_____ F_o_ur--'C~!!i!!!!ions p~p~ded tothe Proteflantr._____ blill be a P~ieff, to rav £Pafs anbf)3attC~.£1, to fct\lC t~e~aint of tl)llt bap, tllltl to lift lueH.o\Jct U.in l)Catl,_IJC. 3'n ficknrrs rp bc nll\lCdlrb, to take ~is Ultt~; arm Uts ~f~tl) to hi lit j"mmal)'l, anb ,!Wbtt£.11 fatb h} b.u~, anti to be rung fo, at bis.fmtnai, mom\J mmn,auo ~rat mmll,tU. ..atJD mc~rGmt to t~rfc t~t outlX<Hb ~amfice of tiJC $afs, llJitiJ opus OJXr.ltu~n fine: bono motu uttnns, &c. A,.n "'IY . ~11 \Ul)icl) tl)ings abo\l£tCctUD,a,6 ~\Jcp coutai~ tb.e 1.1.1lJC.Ie rummntp lll!tl rffrrt or an tbe.Po~ts <tfltbolick Ur"' EFJ~7 ~~t~~~ ;ri~lJ~r~~~~~~~i:i ~~~&~~;;~~~~r:C·;~t~fi~tllf~i~1: tt~Jea~~~~~ 0~~~~:"n~:tl:~~~:~~i~i~1~$ ~;"n~~~en~ l>al""•"";tJ>. blwn,mir!)out nnp in\llntb mo:lung of .;fnu~,o} of t!Jeit)o.Ip Obotl. fo~ llllint fn fn nil tbdr,but tbat lllbtcl; Rrlb :,·,~~; or annlJIOJb of t;ig\lrNI~tb i~ able to ~ccomphllJ,tl;ntti!;IJ no ~n\l.larb fir£11\ltiJ Ollllotion of tbe ll)nlpOIJ0\1 bt~lUOik:> E£!,M tbe~:'~,~~~o~ ~~be~~~~~~r~~~\ ~~!~~~~~';~~rr~~5t 0![fr~~~~J~~~~ ':o 11~a~e~~,~~; :~;~;~~nrtf~~o;;1:~ 0~!~'~{;0t~t~VPt~:C ~n~ocbrl!tl- tu!JitiJ ~tft9, ti.Jc cl)icfeft anti onlp main cattfetl)at fa'Octi.J mn~,ant1 nmft:eH) fin.G,ie bis: .flli_tl) in <I:IJ~Ht. WbiclJ d.r~i~'J~ j'faitb 3 t\Jugncfine; fol nman t~ bclic'Oe Up tl;e ~loonl!Jcnntng: of~efull tlJe ~on of $ob,l)te fing to be fo)g:ibeu, C$obi!\ll;at1Jtobepatiflcn,annl;tmfc1ftobe jtttltficbperfra:lpfro'lln1t£rctufncion!! tl)atcanbclaibuncoi.Jim, ~!i~~- · ~ba~~ai1rtn~~~~ ~~.~~~:rt~a:b~~~~~cl:tt1~~1J~;~~:f~,~fn~l)l~~:: i.~cdi;~~~~~~~~~~!~~.~ ~~1 ta~rbn:1ift~:ittc:t~I~~J~~ ~:~~·E1'b ~::~ ~~: ~ri.,ct~/~:~~~t1~~~~i!r6g:~~':n {:1t;~;fr~~ ~:0~r!~o~~a~~~~~i»'~i~~~b n tbmg t~at tldb nnn blonilt$ not ct.nft..o $DlCO'Orr,b£0brStl)is:fraitl),ntnnpotl)rttl.liltg:parrincinrntnlrototbriDoa:rinrofour~f!lbation. 91brft ~~~t~A.n. ag: no raufeg tbmof, but riti)tr a~ ~acramnus ann ~eals of .fait I}, o~ ilJ;; tlrclarattonn tl)trfof, O) rUe an fruitS ~~~.~:: ~::~;!~~: :~~~~~i~b~~: ~~~~c;t ~t0U~:~~ttrl~~: :~~~~eb~~'fJ'~~e0~~r1;~; ~~~:r:~~~~~~~~~~~f:f;1~~~~~:~'t;1t~e~~ ~~~~:{~: an~~~~~c~~;eb~~~i ~:t~l) 0~~'~l~~I0r~"o~~~~;bv~~~f~nd;o~~ ~~cn~;~~~~ra~rao~~;~~~~oet!1 ~~:ie~f. tl);;~bac\4 ~tt~~~u:~r~ ~~. •• ~b~~~!~ ~~r~~,;~n~~::~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~;~;:n~'ff!l 0b~:~!~'~~~r.fr~~iu':~t~eb~~~1 tt~;g~~~~~b~~~~~~:;'g~~:trf~~~ E~?;•'tl- :ir~~~~r!~~ ~~sr~~~P~!n~r\to 0itt~%t~~.1to0:atfa~~~~~ ~;~~~~~~~~~~~~,:~~~ ~~;,ut~P01;~~~~ l~f~trfni:l;n~~~~:~,~r~~,~: ~~p't:w ~~t~~~~~t:!:~·t1t1~0c~c ~:~~; ~~~r!~: ~: ~~::ka;r;l~~;~~r~~~~f'~t~~~b;0b~~~~r~:r!~b ~f~~~~C:~\~~:~r0nut~:::r~; Efay 5 s. tb~m, to cloatiJ tl)cn~ tf tl)tp be ~aken,anb ~o 1Jatbour tl;em. t_f tlJ_rp be l)ouftlcf",Matthcw tiJe fi'Orann l\ll_c~tttecl} , '. Mar. 25 . \llttiJ fuciJ otl)cr .rlltritual e.mnfe.B of ii'ltrtp ann ~anrttfi~att_on 1'1~ tbefr. i&:!l)tcl; tbmfNel Cl\11 fpuimnl, brcaufc tl)cp p~ocreb of t~e l;ol.P ~pid~ a~lb lla\ll of ®'ob, \llblci) 1s fptrittial • .\lnb tijug ijn'Ut -pt a<I:.1tbohck dl}Jtllum Ddincn, fit~ afte~ tbc 1.\uleg of Rome,_nub aU~a~ter tl)e lo\ulc of tbe I!Dofpel. ~obl confH tl)efe 9utlti.J£ff£1 to~~t{Jer, an 'Cl r~ hlb.ltber ofiUefe is tbe nu.e IIbltnt~n, ti)~ mrmonfa{ man aftrt tbc cii)unb of Rome, Ol tbe fptrttu~l man lllttb bt£1 fraitb au.D _otllrt fpimua i.Srrums ofp,etp follow,. fng: afm tbe fame• .9nb if pe fap tl}at pc tnt}: t.l;em llot{J tog:rtl;e~, _fpmwal tl)ing:.G lUulJ.pour cotpo~a l <trrr::< monic.G, to tl;at :t at1f1llct again, tbat ag.roucbtng;.tbe enb ofrrmt(fl_on of fin~. ann. fnlllat.ton, ti.Jrp ~u.~bt in no care to be jopnrD tog:rtbtt, bccanfc tbt mnm cauft~ of an our ~a!bntton ann ltcmttrion IS onip fJ:!tntuai, ann confilletbhtj'raitbnnbinuootbrr. £r:un rl)mfo~eup~n tbe ram~ c~u(t l come to mp _qncflion ~l'!:ain, a.Glllrgan, t~ R.llk \ll~Ct~rr tl;~ t\£1ig:ion of ctb~ill be a mttr.fpttitttal ~\rlt(!ton ' anti \lliJttl;c.r m tbel'\eltg:iO'tt of Rome, as it ts no\U, tS anp tl.nng but oulp mer CO)POlal tbtng!'l rcqmrcb, to makt nCatl;olttk man. ~nb tbu.s:llcnbc pou unto pour nnfU;n. I ~~~~~:~~b~:~::; ~:!~~~~~o~t:J}:)~:k~:~~~ ~J!~~~~~~~~2~:~::;r~ ~!~~~ifc~~~r~~t~~~i:Scno~~~~r;~ \letc in <eattb, \ll.bitb all mtn map fre, aun m~mumo al~ men ougbt tO re!o)t; ann fiting no oti.Jet a:uurcl; l)atb tnburtbconttnuallp from tbeil.poftle.ll, ntfible IJ~te m eanb, but onlp tiJC i.!YuHb of Rome; ti.Jli' ton:> duDe tbtttfOlc, tije <tbtmb of ~~me ottlp ~o be tt;e ng~t <tatl;oHdt <IIJurcl) of <Ib}tft, ifC, ln attr~eriltg\UIJmumo, . t~ll'ltS to ~c ratD; tl)nt fo~tomnd; n!l tbe mc:d_ius wminus of tbi~ i1r11umen!, llo~{J intbeMaJOraunMinorronfl(letl)ontpm_tiJClUO}b(vifibleandnnknown) tft{}epmeanllptl;telllOJD(vihb1c)m tbe Major, t~at <I:bli1tg: <i:l;uttb mu(f be fren_ ~ere ~o all tbe lUo~lD, tbat all men map rrfolt to .it, tt is faire. JLiltcmiCe,tf t~ep mean b}l t!Je fame \l.loltl (v thblc)_ m tbe Mmo~, tbat no otlm (!I.JttrtiJ 1JatiJ been fren annknohln toanp, butonlpti.Jctl:btm'{lof.~ome,tbepnrc lt kttl.l.tretlem'OeD:. jfo)tl)ctrucl.tbtml)of<t:bli1llleit1J£ti!!fo 1Jifible, tbilt an tiJC lUO}ID ran fre tt, llut onip tbep \lll}tcb l)abe fptruua1 epc.G.• ~nb be mcmbH~ tb~rrof; ttO) pet ro itt'Oifible ag:aht , but futlJ nil.be Clob.G €1ert, ann members ti.Jmof, nor~ u, anti IJabr rren tt, tboug:IJ tbe \llo;.lblp rpc£1 of tbe mo(t nwlmube camtot no ro, ttc. tai.Jmof rran mo~c 111 tiJe Protdbtion abo\le pnfiteo to tbe<i:l)Utci.Jof England. Four Conliderations given out to Chrifiian Protdlants, Profdfors of the Gofpel, With a briefExhortation inducing to reformation of Life. 'I'hefirft Cmfidm•tirm. A S in the P.1gt before: fo~r Q1cfiions were moved to th~ Catholick Papills, to anfwer. thrm at th~ir leifurc; fo have I hm: ro the Qmftian Gofpdlas four Confiderauons for thtm to mufc upon with fp«d oonvenimt. The firfi Q:mftderation is this., Tlut every good man well weigh with him_fdf the long T ranquillity,t~lt grc:tt Plcnry, tbcptaceablc L.ibtrty, which the Lord of his .mercyha.th bdlowcd upon_thl~land during all the Re1gn h1~hertoof this our Soverctgnand mofi happy Q!ttn Ellz:.abttb, m fuch fort as the h~e example of Gods abund~m mcrc~t'S is . n~ to 1x fccn in any Nation about us> (o as we ~nay. well ~ng with the Pfalm m the Church,!'.'rm [t~lt tn!Jttr omm neltlom, & opesglori4fu,enon mani{tftavittis; F1~fl- mhavmg t~c true l:ight of Gods Gofpd fo llimmgamo~1g us, fo I(Ublickly rccrived, fo fr«:ly prca~htd, with fuch liberty of oonfclcncc. wuhout danger profelf«< ;. having wuhall a Prmcc fo \'ertuous, a Q!ttn fo graciOus given unto us, of our 0\~1\ nauve Country; bred and born amongfi us, fo quietly goveming us, fo long lent unto us, in fuch Pcacc dcfcndmg us againfi fuch 35 woul~ df~ devour us; b1it'Ay, what could we have more at Gods hand, if we would wifh? Or whatelfccould we wiflt tn thiS world that we have lttlt, if this one thing la.,ktd not Grace to ufe th~t well which we have ?