Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Mahumets Sea. DEcrees of a Provincial Synod. the S(Jut~Sax~s at that time was Erhtl~oiJ, to whom moldicd as l.u:: was.,. b«aufc the words of his complaint we dcd:uo:la htt\e befo~e that WolftrHS ~mgof the Mtr· :uc CXJ?rdfcd In w,u,am MalmtJbldJ, I ~llought here to cians ~vc the lilt: of Wtght upon condition t~at he would cxprd~ the fame both for the oommcndauon of the pany, s..,~,~--· ~oif~:;b:~g ~j~d,1~~ ~~~:: ~~~~a;~ ~~vh~nc;c!dcl:!PT;~~fi'~~~~~~~~;el\'~:~~ny{h~ ~i~~;1u ~~het:~:t ~eheit:~~e, ~~;~n~~tobt~~ ~~~~~eda~J ::t~:nt;r;l~~r~;,'~d:~f ~t!~.j~'f~,1~l~~~~n~~Jeh~~h~~j~ J:b.~:wJi•t· ~:~ct~~~~f:f,~fe·b~;r~~~~~r~~ ~~w~~i~h~~:rr~~~~~; ~~~~troho~ h1;1~c~~r;~~0~it~(;~t~. '~.f:re::;d~~~~~; !~~::bt;r~l(?~ea~;c:~gf~~~;tewfl~ci':J1: :~_:d'~n~1~~~~11:Iy ~s~~~~~~~~~r~~ j~!r;~~ hi~~~~ffi~~1~Je:!d~~~0t~h~~~ was made fruitful, wluch before was dr~ed .ur w1~h bar- lhop ol Romt, rmy ap.pta~, who(e words .in effeCt _were ;:;~~s ~\~:~:t~~it~~~3~~n~: ~~~~,J'~~e}~~~ ~~;:~~~~~ :k~;;fl~~; r::fi,p:~ftfr7'~:. fo~~~;;ao::lt:;~;~;g~:: t~~:r.. ~:~:h~v~hlks rt~o~1c t~;~~~~anJo:nku~~ ~j~ds ;:_ =~f:(;,a;e~?,:/fz:~~~~~;J::~~~J~~:,~F~:0cp:rl:J:; ~~~~!:~ Moreover, w~ere theX lacked before the Art of Fifh.. m tres ~pifcofMs: _o'"'tttre magu qu11m _urgtrt, pro tjN[- ing,_ ~~ forcf:ud lVilful~ taught them how with Nets rltm 'tllrt revtrtnlln, tfn!dwt. ~~m qu,dtm, pro to quod to hlh. . abh11c .Ap<-jfoilt.e{cdtsjum,mtat.t J~rc8us tjf.,lluu[art mm ~~~ 1p.. r ~ And thus by procdS ha\'e we difcourfrd from time ~tudto,&c. ht Engb)l': How 1r c~nceth that ncodoms ::~~iJ ~~;~~~x~:~ ~1~hebin:;~i~~~;~s~~~~iJ~o~?~hoiui~ :~~~h;\!0lfct:1~~:h~~~~l!~bth~~~~:t~;jidr~1!kbe;:~~ So11t~Saxcm with the J.fle of J!"itht were ~he bfr, d!(po(c:) hath of lu_s own A~tthority without the con(cnt ~~~~~~: ne~tcf~/;~;~e;i~~~is11~~:;~~~:e;:i~~~~r~.c~~r.~~ ~~ ~~; fJ~~)~~~:~r;~~~:~v~;,t:~ ~~~~~e~~~: ~&~~~ ttr~d. ?[:tbe:;;!tiW-fhis e:ft~~~~ ~cfi:1~tc;i~~~e 1for~~:hl ~~·~':l:·~;.h~~a~;~:\~7n<f:1~f;~~~~hr~:~~~~~ ~~i;~~ ~~:~~~~:~~~~ec~~fi~~~;,(;;~o~N~:~~~hA:di~~d ~; ~0y r~:~~e r~~:;~~ ~~~-i~f\~~~t ~~rhZ~e:~~1 1::;~a~~ of r,.~ f~~fo:;~;~~~a~~:th;::d h(~e I;~~h~f~~Ro~r:ul(~~t ~~\n~~ (~~~~~·tl}: Tk~~~'~:~e ~~~eof~~;:~~::: ~~~:t::,~ ~. lib.~ byOfrick h1sSucrefforwas P.laccd agau1theArchbJ!bop_ allowed tor JUfl a_nd tnnoceur;_yctitwas not thm reof York, and Culda was ordamed by TJJ_tcJcms ~ifhop of drctfed. In (uch dlnmtion was thts Tbeodorus thtn among ttE~~~ ~~~;~A~c~Iilli~~11~fhi:~~~~~~,;?r C:~l~':a;.:~e(J~~yd~fh:he ~~~:~m~:; w~'h:;~ ~~~~i~~r ~n:~;d~~~f ~;;:; ~(l~n!): pricks. ~}110dl10ldo~ at Hatjitld, dtd altcrdJ~ tdt imohve B1fhop- bury, not unwort_hy mmy min~ eo. be .noted, whiCh be ~~~:~:.~~~~:~~:::~::,::~:~::~~~: !~~:~!~~f~~if~t~~~~:~{~ ~~~; ~~~k!:. ~ld ;f;~;~bl~~~: ~&:.&;c:g~iff~n~k~ ~~:kg~~ ~~::~~~·~:t ~~F:~(~~hl:tg,be,~h;;;b; i~0Z;y)~ { ~:~} t-... ytaiS,aOCOlULteththebq;inmngofthisSedfome~'<·hatbc- percetved thatheharhnotuctatypmoffallhisfrubOOm••.t.tib, t • lOre, bm the mofr diligent Sean:hers of them which write conditions., &c. ••J. u. Apoc.13. now, refer it to this yea~,. w~ich well :~grctrh with the In t~ ~ime of this ThttJJm.ut, and by the means of hi~, { ~~~o} :~~~;, Obr~h\t:~h~~~ ':~~lt~:Ki~difdr~;~~~;: ~h~r~ ~~CI~} ~;t_. \:e ~~~;~~ r,~w~~ \~~;:r~;; · (whomhe::fmnamcdSara::.t71s) towh~m hegavefim- theft_: · dry Laws, patched of many Se& and Religiuns together; Fuft., That &ffer-daJ !hould he uniformly kep and 1, he t:mg,ht them to pray el'er to the Sourb; _and ;tS we ktc.l' ~fen·ed th~gh the whole Realm~ upon one certlin day, ~~~~;;f;;/0 ~~~~~~~~r:!d.tC~%'h;~~~~~~;y~~i~~~ 'tllt'~~~!J;:ti~: ;~oL;ho;~~ll~:~meddk within the ~ as they wete able eo mltmun; tO have as many Concu- Diocefs of another, ' binesasthrylifi; toabfiainfromthe u(eofWine,('xcept Thirdly, That Monafi('ries confecnt~ . U-_~Lto God i · on certain (okrnn d~ys in the ~'ear; to have and worfh1p J110ukl be exempt and free from the Ju[J(diChon of the onlyoncGodOrnntpotent,faymgthatMo{ttandthePro- Bilhops. ~:~:~~f ~~ra~ ~~~~P%~~r~,e~~ tfni1~~~~~~s 8;:~~~~~~1~~~~t~~ ~\a~:C~I~~Y{s)!~: ~:~e ~~:~~~:~da1t~~~ h~r~~f:~:.t~h~ + a:"'s,:';''t~ ... the Power ofGod,wnhout mans feed,and at b(l wa~taken licence of thetr Abbot ; alfo to keep the fame Olxihence &ou...-io•fi up to Hc~LV~n, but was not !lain, but another in his \~kendS whi~h they promifcd at rheir tirfl entcing. for h_im,with m~nyot~LerwickedBbfphcfi1itsinlusL1w Fifthly, That n:o C_lcrgy-mantbould fotfakehisown ; . contamed. At JenJ:;:th tins Kingd~m of the Sar~um began Bilhop, a11d be r«eJv:d m any other pbce,without Letters to be conqu('red ot t!L(' Ti1rks,and m procdS of nme whole- Commendatory of hiS own Btlhop. Jy ;~~~~\~ 0t~~e~~~m a~ in to the rime of our Englijh Uu~i:~~~~~~~~~t:~~be~~~:~~~~;~~l~';be!':~o1· 6 • Saxons: l11 tlus mean fta(OJ~ Thtcdor.u was (ent trom . ~uch Hofpa-ality,as lhoukl.~_offendthem; neither ~.ould ]tal; into E,sgi~Jml, by ViuU~tmH1 the. Pope, ro be Arch- mtermed~le ~ny further Within the P.rccind: of any ~op, bithop of C.nstcrbur;, and With him d~vcrs ot~er Monks without Ius (pedal pmniJT10n. of Iraly, to (et up hm: in England Latmt Service, 1\illfes, Seventhly,That Synods Provincial lbould be: kept within 7• Ceremonies, L('tanics, with luch ot~er Romijl1 \\1;\ft', _&c. the ~calm at h:afl once~ yrar. - -rt,.u- This '11ucdorus being made Archb1fhop and Metropoli~n Etghthly, That no Bilhop tbould prefer hirn(elf before 8 ;!J_!!~ ;fl~~~lt~~:~~{fho';~~~h~~ $~~fu~~ ~f~t;e~~~ a~11t ;;t k~~~. but mufi obferve the time and order of his Con- ' fi:lt Arcbbifhops ofnrk, he: thndl them both our, wtder Nmcthly, T h.1t the number of Bi!hops fhould be aug- 9 , the pret<:nce that they were no~ lawfully coJ~fccnted, no~- mented., as the number oft~ people mcreafcth,. withCianding they wtr<: fitffic~ently _aut~med by the1r Tenthly, That no Mamage fbould be adm1tted, but ~~~~J::~:s :·wor~:~~;~h~:i~~~n~~~; t~~~~m~~~=fd :l~r ~~!~~c~ ;:r ~;:~ 1~ts~\~~ ~:f~r ·~~Se~~~~~;ei!f; ha"r no rcdreCs of his Cau(e, Yet to (he:~ what modefiy for Forn'?lnon, after the rule of the Gofpel. And thc:fe this.Wilfidr u(ed againfi his Enemy be-~~~~ (o violently bcthe pru\,ipaJCbaptcrsof d;atSynod,&, , In