Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Aufiins '<f!eflions witb G.rcgories Anfwers. 12.9 1'he.An{wtr. Tb1brwu Thisyourbrothcrhood may foon difcrn.1 by the per· fcjnof a Thitf, how it ought to be <eructed. For feme thrre lx, th:tt having fufficiem to live up.:)1J, p:t toTi"'"hy;· who·,;nhi.bbO<mth <o;nt<,mtf"f';dldo fle31 . Others t!Jtre b.: which flea! of meer neceHi- ~~;~ c~~~~e~O:C~~~;~r~~t~~h~e {c~~~tbca~~r~::re~;e 1~ of goods, feme by flripes, fome others morefhlrply, and fomemore ea lie; ye:~, and when fhlrper corred:io11 is robe exccur«l, yetthacmufl be dont: withChari,ty, and with no fi1ry; for in punifhing offenders, this is the caufeand end wherefore thty arc punifhcd, bccaufc they fhould befJ.vcd, and not perifh in Hell lire. And oun~·t _~;,.,, _f'!"'c"r?. 1:ro~r5'"~ <~lcrks 'bon' l'"'!• I fo ought DiiCipline to procettl in corrtding the faith· fit!, as do goodf:tthas in flill!ilhin.g their, :·-··:··--:: ;:--"--:·-·o _, ..,-,.. ~h~~e'd:h t~ ~:t~~ ff~v~h~~~t l,th:;;dH~f~ ~~~~ think to IClvethen~al\ they have, notwirhfumdi~g they corrett them fomenmcs in anger. Thertforc thiS Cha- ; ~;';1~h·;, ~;;drd '~~';f;f,d, ;;:,; :;;~:;:~!'~:,~~:~~~I ~i:~nfu~! : ~et::t fu1~h~r; rh~td~~t~;~1oi~;.~~hi~~~ withoutthcmlcof reafon. Yeadd moreover, wtth what Tht A1l[wer. ::~h~lC~ol~~~~;~r2~:~~~~ttG: ra;~;d~~~~~~~ Church!houldevcrrcquireagain,withincrcafe,thatwhich isloftinomwardthings,andcofcekhcrgainbyc:ndamagingothers. lfthcre{)('any Claksout ofHolyOrdcrs,whichcan- ~~f~~:n,~;~~~c,~t~~~~ t~~; ,~iv~~~:~ f~a~~r~~~~~ ,7]':~,:;~:~~ b:'~~~;.,;P"'" ~ ftnb;ddm, b'lt ;, nuy w<ll ;~1;~~ ~1 t~~~~~~~~d J~~~~~,,~~:~ ~~~ di~~~~ef~r;·~ry :.:: The fixth lntmoganon t «Ni&llora r~~t"!!! ~h~~l~t t~:~.'.~ipcltntt~:\:nm~ Jfu ~~~J:~tdw~~~ t~~:[;,Jfo'!e!~:n~~~:h 0 ~h~1;t;~~r':!:';h~~:h~~~! ~:3.:~ ~~;n;~~\~~!Uit~, ~~~:~~a~~!,~~dcrt~t~J'~~ fo/£~ to marry with rh~ Sttpm;th:r tind htr kins- ~~~*~ t,i~ r~:~g~~it!;r~,::ml~~d (~{tll~~:ruFAs0ffo?cl!: Tht An[wt~. Tbc aofwct ~[~ §~tift~Pf~:::~:::~~!{,:5~:~?~~ ~&:~y~~~:~rfi~~~;~!,:~~Tfi;~J~ fd•u. (as our Miller tCJ.cheth) m all our deeds of mercy of ver _tluke, nor come forward. Alfo the holy Law ?fGod Luke 11 • !~tZtcr':ru:t~~~i~t: Jt::,a:~~tl~~':1:C:h~!~:nt~ ~~~~~~~1:eff:~i~h~;h~t~~e~.~~~o~f=c~de~:rt; ~~~~~ d~~'l fll/lo )"QII. fJtthful may bw!Ully marry; ~o~ m che fc:cond (btmg _an m•ymwy. unlawful) they mufi needs rd_r.un. To~ coup~ With the-fiepmotheris utterlyabommlble, for ttisvn.tten ia ""