Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Aufiins arrival iTZ Kent. ::t~~~~; ~:::m~I;1U~~:~a~th~~~r~:7,~ ,~:d= !~~~·u:t;s ~~:::r:,tft~r~O:,;ht~h~~;!~~riciusmoft !}'~~ hundr«<. :md eighty years. The contmuancc of the Gof.. lethr~~~ pd from Lucius to the cnrring of the Saxblls, was thitt Thus they rmboldned and com~o~cl through the good r:;','d: b.. ~~~;~;d~f!~;~~J,ta,~ :;~e ~:J~f f~~~ ~~~~et~.~~ ~~01:~g~~ ~~t~{iJe(~rio;!~,, t~~~:~:u~~~h~~~~ide~f ~:!:m:! wh1chbdug added.togt"ther makefrom_LucttutoAujlm Kmt. Nrarto the which.hnding place was thenthcnyc<~~~>~:rlt four ln:ndrcd forty ti~c: yra~ :, from Chnfl to .Auftm they M:mory or .Palace of the King. nor far from Sandwich 10 li.~,I•,.J, f!13ke hve hun~rcd nu~ety e1ght _YCI~, In thiS y(3! then (Eafiw.ud from C~mtrbNrJ) which the Inhabitants of the { ~~~~} ~v~;i~:~r;n~~:~7:, ~~~;~c:«~; :~~~;;;~~~gc;;gcz: :~~~1Sttv~l~~~e::~htc:t7.· w~;oJi;~;ili!:~~~~~~~~~n::~ h1m l11ther was this; . Kmt, was E_thelbm, as abol'~ apptareth, the tilth King ~~:~lt~: cin~\~fc~~~~~[~'g~~dr:~\~~~e 0~~:k':~~p~;?~l ~~:; ~:!1:; ~~;~~~be~~oc~r~~~~~~~a~~ ~r3rrtJ;, \~h~~eh: ~.:i.7 .. .,b"'"~f. (bro~¥:htthitherto be foldout of England) bcmgfanand had received_ of her Parents UfJ?nthis condicion that he ":;.~:!~~ ••. bc:iuuful of vifJge, dem~nded out of what Co~ntry they fhou\d pt"rmu ha wir\_1 ha B11hop committed 'unto her, wbarcood· u~. _;. were? And underflandmg they wm: heat~lelllfh out of called_.Uhara'us, to enjOy the freedom of her Faith and ncliromttll fg~; ~f~f::i~:t~~iEt~~i~~ft~~~E ~~~}·~h:~?;::~~::!£:i~fr:i'E:!:f:i i~:~,. fo:o.·ms; whereof, asitistvbc:thought, that which_we now call Dtirham takrth his name. Then he al\udmg to ~he name of ~tira, Tbt{t ptoflt (faith he) art to be ~=t~:ht1'~ ~~~~~~~d'!r~n~;~ra;h;v~~~15'nr~:"1S0:a~P%~i:~r~ ~e~e~bd~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~!%'~~~~~ ~i~me, be AUt (~lxl\"t mentionW.) _alludmg Jikewife t~ ~s name, The King u:ho hld heard of this Rel1gion before by ~{;~~~~:~\.fit~~~~ ':1:J ~~Ifr~t: ~:;~~* ;1a~:S\~~~ :;'~j,w:::ut!e~ datw~f~tth:~e~;ot~~~ the Convttlion ol that Country, was not pcnmtted of fhould be Without the Houft, aft:' the ma1mtr ofhis Law. Pelngius and the Romans for t~lt tim~ to accomplifh his · · ddire. But after~ard, bcmg Blfhop hu~fdf !lext after Pe- ~h~sl,l~~ ~~~~~~~thet~:~~b:~a~ t;fr:; ~~hb;~:~:~ ~~=~~ how ithappenedlcannotfay,as.Auftinwithhiscompany wm: ~fling i11 their joumey, ~uch a_ fudden fear entred cauft it is to me un,outh and n~v, 1 cannot {con jfart away ~~~~0 t~:~e~~:~r~1cl1~t~~~J7~on;;sf~~th~,tefo r~: ~;;;,m~n5U:j;~/::;'ib~;, ~~a:U;,!:;ztn~=~J; :~!~:~; ~;:~;~0a:~~tPu~~ a0~~i:r~y.I~~~e~~~~~~~~~~; ~:t_z: ::,;;;; r;;;[ai~,~!trf:~;z £:1i;Ir;et;;J, fuHo... ~~~~~:~c:rk::7t_l1 ~~by~~\:};~~ '~:fir:~~a~:;:: ;::::fm~!J ;;z: 1 rh3:un:;;Y:r;: n;;JJje1!,~{;": J;ft ,,;l«t"• fontng h!~,/!m h_u~ agam W!th Utters both to~ Btfbop 17ant you free letvr.Jt to prtatb to our P_eoplt and Sub· .k•~w•fl•. of Artlatmjis, WLllmg him to help and aid the fatd Aujlm }t_Eh, to cmvm whom }t ma1 to thefatth of your Rtlilnd his company, in all wharfoever his_nctdr~uircd. gum. ~~f~~tt~o!:~t~:rt~~~C:~0t~he Jr=~rftidJ/r:~ the~v:~:~t~at~~~~ t~~h~~oyrt of D:';~b~~~: the Lords work, as by the tenor o~ the faid EpiiUc here or Canttrbur]. tinging Allelujab With the _L«any, which fOllowing may appear. then by GregMJ had ~~ uftd at Rome m the time of the great Plague rdgnmg then at Rome mentioned in old ~!:';,,. G7t;t"'f;,';;:~r:,j:~:, ~:::.~r.,P,:;;:·;.: ::~;£:.':;~;:,~?.~~~~i.-~::~d:t.;:rF:: ;:- 1~::: ab us qu.t: tl%pta funt cogztatt~ne retrM[um rtdm, &c. qum;am~ecavsmus, Al~tltljah > that JS, IVe be{tuh thee, 0 lArd, m ~!J th! mm m, thattbj fur] and anger may In E~tglij11: cta{tfom thu_ C11y, and fi'om thy "!IJ Hcu{t, for. we ha~e finned,A/Jtluph . ThustheyentrmgintotheCJCyofDv- !}G~!!~te G~?':rf;_:frv:::t~:ts!:'::'Z"ti,;,::rt:f~:;;:: ~~~~;;id~ ~~~~~:d~~e~ft~~~~~~tM~11~;~jf~~-~~:~ra~b:;~ !:h;~~':.~t good things in hand, rhan after rbry bt begun to thmk there they contu~ued prcachmg and fi:tpttfing (uch as d1ey £~~;,~IQ ~a;t~~~~:.:~!,tr(a;: tb7tir=f.;nb:: ~~;t~; z:::::r ~i~UJ~il~f~u~:~~;fj:~\V~!~ ~tt~e~[~~ :;;\l~~ f:j~;,~i~Zu;br;;t ,~:edbr~ fr~;;~.,: ~a~:~~ ~~f~~rifi~ro~~el~~~~:.~~~~ ~;~~~~;Jn:~~r!::~! . J;f:J;rou~r~r:;t/t:/:u;a~;::0fu:ub{;w:hY,' ,:~h ~~ :!h t~l: ~~:tsc~;~~~~~~h!freG!tiw~d\y~h:~ ~nradtt i:ft~h:b~if;r;:,t:t;,~;;t,;,~;~~:;4r::~:~~~~t;::;_ ~;m~ca::.::ic::~~t:~~~;r~ o:~~~y~Ire:~; :!:~:I?:~: ~!a~7'j;:;af;~;J:;aie~!/ft;~'tobe'o':n~~m';h~if:/:; ~~:hu::~~r;?g~;~ ft;::n;~~; r~~ r~~i~~i~~;zc;: 'at w~ fend /me Aufim to ycu agam, whcm alfo we ba~e Reign. ~Iter th~ King was th~ converted, ionumern.ble ordained tobtJCIIrG':"mwur~fo doJotthmnblr.obt]btm oth~r dlilycamema!ldwereadJ?Ylled to the Church of ~:~:~u;:,in;ha~:'::::~/!~: ;/;,~,;:, ~j_ ~~~~g;;~nfu;e(oKih~g ~~~ f~n!r, e;;;~tra~h~ ~~r~~~d migbqGod with his grace dtfm_dyou, andgrant me to ferviceol Chrifiought~obevolwltary, and _not cooCh:d. ~z~:g~~ ;::;',:b:::?n ~~tu7:/ :£ri;:U, ';!:7 ~:;;~ ~~~~e8~;,~o il1"t;ob~~:_e l: ~~~d~~~rA~~ ~f ~~!~~~; found partaker ofyaur retribut~m, {M that my wt!i 11 good S.Pmr an~ Paul Ill the £_an fide of the fa1d CL[}_', where to/abcurintbe.[ame fe/J(!Wjl!tp wuh JO"' togttbtr. The after Aufh.nand lll the Kmgs o~Ktnt wr:rcbuncd) and L!rd God luep you [aft, moff 4ear and 1vdbel0't1ed that place li now e~lled St. Auftm. Cbi/Jrm. DPttd tht 1mth befMt the &lends· of Au· In