Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Ridiadou< Miracles. h C f Jd W· ' of Kin" Ethtl- ~;~~~~~r#:~~anJii~~ 1g0~~!~~!~J~~r\!h~w:~~!:J :~;.' T ;Iw, 0~~fi~fy i~~ ~f thc'::,';~~culous death of f;,;t:;~:"~1:~,~~';ft::..:·~::~~0:J;":;~'m:,!~~of,!;~{~~~} Duke Elfred, fuddenly fl:ncken by the hand er ~nd com~mpbtion,ufcd much among.his folita.ry walks, ' of God for Perjury. ~b;;;,qt:~dt ~~r~:~~;;~~~:;;:~rf:d.Ymfi;1: ~t~i~~~~~! ~S~ ;~;~=~~~;:~~~~;t~~~t~1ii:~~1~:~;~~ ~~~: Mir:tcle a!beit l havcnot much to fay (hafimg to other matters) yenhisqucftion_would I ask offomeindi~erent "''":~m "-""(II'O'"'" <mfm"~''!~wnd"'"',v""'"'"" <if,"~ I fVh~f~~\'~~t :~;~~l~i1t:~J;vJ\~h\~l~u~l~!i~;:}:~~~t~~:~ wercthe foulsofthcmburitdintheChurch-yardornot?A.Mlnde ~:)~~i~~:d11i~~~~~~~~~e;\l~~~:~r~z~n~n~~~t[~~ 5!~~~J .~·· ·_,, ••.• ,_.... .. . fhould think Purg-awry robe in the Church-yard at Win- ~ m....,.., J":··••••·-··· ,-·-·:· ,.. ~htjltr, ,.,.here the fouls were heard then (o ll?ny anfwcr1~l~e 31 ;!!rdy~?\v!~: of;~t~!~ ~~2~~ ~~t":t~~ ~f';{;':1~d J~~dt;· aJ~1~·e0:~Jrs~~~-ht;~~~~h fuc\·eededhim; burlxo.ufc:we hafic toot6erthmgs, let thcfeFabkspafs. '" ,,,g,.;, '""";•m '"m'"""'b"' '~""'"'I Ye ~rd a !in le before, how King Elhtljlan after the deathofSirhtricusKingof N trthumbtrlnnd, feized that LandorProvince incohiso\\11 hand, and putouthisfon A/anus, whoa~(crflyi ng intoScctland, mlrried ~h:&tughtnofCfn}Jflf11tmt KmgofScc/s. By whofe lilrnng and t·xhortJtiOnhe gatheredacornpanyofDants, Scots, and others, and entred the mOL.l~h of H;1mber with a Jlrong Navyof lixhundredand h!tccnSlnps. A forelhtO !13;~her~~\~~~~.e~;;Y~r':J 'r1i~t ~l::n~,ro;:;d ~d~t1~~~ :~~$~:}!~. JOY~teJ in tight Wlth.hun and lm people, ~ta pl~ce calkd Bnmambr~t_cb o~ Bmnford, where he fi15htlllg With them {~;;o} f.~~~~~t~~~1i{y~~:~d ;;:e : ~eh~e~:w~~nK~ 11~~ ~f~~~~:J :!: J1i:m(~r~1Jik~el~~~~~· n~er~~e~[~i~~~~:lce~;~ · the Danes of Ncrtlumberland, he mamtd to Sitbrric:u lanJ) had rhe VtCtory. In the which Blttel were !lam t~irn~~'Y a1;~~:fi~~lr~~~~~~: ~~.ti~~is i5 s~~!~c:%~: ~:~!:~~~ ~~~i~tdO:~~id~\'i~~e ~;:'!/t;~neo~~~f t~! After whofe death, King. Erhelftan fened dl:lt Province Cl rangers which at that .time they gat~tered ~the~ . Here ~ji·¥.~ ~f:~~~~~:;~~~i~~~~~~~f,,§ilif.5; ~?~i~P~::p~;:~~~:~E~l":t~i:~~~~f~ ~fu?::: ~~if~~i:::f£~7~~~~~~~~1)"~~~: ~:!:~~:~ : ~~r:E:~i~:.:~~;~;~;:U~~h~~.~~~~d':;~;'b; ~~::!; .. ~·~~~~~1]§ l~t€ r~n~lt~~l~j ~~:~;hJot~in~f:;:~ ';tlf:;r;~ ~~r:~~~:~ i;!n;~;:~:~~;::lj!lr:~ll:r~:!:;:,:b;~Vtntll, h~ Kmli:, whtch bc!Ore he l.1:1d left there for 3 Pledge at ~mtu~ f:tdtm tlttrrvtra~ ocltlltn_ra, Ins going forth. In the whtch pbce he praying to God, lilt crmtt'/JIIIS/tzdab.a~t J_rd!du and toSr.Jo!m of Btvtrly, that he might k:lve thercfomc Urgmtts mi[tr~t "'!t~utgmims agm, ~~:i l~~7gr~~f;2~~~~~:fr~~:~:~~~:~;~ ~~~J::~?J:~i;i~ii;r~£z§.::,_, the Hroke thereof the flone was cut a b!ge Ell deep, wuh Excwtt t1111J~m f~m4 qum~'." r~gtm, ai.JeJ-?k&detpalfothanwastheflrokem thefiOLJe. But Ntfo cmtttrtDtailpartrtturmurr, ot tins jX)Ctic:d or fabulous liory, albeit Pcl]thrcmiam, f&oJfoaharbarittectjfijfmtiiTma{tc~~ri, ~E~~;~~~~t:~~~;::;U:;~ '~E~~!~ ~~E~i!::7::::~:!i:£:~~;;::: .. , :: 1ty~~~~~::e ~:ft~~!~~re~~:1%yw~i 1~fhcf~ :~:~\/~~ ~tc{u:~i~~JI~:~~~~':~:~;:J:/J:~;/!f:,a. have1t.. . T'trrHitinjigniJ wnientwmfamlllatr~ts, · roue:!.~!:: .J:~ ,~:r.::;~·~~~~;h~~0u::d!:';~~~;;~~: ~; It/,:/;;r:;;:.,r:;1i,;;[;;fl;;;f';;;,:fl •m, In·