170 Fimtajlical Dreams. Mon/.zs begin to[warm. Priejls difplacec/,a.JdMo11/,J put in their room. £• H!;,._ ~~~f~ft~th~ .~~d. 1;v~~!bi~f ~h~ch'e:b;r~-~~ f~~(~f"~~~e ~~~kh ~~~'for~f~idth~~~c;I~!}/~,:; b;~~ ~i.~'l •· Afrtt whom Brsthtlm/4 Btfhop of Wincbeft~r hrfi was doer, an_d a ~oun~er m1der the King. Morr:onr through ll_olftP 11 d~cd; butbeoufe he was thought_ not fi1ffiaet_lt to fur- the mono1~ .of tillS D11njhm and his fd!ows, King £4fh;';(;/g, JUrh dut room, Dwnftmt. was ord:nncd Arch~1fl10p, the gar in d1vers grt:J.t HouftS and Cathtd101l Churches, ~ro:~p;_"""' otherfeuth>JmeagaintohLSoldChurch. Whm:noteby where Prcbtnd:!ri~ and Pridls were: before, difplactd · ~· ~;,:~g~i'}~Eii~~:i~~~,~~~r?~ ~r#Jff ~;:~~;~~~;f~;~~2~~t:~~i ~¥J. J~:~i~~~;h~~;~~t ~hl~~Y~~t;~~fo~~~~~~:~~~~~~0~f ~:;;~i~r;/j~a~;·i:u:;!:!:rt6-c~th~011 ;:'~tf:f:.~fd t·f.~~;r. the Km~ Reign. Thus Dunft.llnobtunmg' his ~1\,fhort· Biflwp. of ~Vmchdler, wko war . then ~nt of rht Kings ly after hiS retum again from ~()m~, intreateth King Ed· C~tmctl, J1d 'wgt rh~ Km~ chltJiJ to t¥tl Cltrb 011r ~f~~:'r -j:[o;ij~: ~~d~:N~~~~!%~Jod~~~;:lh~~d~M;;~~; 1,,/:::,~nt:rwVJh~~;l~t~t;c;&;ho ~j(~c~l;;~::71 :-:J~:o£ bttry) mi.ght lx promoted to be B1iliop ot Worufttr; Jornalmfir, oonrammg tJ:e like dfcct in thrfe word~, i1';;~~ .. ;~~~~hi~;;~~:~ ~:Sthr&~dd.Du~ft!n:10 ~:~~oj~;;: %~;;'fi~fJ~~oi;;~J:i~gar;; (g£~i:~u¥';t~or;;J;;, rr.,..a. (whomll:onesdofel@ltObc:thegreatPatronofMonktry) ma)O~Jbu, Ecclcf~ txp-.l/fi~? Mrmachor i~jllr~mmt, allt :::a'!. m.:r..... firll Monk ~t Glafhnbur;, then Abbot o~ Abmdon, was dt tifdtm ~lmcu & a/~~ Mrmacho1 . m ti{dtm fmMonkrry. aJfo made Bilhop of Wmcbtjltr. Of thiS Ethdw()/dr11, rmlt, Gul~tlmiiJ ::tlfo wnnng of the time of D1111j1an, {~~;~t ~;!t~~;';';;,~li~~h~H~"ci~~~:b~~.:~~~~\~~ r:~:tl~~~~:t rr::~:~~~i r<;:;~~~ ~~~~0~ ;:~:~~~ !.~~: ~~~i~I~~~~£~~~~·i~~~ ~i{~~t~~~~;~~£;~~~~!~~ Cne grtat M:dla ~wl, which m fpread~ng it (elf ova to ~hange their H.ab1t, or to. leave thC!r Rooms., de· the other Cowls, mdofcd all the n:fi.; which Mafter ~wl parted out of their. Houfcs, g1ving place for other betin the "free to~ mine Author in the mterpr~t.~..tion appheth t~r men t?. come m. Thm the HouftS and Monafieto the hf~:: .of th.ls EthdwoJJ. Of fuch pnxhg~t)l.ts ta.malitS ntS of Rd1g10us Men through all the Rcalm went up our Monk1~ Hitlorics be full ; :md not only ~r Hif~oritS ap3c~, &c. ~tn;;c;a;: fiu~~ \~~~~ f~c~hl~i~~ea~~eDr~:esof!n~~h cit~~~~y .~!~eef~~Nho;i~~ ~~a~~~\5 J:~:;~t~~d ~f ~:;~~~: hke effeCt 'va/Jus B1fhop of Warufttr1 and ~lfo made Archbi!hop coft<t, uod ft#?,f~~~~ :~~k~~~~ed:d f;i~i~~~~f ~~th~o~:.~=~~ ;;s ~ff~~=~ttl( ~e ;;:J;n °!r?t~;h'f"h~vi~~ hLs 01~~~: ~~~~ ga\·e ~i~~w~~~~1~":; a ~r~ 0~oK~~; ;~;~~:~~~;~~£ ~1~hCfu~~~~w~~:sh t~h~lra:· ~:1~~;J;'~~; ~~ ~~:~ fkir Likewife of Furwr1 the He~mite mentioned in the nons and ~ridis, whether they could be contmt to~~ third Book of Btda, whofaw thepysofHeaven,and.the ch:u~ge their Profdf101~ and io be made Monks, or no. . i:Cb~:i~~~~;~li~ro~~ ;;~':ufi~~eth~1(~~~~~; ~~?tl~h;li~; :~h1 tt~~ ~~~:~~~d ~h~ { ~:~}. was of the covetous i the third of dlffmti01.1 ; the fourth of S:l1nt Pmr, within the Church-yard, he acd:ed ano- G•li,l. 1.,. o..am.not fuf!r~~ef ~h: d;~"'n;~(~:;:~.n~!~J ~ft1~~~a~1;,'be~~ ~t~er~~~~ ~~~~r. r:~ije 'h~c~==all~e f~:; f'fl;:;;~ ;:;.~~ -wol~, to whom appeared ihe thrre B11h0~ Brijlanus, there he krpt, there he tar, :md was eva there con~ Ei£011 • Birtnus,andSwitbinrtr,&c. OfthcdreamofrheMmher vtrftnt. Byreafon whrrcof the othrr Church waslcft ofthlsEthtlwoiJ, whobeinggreatwithhim,didftta~ol- naked and drfob.ce, and all the ~eople gathered there :rc,~!!~~t~:lofo~cK1t~~g!'~Ol~~~~~gd;~~~a/:i~~~ fuh:~e ~1kf~~jn~~~eJh~t~n~~s t~;i~~:~~~v~ ~tet~~h:~~~~:t~~c~11ilf~ ~t~li~nlw~~~gt~~~~7:k~~: ~~~lt~~::~·~r;v~~i~~1~}ru/h~n:":1h: r~~li~~~ ~h~ touchmg thennneof the Land.by the oon9ucror of the Houfe (fuch as would not mter rhe monkifh Profef.. Narmam, Weread~liO~ntheHlftoryofAjlzagu,howl.le lion) or clfe to b«ome M01~ks, fuch as had nothing ~h·:a~;,t~~?rh~~~~ts,h:l~d~f ~teE~hilik:h~lr~~~nsF~; ~~~~ t~f~:y tl~~f~~/J~b~il:;) li~~d 5Trhe~!~~J ~~~~hili~~ what cannot either the idle vanity ofmans head, or the de- out the C:tllOllS and Pridis from the nrw Monafitry et:ptiOltOfthelyingfpiritworkbyman)ll fordbewinglilch in Winchtjltr, afterward called HiJa, and placed his earthly e~tncs as happtn commonly in thls prefmt wor ld? Monks. So in Oxford and in ~i/Junt, with divers Pilfore~~e• But here IS a difference to be underll:ood betwetll theft: other places more, the Secular Priefis with their Wivrs of Drrama. h:.~~:rfu;:nfJ:k!n~1f:!~~~ ~~~e~ f~~~=~t~:el~~ ~er~ et~1: 11~~~1~de ~!ac~~~S~ry.;r:c~~~uf~~:ei ' tiOilS fcnt by Gcd touching fpirirual matters of the Church ftt alfo hhsan to follow ; for .that the Priefis and pertaining to m:111S IJ.lvation. But tO our purpofe, by Clerks were thought Oack and ntgligrnt in their Church thls drt:l.m, and by the event which folkm:ed aftct, it may Scrvic~, and fer in Vicar:: in their ftead, while thq ~ ~~~ appear !x>w and by what means the mulntude of Monks li\'ed 111 pleafure, and nuf-fpent the Patrimony of the Prir!lro Id: ~~~~ :fh~ :~s~f~:~~~~~~b~~~~~~ !ff~~/;h::rB~ ~h~h~hv=.~~~fa~:nu1~· wEh1 ~~e f:fa~ef~ ~~~· ~~:a. ~h~:h~kO'n~~d;:~;~~!:;!J;.et Ai:r~~~~:t/.;~ f~~!r~~;tw:t~~th:.Jon~~C:f~Kt:~: ~~~~J; ~~,~~~~r,8~;! n: :;;:hthi~da;; g!;~~~.cl:e ):h~(~h:~h~n:~ 0~oi'J;~c~l/~e c~f~~ a:JO: ""· cl inll:igation and counfd of thefe thre~ f~refaid, King dained there Monks. Although certain of the No- ~~c:"' ~:.'~\to- :/f1~ ~ro:~~:de~r i1~~~dffi: t~o~~J~h~~~ 0~1; ~~ ~~t~t~~~ 1n ~t~ ~~;~ 'f~w~:;:;h~;~ Wlldtd•..ttheDann, morethanforty. Asthc Houfcof£/y,G/•ftm- appear. M! I-. K~~Z. }e;:~~~~g;;:,~,:,,un;,:::::':fJ:;,{ot;'iiD~'; iue