: fu~fc1~;~r }7~~~d!}~~:~= heat of the Sun, as meat for wafps andfl~to f«d up:m. twofuchSabbathsofyearsbtinggathercdtogetha, makeTb~l>Clllt ~ ~~~~~x~~~rn::; :~~~:t~h~~ ;f~~~~~i~ ~-~e ~;).:~r!~·=~lt;~~~;~~~~~~~ ~=;~~~~~::w~. ~fJ• tlxr tobui~d up again the Temple whkh he had defiro~cd, tmus fighting under the banntr of Chrifi, over< hun, or elfetogtvc: fo much moueyas!houldpay for the bu.ildmg and made an end of allperkcution the Monarchy of of the fame : But even as he purpo!Cd wtth him(elf to Cut- R(Jmt. The number of which years by plain compu_r:a-!,~~!s~f:C !t:~~~b!~~cl!fh:. wrzc'J~gt~~ ;~1~~:~~~ !~~·h~~;~on~:c~)~~~~~r~;;";d~.n~~Jd ~~~;1~h:~~~~~E~·:nw be but a poor rrun, and not able to pay Cuch a fum years, under the perfccutJOn of Lmnws in Ajia, then it<kr tbt ~~~iJ·~~=~0tZ~i~~e1~ili~tif.l( ~~·~;~~: ~~!~~~h;";~~~~~~~~rc~;~s~~c, ~0th~;:t%~ ~if~~ ~~;:~~;:~d:O~m ~t~~~tb:~~lC~r~:~;~~ !~dt~~ t~~~~ ~~fbc:~~ t~~ ;;~Y~~~~~~)~!n~f:~hlch~~.;:­ !tkd ~;1~!ic~~ '=~~~ :~a~:~i~fe~~~~;oa~~ ::: ~a~~.Pf':t~~ !:~?e~~~U~~=~e~uf! A.aot•bit t~ene people, and he himk~ftv De ~xalted and fet on the matt~ ben~of ~J? fm:~llirnportancc,grntl~ appcrt.l.inr.J~~>&. !Ugh. Atkngththeydemandm~ oflumbut _afrnallfum ethtothepubltck~u!JtyofthcChurc~; 2ndlehany fhould ci money, he anfwncd thus; le IS as great wtckednctS to m¥"doubt me herc:m,to follow any pnu_te interpretation of <onrcr one half penny in cafe of impiety, as if anun fhoukl. num: o~·n: 1 though~ good tocommumcate tothe Reader, bc:fiowthcwholc. Thusrheybemg_not ableto prc:~\ thacwhrhhathbmtunp:trteduntome, Utthcopcnin~of :~:gainfihim, let him down, andleavmghim, went thm thffemyftkalnumbc:rsintheforefaidBookof Revela.tiOll way,{othat everyman mightlcarnathismouth the example contained, ~y occation as follow~h . of true piety and faithfulnt:Cs. As I was mhand with thcfe H1fiories, and therein oonAlt!J.?ughthc:trillationofth&a{orc6,idftoritsand fidercdthccxcttd ingragcofth~cpcrftcutiOlJS,thcintoprf(cuuons of Ptrjia, above prcmif~ do finy fomc:- lerable torments of th~ bldfcd, foouell}' ~kt,rent, what oucofthe 01der an~courCc of nmeand plac<>, as tom, and pluc!Kinptc:ceswithallkindoftortures, pains whkh came neither U1 the tllnc: of Ctmjlantine, ~r be per- and pt.mi!ht~mts that could be de~ifed, more birttt than tinenc ~ the MonaKhy of Rome : Yet btcaufe m this pre- any death 1t .fdf: I could npc Without great ~or~w :md fent Hillory we are in hand with the holr M:utyrs and pa!Iion of mu1d, b~hold thdr fonowful afflJChOJt<>, or S:~:intsofChrifi;forfomuchasthcfcalCoga\'efucha writeoftheirblood_ypafli~Whereinmuchlikeithapned :;:~:j~eo~!: ~r;Je~~mw~~~~~ii~~~~m! ~~:~ad.~~ :J~~~~~~~i~~ ~;h~r~~~~~~;;£e ;:p tdhmony mtltis our C~t.l.loguc of l~ly M:rrcyrs. And here mparte Jiqua labms ac pmcub 1pfoparzttr fuifltt. FurancndofthcfcperfecuuOtliOfthePnmiciveChurch. ther, lprocc:edintheHory:, andthchottc:rthepcrfecutiH~~Tth;ke1f::!b~;~;!,f~or:~~~~c~fn~ ~;d~e~N~~~~~f;;~i~gg:l~~~~utl~fe,ab~{~!~r!:; why God Almighty?irc:dorof all things, woold Cufftr foningwithGod, thus thinking like afool.withmy k~ his own pcopk and &1thful Cervants, believing in his own why God of hisgoodnefs v.'OU.Id fuffer his ~tldrcn anJferand only lx~1 Con Jc:Cus, fo cruelly to be handled., vants Covehemendy to bccruciatcdand atRiCI:ed? lfmor- ~xlW::c1~~t~,~~~c~;t~ec~mc:jCo~t;~=~: ~ibr;~~o~~~1J>rh~~vkk1~ro~~~:d= ~hi:h~~':!"~i!~:elGj~~:~~ t':~~but~~ ~:~\~~th~ ~~er~ t~~f~;t!a1~~~:h;~ fay with the wordsofHitronu, Nm Jebemusfoptr61ZC theirdeath abo\'e allotherCo lharpand hitter? Atkall: If_. ~;;':oin~u:~~_r;:~;~ u:iJ~;t~ g;~~. \;:c f~ur; ~~~ ;f!'~Lo:i~~:e t ~~~~~~c:(h~::; .A6•J•J.1. w1ckc:d to prevail agunll the f:y : For lO much as m Chwdt, lhe\vmg unto them nocertatn dctttnnnc:d end of thebc:ginningofthc:World, wefec.Abtlthe jufitobc:kill- theirtribuhtions, whc:rc:bytheyknoWingtheapp::~intedde· Thewktrd cdofwickc:d Cain, atxl afterward J~~&(Jb being thtufl out, termination of AlmightyGC"<I,with n:'oreconfoladon ~ight In~ .sa. Efau to Reign in his fathers ~ufe: In like cafr: the Egp- indwe out the fame? As _the Ifr.oditc:s in the captiVIty of. ~~- ~;~~tl~it!'fh~~~tru;~tfr~t~Wo~p;h~?t~: :~Z!~~:~:;P:~f~~ttli;,u~;~&;~u!! fl'CV Barabas thethiefbeing let go?Ttmewould n0t fuJike me der ·the SJrian Tyrants thrc:cfcorc: and tv.'b weeks wue to r«ik anti r..:kon up how tht&odly i.u this world. go to . ab~idic:d wuo . them. Only in thefe pafCtUciorul COl~