Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Danes foil'd. /(i11g Alfreds rare Vertues. D4~=~:~~~~h~!tfr::~~ };:~~0 '~;/!;l ~nd~i~Jh~:;: ~~~~~ ~~~ tfi~~:~~eicr:;~r;~~ ;ti~:~· ~:d h~~ili~:. and fo came: to Rochejftr and bd!Cgcd that Cny ;_ and The~ three ff:lrs 0\'ap:lfl, the ':Cxt followlllg, whtch was there by (o long due they builded a Tower of Mtber the_ctght ::u~d twentieth of the rngn of Alfr~J, the Dana againfl: the Gatrs of the City. Bat by firo.:ng~h of the dtvJdcd thctr Hoflpf w~ pnt went ro Norrbumbtrl~tntf, . ~j~z~1ifi ~h~~T~t:a~::~!~~l1:rc::~ ~~~n.c1w:;;;~~; ~~~- ;~f:,:;Jj{:~~v!r;:r~ ~h~~td~~r~~flict'::~~c~1!~ { ~~~} the Danu ,\·cre.rdi!lrdfed,, and fo necr n-apped, that f~r Englifll ITLt~l, both by l~nd, and cfpec1a~!y upon thc_Sr:t; fC:a1· they left thctr Horfes bdund them, and fkd. eo thet r o~ whom fome were fl lm, tmny by Otipw~ck pen!hed, ~· D••n Ships by night. But the King when he :-vas r_hercof aware, dt~crsmhcrs wc;re takt1l and lunged, and tlurty of their S!npo ~~.n, fentafterthemandtookfixteenofthetrSiups, and flew Slupswerctakt11. 11:;J;~ ~:~r~~~;edt~he~':et~:~~!br~~~ ~~~~r~~~ «< ~~~e 1~:~7 a~~;n:~i;~11!n1!f[;d;n~~~t~~: ~~~~edci~~~; {~~} drnus) and tmde it habitJ.ble, which lxfore \VlS fore de- m_ortallifc. And. thus much (~t~ lllf!rc ptrJdventu~c: ~han cay«l and feeblcd by the D~nts. w11l (eem to t_lus our Ecclc:h:t!hol Scory ?PJXrt:nm_ng) { ~~} of ~er:i~~~d~tf(~;~tt~if;t~h~~ 'furJ~;d 11~;l:7ft~/cl,; ~~:~~~c: c:, k~l~~t~l~~~t~~~:~:e~~~ t~~i~~ ~~y~ ~:f'oc~~~~)t,:f~t~~t(~:haf~Jr ~t:t':th;~~~; j~.for the necdT:uy defence of h.LS Realm :md fub- ;~~:FiE;Ji~!.~~~~:r;~:~~.~;:r~~i-t :~~:;.:g::~~~:H;~:~:t~f.~£~::~~~~i:~~ ~g; h~~i:~; ~~~~~19:[ht~K~;";t~l;::~ ~~~~1 !;~~ ~~~ ~~r;:~~~~e~~~:~d~fi~t ~~~~~~:~!·~r~. ~~~~~~§ ~~~~1~~~~§} wont to have lxfo~:, Aifrtd therefore fendmg mdfeng~rs licenft: gtven doth lad tl;em ( :JS rl:C!(>fon:: not Without in all h~fi to Ethdml Duke of Mt~cta, to affe~nble to bun c:l.U/(: the: common Proverb rcportetl! of them, th:lt Ku_1gs an Hofi to withlbnd t~c Dant.s wh1ch b.nded m the Well, Sonslcarn noth~ng well elf~ but only to _ride.) MCJmng made forth toward hLS cnc:mtes there, where he was in thereby, that Pnnces and Kmgs Sons b:lV ng about them &jfangiia, whom he purfued (o fharply, that he drove !l:tttercrs.,. which bolfier them in their full Its, onl}' their them out from thofe parts. They then landed in Kmt, Horf..:s g1ve to them Iio more than to any other; ~~~~~~]!~~~ ~~ii~~~~~"~' hundred Slnps, and there rened them, for fo much lS the more prohtable to the: publick buf~e!S ?t th~ Commonif;€; ::~:~:~~!H;:A;~J~~,E;i:.o~"; =:n~7;n:"~.~~ ~~::!tc!J:fs;~J.::~.:;:;,:·E~:":;~::: ~~~dro):~~ k~gf~h~~fet~~~it~~hc~~y,~~~: ~~~ ,1~~~~d(!l~~d 0i~ltlr:~ )&:res)"'~[~t ~:~~:~ ~~l~f~~at~h;i:o:~~~r(:i~;r~~;~ r~~·b;~;;:: ~~~ ~~~t~, hi~r:f11 \:~~~~h~, A\~~~c~1~o~:~~::: ~~:~~ Mol~·~ mentat b.ft theyg:u•eo\'tt the Town, and wentaboucby himfro_mthc twentieth yea~~ his age ro forty and ti,·e Norrlrwaits to Norrbumbtr~and, which was .~bout the (acoordmg to his own PettUO!l and_ tetjudt m:x!e unto three and twentieth year of Kmg Alfrd. Whtch Alfred God) whereby he was the r"':ore rt'Cla_tmed and atJemfcr~ in the mcan while with hi~ Ho!t (~ him thitherward. from tl~e other more great mconvemcncies, and lcfs dtf.. Then the Dams leaving their ftrong Holds and Cilllcs, pofd tO that which he <lid mo!t abhor. ~~:~1~;~~~Rwit~~f~J;l~f~~t~~ ~~~~~J;~~~:~~{~~~r~1~~~~~r~f~ ~~~ · it~'~ ~;~~r~i~~~ ~~r:~ith~h;~~~~:t~e7~~~~~~~~; ~~~~;;tO~tlr~~e;~~~~t~h/ril:glrol tk~,:~f :r ~~~ f':bu~~ · Country, put the Danu from th~t Tower, and after beJr ~tfc :mJ ~am1\y; the tl:cond upon the workmen _:J.nd !i.~J. it down to the ground. Soon alter the King ~me down bmlders of Ins new wor~, whereof he ho.d gr~t dchght thither, and ro prevmc the dangers that mtght enfue, and cnnning; the tlur~ upon fl.r.l.ngers. L1kewife the comm:mdcd the River of _LuJ tO lx_ d_ivided in three other ft-.::cnd. half upon Sprrinu~ ufes., he &d thus divide in Thtrl•n-of fircams; _fo that w~e a Ship might f:lll m rime$ before, h1r porrion~. one to the relim_ng of the poor, another to u,dk•ldtd then: a !tttle Boat m1gl:t (candy row. From thence the the Mona.!ltttes., the _third portiOn to the Schools of o~ ~~ Dantsleaving their Sh1ps and Wi\"CS, were fOitcd to flie f!rJ, for the rruinr.uning of good Letters; the fourth he that Coumry, and took their way again row~ Wafts, fenr to foreign ChuKhes without the Rralm. This :Mo is and amc to f!!.tadrugt Jlcar w the ~ivt:r ot Stvtrn ; left in Stories writt.:Jl to his commrnd:ltiO!l f<:t his great towhm: upon the borders thereof they build.ed them a Cafile, lcrance and fuffennt·e, that when he had bwkl«l the new }::~ r,~!~~~r!~v~~~.~ihe';!;~ t~:e~~~t;: ;1~~!d~f::t'Bifuo;1~1~r%~a~~~r:~ f:'~%~ ~~~~t~f:J'!::gt::~ili;}~Z~. (Ot~~;~h:U t~;{; ~~~,0;~~~Jd~:~~furi~~c~~ ~ ~:;~J~ :J~~t:~ three yrus., f~thefirficommgof the D~tnts to L~J• aur.plmipondm.t,(which\V:l.S:lSltlnnka mark?fGo!d, ~-- 1 England 'N:lS ~ffhCt~ with three manner of forrows, With or more) yet A/frtd therewith v.~ not greatly d1fcomen~ •~~f:, 11 the Dan~s, Wtth pdhlcnc~ of men, and morrain_ of bea.lls. tcd .to Cee his CotfciS (o w~cd , The wh1ch troubles ~lOtWtth~nding, yet the: Kmg man~ Ovtt and bdidcs.,how (parmg and frugal he was of time, fully refilled the mahce of his enemies, and thJ.nked God (as of a thing i11 this Earth mofl: precious) and how far 01 .fro~