Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Examples of tme Alms deeds. The Art of Glajillg. King, who by ~c mC'3.ns '! t~ forr~id 1¥clftrur was re· ro:tivrd no polfdlions or taritori(Swhich.were fcm:cd uPon ductdandb.tptifcdbyFimanuJthcB;!hop. them. ~~~~· ~~~~~~~;~i~ii~!:i~:~j~[i~~~~ !~~$J(:~~:~~~~i~[f.~i~~~t~ {~<~.} "'ori~J_Il· fp.1c~ of fcveu ynrs. This Ofwme was gtntle and liberal ca~eto NrmhumbtrlanJ, to mfntute WJ!fr,J Abbat of -~~~~·!~~rs ~~l ~b ::~11_;ad '~t·;~ ~~~~;~~;~~s~~~:a~~~ ~~~~~~- ~~':J ;w~~~ c~~!~~e::~i~~1 ~':fu~;~f ;;t:~;~r~n~· ~!.tBi· ;:;:.~c& p:~~~:~,Ht!1~}~d~1t~.c~~~~~~~ c;~~c~~~~ ~~~ofuto~: ~~~ C~~~~n~fat~d~~ ~~:o~ft, ~fu:;:h~ t~~­ !:· ,~p:~~~ ~:;sfilit~ ~~~[,fl~~~iho~ ~r~l;~~:c~~~~a~.p:~: kf:~~~~ ~J:d~~ff~~/~a~h~h~~~illt~focl. r~~u~tdn;}/Ja~h~ ..<htl"' '"'• Horfc, by the way m~tcth lu~ a cmat~ poor ma~t, askmg Ablx:fs of Sttrnbalr,. wluch allcadgttl. for them the doings ~:~!:,,.1 • of :u.ld cr;lVlng. his chancr. Auf~nus n~thmg elfe tC? and e~mplc:s of th~1r Pml.e~et!"ors, both godly and w.•c· true Aim~. gtve hun, lt ~hted down and g~veth .to lmn his H~(e trap- rend Bdhops, as A1danus, Fmtan:u, Archbifhops of that ped and garmlhed. as he was: The Kmgunderftandmg thiS, &e ofTark before them, and divers more, who had ufed and 1~0t come~1ted . therewith, as he was entring to ~in-: a\wars to celebrate the Eafttr from the fourtccmh day ncrwtthche (aidAtdnnm: Wbntmumtpu FatbtrBiJIJI>f o[ the firfi month, ci\1 the eight and twentieth of the ~~~\e{ ~:l;;re I 11 o~tfr ';/orfo;rt !Jj:?t:";k;;:;;~; ~~:j;u t;~ tdj~};:~ ~~~~ Sda?. 0~c~he6n~~:~~ havefer:'rd htm w eO em•gh, btlt ycumufl gweawa1 lidcwas Agtlbt~t BilhopoftbeWeft·Saxons,. Jamu the: t ~con of Ptudmusabo~·e ment~onttl., Wilfi:tJ f!bbt~t of ~fdf~g3~~ ~;~g~~d:.• -¥{~~1 ':;t~~hof~~ put.ltion herefollcweth, accordingasinthe lloryofBtt/a Hcrft, .which is but the {oltojan H~fe,. than JCu dobybim at hr,&.c is dcfcribed, with their reafons and arguments on "Apur~a f H:fafd'b~~~(i:, 0[1~!~~~tKin;;=h~ithht~o;:{u~~~ bo~~~;td\~:~;.~~~~c~ndof lbaving, and other ~e-£Jr .," ~=~)"~:;I~ fword fron~ about htm (as he was then newly co~nc: Ut r~antcal m:mcrs being moved, it was determined, that in ~it.a.f.tJ.;,. 3 Pn~:~:e. from Huntmg) ful!eth down at the feet of the Bifhop, rheAbbcywhich iscaUed.Sttr11balt, of the which Hi/Ja ddiri tlg him to forgi\·e him that, and he:: would never after a devout womanwas Abbcfs, a Convocation fhouldbehad, f~k word to him for any trcali1~e he: fhffi:lld afterward and this qucfiion there determined. To the which place Adirp;~t~· i~d~~)~~f:~~;l ta1~~~ ~~o~~ee;:;£ ~~~~h~~m=~:~?t ~~~e=~ l~~~;~~·ofb~!~~:d,31~;';;t~~i~Ia~! s:~[. J:ty."'o~~· ~1~~C:cr0:~itt!J~ 3 tcl; :Je«Jhe~:of,t~~;: ~d~.~1£/i ~~~e~tbcla~;h ~~e~ ~';a;n~~~~~~~~ t~¥! ~~~;(~et(ai~~ ::~) ~=t~1at~~:g~~~~g c~~~~~ ~~~eh~;g~ ~r::~d IF~~~o:~fut r~d;;!t~~~ ~e:rd~li~~~ !t!~£~. ::h~tr~~t~;:;~ ~h~~~J t~~vfoi!'~~~;;~;'faid:~t;~: ~:gl%7~~;1f~~~ ;;~~~~~~~~;~~~ :~:n1! mOQ!to. to .~ff For not long after ~fivl the Kmgof Bermcsa dJf. uniform order, and that fuch as looked for one Kingdom ~r.;., ~~~~~~~ ,: ~~·,,i~~~e~~i~;:;~::~:r~~:;o~:l!:}:~ ~Hra~~~~fhbu~d~~J~~e~f;kk:~~~~:hT~~=- ttoytotouDr qufly tolx Ilam. And fo OfwJ w1dt hisSonEgfrtJ, reig· and follow the fame. This faid, he commanded his Bi· mlitthcmi nedinNortbumbtrlantl alonc. lbopCclman todcclare what the rite andcufiomwasinThrK!III {~;~}Of ~~T:;b~::b:r;;~~> a!~~j~~~~~~~~r;;~::r17NI~~~~ ~rha~:t ~~::: ~~h~h~~~h;:m~~: ~~~ '~hOYI'l!S .thcb~in~crupof Bedefromhisyouth, and cook ment, faid: TheEafier~htchlobfervt, lrtw.vrdofmJ~~~:;t.. Jmn to ills infim~uon w!lell he~ but fevcn year~ old, Anctft(ITs th11t f:nt me htthtr a BijiJOp, tht w~~eb All <1117' pe andfo nught.htm durmJi,hishfe. This &ntdtff or 1/crefatlm-s, bu.ngmencJGcd, dtdctltbrattmlikeman· ~-=:t:;r ::irfu~t::~~:~go[~;. 1forPoo~f~:;~;,l~~r~~~d~f~~ ::~. 1rn~ /:!if~i;1 ; ::r:o;,r~;';:~ht~v::JP}[:t::J .JBrdr. kindredt?(er\'e~hnll, andwtnttoRame(wherehehad thelwly Evangelljf? John {aDifotp_le. ejpuiall:J fH.. been in Ius life tlffit five times) and brought fi:om thence loved of the Lord) d1J awiflomably uJe m all Cburcbu Books into Monafieries, with other things which be thought and Crmgrtgarionsw,hm ht haJaut/x,rilJ. WhcnCclmlli'J n~ur.or d:en tofcrve for devoticn. This BmediEf, fumamed hadfJ>?kenmany thmgst?chis.cffcCt) the.Kingcow.mand· ~~;:t~~ Mhop, was the firfi that brought in the Art an~ufe of edAgtlbtrt to Jl-clare hiS opmion inth1s behalf, and to ~tt~t~ ~~~~~~~~~?\~:~ci!h;~~~~ ~hu~l;~e0~h:1~, H~~:twmdows ~::Jvb~he~~~;r3~:;~r:~~ ~:~mobfc~;J~he~~~ce ;;;:;; 1.;~¥.:~;· n~1~!::~~;~~n;~b:~: ~~~[~ .~:QeJ1l~ .t~~~jt~r~~ ~;;~H~r t:~~~iJ~~ ~a~~~:~o::Vbth~v~t~:~~ ~~ghJ ~;;~·.",:;;,, LmeobJ an. Abbt]· Alfo. ~~~anus, Ftmanus, and CoJ-. , h~ Clerg.y were of on~ opt~Jion herein, and that the c.rbn;.,, mannus, Wtth three Scotijh BJ!l!Ops of J:1crthumbtrl~ff!d ~31d Wilfr~~ could utter Ins mmd better, and more plainly ~:;~~~· ~:i:7;:~:~~~~:~:~:i~'f£;J~~:El~~t: f.:i~~;~:~;;::~~~;~~~;:~}.!~~~ ~~~ «· ~~~ ~:~~fi~~~~ttf~c~ 8~~~t~f:z~~:::an~ :;;r;:;,t~t lY r~J!';:;d P:~e Atu:;e~~w, Tt: t~~ ~1111111~)1: i!C.:.or~1 they v.:crc o voyd of _coraoufite~ th;~t they great an Apoflle a1 was worth] to ltt, m tht Lords ''ZJ