Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Four QJ:ejlionr propounded to the Papifls. .0~fo1Jefo}Ct\]at, m)Jat nffmlltb _tije IXhl}ttll'l of TholoufcannAvinion, lllbtn J'oprGregoryt1}tjf!intb fct ~:f.£~ ~;C:t~b~i~~~~~:~~~~~ ~c~r~gama tbrm, anti againtl R.aymundus t~cir (ead, hlitl;ou.t taurc; blbrrt alfo. r-;••1• liD~ to Cpeak of later pears, tubat Uutt o~ barm bill tb~ liDDl PloteOant.e: in tbe :lrobln of Va£fy, hlbo, {!( it:g: p.~o~i.:'":'~ vraccablp at a ~rmon, blcn mtrrrablp l!a.htlnb Ctlt, ~en, a!lomrn, ann cibilbJru, bp t~e .t:Du1te of Guili: anD ~~~~ ~~~~!~~~~~~!~~:a~:.r:!~~:,~~~ i::~~~~ ~~:~np¥1!~J~~!::~;~~:;:~!~~~ ~! ~~~~~utltp, in Calabria) ~~:~;!~ lSu~ to let otbc~ a:ommie.s yats:,Ict us tutn now to pr_acr~ble ~obunmtm in tlli.e lU'alm ofEngland,un" of v.g;. bet tbt.S out to milD a~D gtanou.ll !!iluccn nob.l p;rffndp u~gnang. Snllrt blijom pou Cre 1Jobl grnclp pou are !~~ ~~:::~n;~:~~~~e:~~~a~~~~~:~~np~a~i ,\~\Ul\~~\~; J:c ~.:~p w:~:~ ~~~ t!r~o~b~fri,0~~0:1~~ ~~reb!aeb!~~ Ph•P·~· in fear of nratb t ann tl)ougiJ a fr\U ~f pom .ar,~ltlnk.s be m cuuon~, prt m tbat cuftonp ro tl})e\Unlp>are cl}rp ~~f tf:~ ~~~~ ~:~: ir«~~:P~~~rb~ank~~~ t:l~r~r;~;e~~!~ f~: ~~~~ ~;~!r:~~c:;~~ ~~;~'!~:" ~t~~~~a~~oU~~e~! • coura!!e to fi't a:ounme.s ab~oannin foaUure tl)rm, bll)ocoulnlet tlmnt fn tbt.siscertain, no n~can t~rre llla.sofnratl)tl)atJn;abetbem. Srot\llbat:t!'apHll}abepoufetninaUtl:l:i.SJltLntlto!oCe ritbe.tliftoJ.limbfolpapUfrp,tnttinQ' an tl)tft ~blelbe: ptar.siJftbmo li~te t1)t.s ~ueen.s i.\etgn 1 ,\lnn pet all t\JiJI notlllitbU8nbing, babin!J no caure to complam, fo manp cauft~ to !!t\lc 0'on cl}anlls. pe .arnot pet rontcnt, pt fret ann, pt grull(te ann mutttt, ann ate not plraftn bmb peace, no) fati,.fitll tml) raferp,- but tape fo) a nap, ann fain ll:lOt!lbl.Jabe a cl)ange. ilnnto PJC\t~nc pour ntaun nap, pe babe confpirtn 1 ann ti(en up in oprn t~ebtuton agamft pout \k'~fnce, Ufi)om tte JLD~Il ~atb ftt U\1 to be pout G'Sobernout. ., Thctn\1~- S!ntJaspouba\leflncetbatno\11 of I.lte biUutbent\Jtquirtaunpeaceab1e~trofScotland, fnmurberlntt d:'ia:::- mo(ftrafterouaptl.Jtgent1eanbg:oblp t\t;ttlt ~ f Scmlaild (m~o f~ fpariag tte Slueen.slife tbere, Ulf]enbe ~~!- ~:ur~~!: ~~~~::~:~ :~;:,~o~~~',~c!~~l,c~~~~~i~::f;t'i~0~~~~~~:; ~~'iian?, ~ie0~i~~:~~!~",:~r~:t,!: ~:~ =~:~b~!ec:,mtrul0~are of tl}e 91migl}tp, fo~ lllnia l)t.s ~on.s fake out Jl..o~n, fo~efenn anD uttttlp IliCIIP" T&t dll.r mtmrfo;.e tl}rfe p)tnd\Tts tonfintrc~, mp quclli.on iu to of pou ann kno'm, lllbat ju(f 0:) uafonable caure c•111i arau peiJalJeoftbtfe pout unrfaConabl~notn~s, of tbt.S pqut Co mo)talannDeanlp batttb, furp ann malice }!Ott ~~~r brat again« tbfft pc ut tbtU;;-;[fJ#iatntll! of tbrf£ pout i!l:umult.s, <IonjutattonJ, fl!5aping anti 1!)oping:, Uebel,.: on.l.. lhc lions,q3utt«ingf,annq!}utoerslllbtrt\11ttbpouttoubleanllnifqulutbthlboleuao~llltl1Dfall Wbfcbm!fcl)ie[« ~~"~;,;• if tiJC true ra\lfe turre wen kttoUm, tbe .ttutt.J blouln be fountlllou.bthf,u to be none otbtt but onlp tbe p~ibate W1~r cat~~~b~:g:lE~~~~ 0c~:r~~:n,t~~tr~aer~~~~~~:~!ib~:ju~:tt~~ ~~~'K:1f1~~r~~u(~tee~!~~lliumtng) in teplp, TMPba- •bePOP<'I Su~macy [Faft onlp tbt <Di o~p aull t?::lil.I.of bfg; jfatl]rr, c~us lprahl~ . . mea nihil *jobn8. efi, patamc.uscfiquiglorJticat rnc,&c.Jok.,.8, ~battJI, " Ifl gloritiemyfcll~ rnygloryJsnothmg; my Fathcris ht: that glorilicth me, &c. €\J.rn fo l fap llllcb, tl;!at tf tbe ~opts p)omoings wm: plantttl of <!5otl, be\UOuln not ro lDJ,alllefo}{ltg;g:loJp, as ~e noel}; 15\ltfo~tomutb a6 bf'fcekrtiJ bp Cutbctueltp i'.Utl bloobOJCI:I roeralt bimfelf, lll£ mnp UltU arg:uebi~ PJotttotng:.snot tobeof \Won, ann t\Ja' be QJonln be: b~oug~t loll:l, (tt. Luluti!. Lukt: rS. The third Queftion. ~~;. M ~!~~~:uq=~~~~b~t~~:,r'~~«~~)~ cg:",'::n~~~~~~~::~~~e~tr~~0r~q~~t~~~;ti~Ja~~:b~~b ~~~~::11~t '~: nt toro t'{lis ~ftlo)p mention iB manr, flra of a cmam 1Eratt coming: out of tiJt ~ea, l}abtng Ce\Jen ~rans anb ten ::,~1:,.• iQJo)n.s, U!itb ten l:Diaum, of talafpbtmp: 1il'nto tbe tDbicb $tftil tbe 1!D1a~on t1Je Wr\lil gabe bi.B ftnngtb, ~tno•t..~<~ anti great ¥~oUJtt to fig\lt again« IJiB !ii:laints, anti to oumome tb£m 1 anti to make fo)tp ttno moncl).s; of tbt ~t!.dlllbitbl:Euaoneofl)isbtall.Slllasblounnenatlcngtbtoneatf},fC. ~~~~ l}a~~r;r,:!~,:,!~~~-~i~~1!1t!~~~ear~~;P~::~~~~ amW~~~:n~0~~:~~t :ft 8t't~t~~~,~~tti:f~~~~ ~e~~ ~c~~:e tts: fact, ann catt fen allll~rltr~s.of tbc f'tattb to ~o~(btp tbel'.etaft, tntofetl)canlllas blounnen a~ll hlJttJ, m~o alfo bab l)ab\9Dblct to gt\le lptnt anti l(fe to tbt Cain fo~mrt lE ran, to make tbt 3mage of tl}c lCratt to fprat, ann to caufe all men, from tiJc \ligbr« to tbe lob.lt1l, to rake tt.Je mark of tbe lBtaa in tbeir t}anb.S ann jfo~f"' ttans:;antlbJI;1ofofbt apontbistlr{,tipt totbeloblelt,titl)tt tbefatlltbloUita1l¥. map be r.rplatneb ann rafilp e,:pounnen. mlttnng tl;erefo~e to tbe !L\apt(fs, as men qpert m ;q., o~ttl1, mp q,urftion u1 tlJt.S,:t!CI)nt Crt~ng t1}c \_lll~opbrfie of tbrfr tbl~ means mull nun.s plefigure Come People o;. lDomfnfotl tntl.lemo~In, ofromti.ltQ;btltattannpomcr; t!JrpbJtllnobltlcclareuntous,wtatpeopie o}bominatfontbis (bllUln be. to{Jitl) if t!Jtp b:lill bo plainlp. ann tmlp, acco~~ingto matks anti PiOpcrtie.s of tbe talb tll:lo :xDratl.s l]etc frt fonb,tl)cp mull neeDG be ll~tUcn of fo~cc ine\ltlabte to grant anb tonfc£9', tbt tame to an:ree onlp to tbc ftitr ann~mpire of Rome, anb to no otbrt; lllbicb bp tbtft \\eafon.s folloblin(l; of nrcefl'itp mull neellbecnmluneo. !,~;;'~ JHra, Z:bc mea« UJ\l~c1} came out of t~t ~ra,llaUiu~t\le ~rengt'b,tbe !:Dtat anD power of tbt grntl!P)a«on :~::! ~i~~~~!~;;~!~:.s~b~~~ a 0:~1~o;~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~::. \l;·a ~~~b~~e ~~0 ~;~~;b;o~!~;;to3f;:::~·f:,~. , pafiiug all otl)er 'Ponarcbir.s in t{lc lno)lll befine.s: antltbt.s mua: neen.s ar£Ue 'b£ empfn of Romt: ann nont: ~~':.~ ott~;ccnolp, Jn tlJat tbe X: raft ~an ftben ~~an.s ~uu ten ~D)n.S, lnitb ten l!Nanrml'l tun of blafpbtmp upon t~cl!l; :~~~~ ... tbofefelJtn benD.I'fbctnge~pounnen in tbe fame U5oolr,Chap. r7. fo; fetJrn:tpUI.s, noto)iouUp1mpo)tttb tbe4:ttp ;:';bJ of of B.omc,\J,lbttein \tlm {e\ltU {ILU~ COOtAiUtD. :m::be like a1fo map be tbOUU~t Of t~e ttn bOiU,, being t\lUt t~# r,Apoc. ' ·- - pOUilbC.D