Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Ki11gs of Southfax,We!lfax, ·a11d !Ci11gs of Northumberland. This Kingdom ~:ndured. the Chortdl: fofon ofall others.,_ and foondt pl!Ttd into other Kingdoms, in the days (as fomc wnte) of lnt King of Wtjlfax;m~ fo end~ed.. not above 3111 !2 years under fcven, or at mofi ciC\'CJ~ ~ngs, btginnmg ~rfi in the YC3.! of the Lord 478, and:tboutthe thn·nethyearofthefirfioomingoi dl(:Sa:ctmt. (Sn) r ThePrincipalKingJo~oft~tWefifaxons, anJ Wtjlfox. ofthm Rtsgm. Ctrditus, or Crcdicus. This Kingdom * 17 ed. Sommerjctjhirc, Bark- , Kcnr_icus. :26 Jl~~rc, Dwfrzjhirt, Dt'f.I(Jff"" / c1fb~~~~{.' 3o, 33 Jlnrt, Cornwall, &c. Cclr~cus,orCtolfri"IJ.5 ! Cdwulji1r, or Ccoitll· ! £~&ilfus, and l. 2 1 4 . . TlllsKin_igilfus WaS firfi fl!!iulmus. f 3 Kmg Chrillencd in that Kinewalkim. 31 Pro'lincc,oonvertcdbyBiScxburga. · 1 rimu, after made Monk. E{tWinuJ,Afo11Jinur,or "Eikwinus. :2 CmlwinusdiedatRomc. 7 CcJwatlur. 3 CcJwaU4 went to Rome, ~~ J%d~ was Chrifimtd, lna.,_orlut. . 35 Inaalfo wmttoRPmt, EdelarJus, or Arht- andwasmadeMonk. T he Kings The Kingsof<" lardus. 14 ofNorthum- "fVtjlfax. ~ Cuthrcdus, or Cuthbc;~ balanJ. Sir~~tut,or Sigheru~, O:rr;b:sf~~~ :u,: ! IGfr:![uspr Kinwlf;s; ~~A=e~hJili~t~ 1 Brithric11s. l3 Counfcl,givinghimwhol- i tmfl:i~~~f;~: t:~ l fellersS~ind;erd,ashehid himfclfmaWcxxf. I Egbm"',o' '.gb'i'h""' I Thi.sEgbm ""'n<fi <X· l ~~~~~b~:t~~~;~ ~~~r~~~;~h';i,; :~~ I d~:,~~fro~':! ~: :::: ! I kingrunes(foraCoward) 1 ~ ~t1~;r~:h~-f~~~;t~; ! • , fu!xluedhi.mfirfi,thcnall I , the rdl: to his Kingdom: j j c:J.ufing the whole bndro r. • l~,"'~~;:~,"'~~::::::~ 'l . ~hemher Kmgs after him m tharLordfuip, hereafter IOlloweth. This Egbtrt fubdued all the Olher f~t'll Kingdoms, and fuft be- ~n the Mon~rchy of all the Saxom, wluc!J afttt by A!tmdw:tS per· :td~~~~:7r~/a~=-~~he ~'ili:):':~16~};s~~r:;!d;;~ f~uedallthcothtrs,foJtdJfthelongefl:cominuc,tlll aboutthe coming of William the Conqueror, which is about the time of 5H }'Qrs, Narthumber- ufthtzrRttgn. (547) r ThrKingiofNorthum.berla~td, w.Jthtbt. )"tars land. Ida. 1:2 f T!UsY(JofhisWifelml I llixChil.d<o>,AJJ,,FJ,;""' O[mtru1, Thtodkdus ; of Concubmesotho:fix• . After JJa the Kingdom of _Norrhumbtrl~nJ was divided into two Province;, Dura and B""'ci~t . .Al!~orEI/r,Deirorum., T his.A/le"vastheSojlof Adtla, lkmicotum. 3; jlffi, ~nd rdgned in.Dri;~ Some ChroniCles fct• under Add a, to. reign m Bn-- nitia,thtfe_Kings,Giappa_orC!n[pa, Tbt_rmulfr:s, or fluJfa,or Tht(IW_alm11, J'hhu/f,~, Theod~rzct:f, Alncrt~,or AlfrzmsDe~ I 'fh;s Al[rm11 WJS the iron.un. 5 Son of Ida, and reigntd fivey("J.fS, E</,IJ.iJm lkmko-1 T.his. . E<h<if,iJm .""" ho nun. that flew ihe Monksof Bangor, to thenumbrrof 2200, whkhCJ.mctopray forthcgoodfiiCCclSofrhe Brrtnms;andbyhLSWife Awm,thedaughtGofEJ.. lr,~had(cv(nSons,EnufriJm, OfiurUHs, O[wi11s, Oftacm, Of"'."ntfllli Ofa, Offa. Flor.Hiftor. Edwinus Nor1humbrr- This Edwimu was the: /andfl:rin. 17 firftof the NorthumbtrlandKings,·whichw~convert~ and_ Chrificntd by Pa11/mmBiihipof Lcndrm. Ofricus Otirorum Jlai.n. Thek two put out of I EaufriJuJ Bernicia, ~~~~o~~~~:~~;11~~~~ I flam. ll:i:mfaith, and were both flainmifrrablybyCtthta//a aBritain,whichthenreigo- «linNorrhllmberlnnJ,and inMacia. Ofwa!JuJ, m: Narth~~m- This Ofwaldus, calltdS. btrlanJ, O[»"l!J, foughtwithCtdwalla, and PwJa with a fmallanny,and?Yftrength ofprayervanquilh«<rhcm l intho.ndd•. HdO>tfe<A•· d~mut into Sculand to prcachinh.isCountry,and as hepre.!Chcxl .in Scorijf,, ~'}:p~~~~~!ng~ Q(ahnstothepcor. Ofhis lh~t~~moreat:feareth Ofwim, N"thumb"-1 This Ofwi'" fighto>g ,. land. :28 g:ainfi Pmda, vowtd to make his Da_ughtn _Elfnd I ~"~~~·I!~lh1i~ \;~tl~~~ t«·elveMonafieries, fiX in Banicia,fixinDtira. Ofwinm reigned. tog: The fame Ofwim in the t\1(~ wit~ Ofwmt m beginnin~ of his reign took Dma, fl.ain. 7 one OfwmiiS the Son of Edwin to be his partner 0\'tttb<:Col.lntryofDtffa. I Mte~·ward caufing him to ! bc:killtd,tooktohimanother called Edtlwald, the Son ofOJwa/J. Of this I Ofwim" me<< fol~wab here:tftertobc:dedJ.J"Cd. EgfriJut Narrhumkr- TI~ Egfr.iJ married E· kmJ, Rab1. 151 ~~=~~ot~t~ m;M laftcrbynomansbeallu1 :. ,,:~i 1~£~1:;;;,~~:! madeNun,andthe-nAbbcfs of Ely. SheiP.adebl.ltone me:tladay,andJJever~"Ort ~~~l·~~;~~t~;~~ ~t; S(Ji)ts,