Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

16 2 Epitaphs 11p011 King Alfred. Nine Popes hz11i11e years. Popes maj err. 5i§f~~~~i5v1faf:~k~~?:~~i: f~~,~§~~~~&::~::?i~:~rk~,~~~; tht: ~Lty, the Hofi of A'!'ulphw followed afttr with fuch Moreover in. the H!flory of Htnricus Hun~ingtonenjis a lnllll cry, that the vahant Romans Up:lll the walls for thtfeVerftS I tind wnttm in the commcnd:mon of the very far (wherethaew:J.S no hurt) call thnnfeh'tSdefpefamc AifrtJ r_nadc (as l fuppo(c;:md by his words a~r- r:~.tely over the w.Uls, fo that Arnulphus with little b.bour ~~\~);~~:, f~h~~:~~'w'h~~ft;r~hfu~~ ~lOt to d raud ~::1 ~h~1~v~~ ~d:;;,h~c~~~·h 1!15 fo~n;,jt~s~ lx~ead_eth hisadvcrfaries; whom the Pope to gratitie Epitap~ium ~e~ Alfruli. Wtth hke recompcncc again, bleffdh and Crowneth him Nobi~it111 imwa rtbs prob_sr11tu k~nomn, for Em~or. T husFormo[u1 fitting faH about du: fpxe of .Armtpcum A/frtdt, tlrd1t, pro~sta(que lab(IT~m, f?ttr or ti v~ ~ars,. fo~lo«·cd his PredecdTors; after whofe Prrpet.uumque /abor t~omtn, cu1 m1xt~ t!clo:J . t1~e (as l l?ud) Withm the fplc~ of nine yars were nine ~;:;/~7!!: ~;:::·J[c~~7!a"/:iJ:;~~~=:· ~~~~~y as followeth, But in the me1n time, concernll1g Sj '!'oJo viflus tr~, .ad c~ajlina btHa parabat. other Cl CulveJI.n{'•tlort)Ugl, cmjitcacru(!Tt ~1!:1i!:j!;~;:~:~?:.:%~7;,~!:::;:,""'· . Ntc tamt1! aut ftrrfJ ~tmtrit~s.pontrt Jtrrum, .Aut glaJto poru1t, v1t~ finifle.Joloru. li/::t!~ffo"~~~;~,;;;~ ft~;:;:~~!~;;'nmt. ~:~Cc :r.~d~r:h~ ili~Yc!:~~rt:td~~ !t Indtltbj/iJ, wuemoveab\e? lfitlxmd«dlOasthcytoch ln the ftOI)' of this Alfrtd, :1 link ahov~ mmtion W3S and affinn, Indtltbilis chflralf~r .' why then did Pope Wbet~u ~;~;':.'~':.:!,, made.of11/r,mundus S.:hoolmafil'~ to the fa~d .Alfred, and 1_olm, or could Pope John :mnfrnlate and evap13teoneof 1h• Pop. ~Jt{=.;i~~- ~B~~e0~i~~"'Whia; ~~=~nzu~':::~~ ~~; :~ :;r;:r,P~~~~=;:~~gh~ ~wnPriO~;. ~~:~~ Olopofc.... the number of thirty and four yors. After Ple1munJus which is(asheiZuth)aCharader, which in no wife may ,.,._.,, fuccttded Athtlm:u, o.nd fat twdve years. After him be blotted ~t, or removtd? Again, howfoeva Pope came f!lftlmus thirteen yt':lrs. Then followed Ode a Dant John is to be J~tdged in this matter to ?o eithe~ well ?I 1- bo~~"';,Jm~~~'th:':~fai<;lS<c~~~o:f~c 1~'"~:';b;•ry~,~~'~:n:d~go•~j'"~'ro!~r~h;e I not well ; thl~ would 1 know, if ht: did well m fo dtf- . · · prieflingand JJ!CharaCtering Formqf'WI for fuch private offences? If yea,howthenllandeth his doing with his ( own DoCtrine which teacheth the contrary ? If he did not at large be ~xpre!Tcd , well, how then Handeth his OoCirllte with his doings to As touching the courfe and proceedings of the Romifl• be ~e, which te:tcheth that the Pope w~th his S},lod ?£ ~~C:~hpo~~~;;h:n1rl~e(1fi~~ Aft~~~~~~: ~~rd;ai~ h~'1Mo~~u~~~=~~.'f ~~ ~h~ dfd~~:~~ b~il in the E!~1011 of the Bilbops of Rome, ORe contm- t,ms his Succelfor not err in the faid doing of dmg aglinfi anot~ ; i1!fomuch that within the ~pace of his Prtdecdfor ? or how did not Pope Fr-rmcfin err him- ~m:1!:"" nine years, were 11111e Bilhops. Of the which, tirfi was fd.f, who. bei1~g unpriefied by Pope John a~taward, ~=.u ~k~~~'n(;~~~=~~~xp~pew~~t~~~~: :t~;;:~~~~g~~:.~;!J r:d~~ds~~fL~~; ~:r-1:~~- :~ch:ch~r r;:~:~l~t~Pt;~·N=i~:~j~~ ~~c~~~~ ~~~ie~::f: S~:liaf:~~~~d :~ Mars and Money prevai\edonHrtf!D[us part. This For- err, who did annihilate theConfecrarion, and all?fha: ;,~,';!;;:~·~if'~~~~~~ ~~~lfo~n~~f~~~~~ ~:~n~ ~~~~heisfa1~~::::1~i~ J:1S;s~ J~d::~~kfd~ ah, had in time> plll ( l know not 01 what o.u(e;) of~ nght, then how could it be that Pope Theodor~, and Pope f~11dcd Pope 1olm the eighth of that name, by reafon 1_ohn the t<nth, which came after the furefa1d Sttphan, whe!'(Qf, tor !Or of the Pope, he: voidtd aY.'ay, a~'ld left d1d not plainly err, who approving the Confecration of his Bil110prick. And beca.ufe he lxing Ccnt for again by the F(!Tmo[t11, did condcJ?n and b~n the Ads Synodal of ~1.\~v~~~~~:~~~~·il~~~r~~~,;: :~:~~~:h~fa= ~;',!~~:,n~c:d~:~~~fio~hh~~e~~~~q~~!cl;::~; risfuCtio•ttmrothePope.• hewasdegradtdfroma Bi(hop pear? into a fccular mans habtt, f..vca.rin~ to the Pope that he After Formo(i11 had ~ove~ted the Ste of R1me five ':';t;,•i•: wQI.ll? no ~ore re-enter into the Ctry of RfJm~, no~ cllim yea~ fucceeded firll Bonifacms the lixth, who continued ~:pt." 1 ~~~~~~~P:~ti~~~i~;o:b~~~~~~Ftn~~~r~:er~;~'~r ~k~~~; ~~ic~vfoa~~~v~~et~~ed~~~:~~h~n~~~: ~~~~fi~: ~~t;f;r perfon . Bnc t!~Clt Pope Martm ~the next Pope after Jclm) t~at he and d~olved his Deo:ees, and ta~n~ up ~~::,,': rcle:'-ftd the fa1d J!(!Tmofus of Ius Chth, and refiored: him Ius body afrer 1t was bunt&, cut tWO tmg.ers o!f Ius nghr Sitd<"· agam unto his Bi!hopnck; whereby F(!Tmofus entred noc hand, and comm1nded tlxm tp be c:Ul mto Tibtr, and !:.'tfi:._ Pa~~-to {h:e ~~1.;!l~a~ f.':~:~~ed~o~~~~~:Je~. thTh~tri~!~es~l~~ ~f::ei~rt~~·~~ ~~til;;~,~ b~~~b,:,~~~~\~v~e ~~~~g~~!1;v11 f~! ~~~~- ~~ fa~a;hr~:::. ~~:;lil~;ilie~~r ::ttd ~a~;; Sd!l("'n i_. agli•tft him, that forfomuch 35 he was folemnl.Y depof~ phan his Prtde«ffor againtl F~fm.· Ne:"t to w~m Po;J.'h~ ~r~~;f~ftC:~~·tl=f~;~o ~~~v~~~:c~0 bee!C:: ~~ ~;:Jtoa~:illt~~/fu~~6';d~~t,:.w:ci:,:I~:~ tE~~~ ~;~~:~~~f~;,!J,;!a~~~~;.et9~:e d\1~r~0~~: ~~~~rep~~~::rheJ;::ns 'tCl~~~ t~~fi~n~; ;::~ Order, and. for the crtdit of the~ whom he ~rdrred, all ca.ufe of Fo;mc[~:1 1'001e filrCI}•,did ~Id a Synod at Ravmhis Conf«r:\tioll ought to fund 111 force, efprctally ftting ~ of 74 Bifhcps,with the: Fmuh Kmg Endo,:u~d his Arc': ~o~a~;;;:%:;~ls~a~fthls~~;~~;td~a~:~~;:. ~~opsn~~~J ~f~~at~~:=e~A~1:gswo7c~c;:.r~·~ r~~ In the mean tim~ (as witneffeth SigebtrfNi ~ thi~ Hr m~ and the contrary A~ of the Synod of Sttphan the l1xth O.Crm. fHs fe11deth for Kmg ArnHirbHs (Qr aid at,t~IJlfi hts: advcr- wm b1uned. This; Pope lived not Pope fully m·o yeus,