172 Monk} Juperflitiotu. Tbeir divers Orders a11d Habits. Married. a.nd fodid: for fltortly :1fu::r the-y were found dead, their their white Coot ; fome Grr1p·ians Copp«'r coloured ; ngs lyiug whok by them. feme De vaUt mnbrt~[a, Grey Monks; fnmc CranJtmi)U- ~:f,·':. tf. Bt e~h~~.<rwl~~o~~~~~ 31~~d:~~~~f i ,:w~he ~:~ic:r :~~~ ~b:r~nsa~:~~r!~~~; !:1~ ~~r!::a~~~~~{;~ ThrbRtJt, puttxlfed wtth rhcmfdvcs to take_ no li.dic- ~adwh1tc RochctsonabbckCoot; fomc:Ce/ejfmu,a!l natl« but filCh :lS the Lord himfelf fhoold mmill:er un· In blew, both Clook 1, Cowl and Clp; feme Charter ~o them. 1t h:1p~nc~ ?5 they were w:mdring dtfola_tc Monks, we~.r_ing Haircloth 1.1t:Xt their ~its_; fomc ~la-~~.~::;.:, ~.11:[t!:;(~r~~~.~~~ ~~~~\~iy~~~~~e ~~~J:~~d~~~~r~~~~ ~~frh"1~1; o~:~~la~~rt~~l~c1 bact~l~r~1t~h~11~t ~~~~~ Wtthlbndi~1g bemg fi1ddenly alccn=d mto_ a ntw naturt ftlves with fcourg~ on tht': b:lrt": skrn t':I'«Y day before ~£q:~:~,:~i:~h~p~~:~:;,ff£,:h~o:~,;F,~~~ :!::~~~~~";~:::\:~'~;,;£i~,t~;:::~~f~~~~~ ft":nt of Man, :md not of God, rtfuftd tt, and fo for lack thty fhould _bt ma?c fo pu~c from lin, :lS they were prrifi1cd. . . when thty lirflrtcc1vtd ~pt1fin; fomt liamd.Monks; w.!r~n:J~l~~-~~:~s ~~l~~:1 d~d ~:t ~~~: ~~ t~u:~~: ~r~Ay!~~~ca'~it~~~OJ~v;h:t i1~~r~~~;~bkd ;g:c a::d~k ;~,11~l~~t':r~n~~~::li~ 1 ;:h~~:crto ~~ ~~r;o~~~:~t~h~h~:~ ~i~~~B~:~e:s f~:n!b~i; ~h~;m;;;:o~t~O%~ho~n~~; rtady t~ rtfcuc him from drowt~ing ; fo .~r wert the Bafil, fome_ of Saint Btrnard, f?me of _Saint Bridget, Monks m thofc d:tys drow~1t":d. 111 Suptr!hnon. What fomt of S:tmt Br~mo, fomt': of S~mt LnPu, as t~ough is this, but fur Mans T ndttiollS and Commandmtnts it wat not rnough for Chri fi1ans to hold Of Chrifito rr:mf~fs the Commandmtnts of God, which faith, only. So fubj_cd: wm: they to fi:rvilt ruJrs, that no part Monktrf r:j f~t ;:a ?D. w;;:;t;n~n rh:;; CJi::t 7hJt(:{~ ~~~ ~.~dcA:~ia:~ 1S~'!ni~:.in~t~mn~~g~~~ t;h;; tdv·,~~ C.:~ft~~~~ by tbeft Jnd infimte examples more, wh~t ptrnic!OltS fi1· Chrifis Rd1gion, but alfo almofr tht fcnfe and mturt of ~~~~ ::~it}~~nh~~~ ::~~~:~i~~~ ~~fo~ of_i~~t~ ~~~h~~hl? ~f~ {yo~h:vhd7fcrc~tl~o~::!~~t:: ~o~~~~~~~t~~ Whtteat I cannot muvd enough,CZmg that Age of the ward doings, whert":in 011e Rule can ferve for all Mt~1 ; Church hld in it fo many LCl.med DOCtors, who not the cirmmlbnct of timt, place, ptrfOJl and bufindS ))(. only did approvt and follow theft MOJtafiical Stds of ing fo fundry and-divers; contrary among th&, no rea- =-~~~~~{~~;~~~.;;:;~~~'~ , B1fhops, they wtre not able to li.lfiam tht labour thert':· thtm, nor yet uling tht grace of ClmftSLtberty, whereof. lllltOlJeraleemedthc:m. Aft« th& forefaid Monks of that timt abovt': rt":- Thus thou fed\ (gentle R.~dtr): fufficintt_ly dtchrtd, lfiNilu or Jlearfed, followed Ot~« Mo~1ks of tht': mid_dlt Agt': of ~llt what the Monks wm in tht prtmirivt un:e of the ill:~~s~. ~?:~~:~~~t~tfJ:~~~~:~f~~r~Ei·~~;;~i ~~:~!:~~~~~~!::E:~~2~ ~~.,~;~:;~;;,~:~ r,ribc 4 , fcdtb~ 01{;1:1s~ ~;~JQ~tS~~n~1ffi~~\1d~~~~~~~d ~~~:(a~t~~~~;d ~=fa~;~-~~~F~~tl:~~r~~~~: othtr rich Confuls, as IS panly bclOre t~llJChtd ; and in. the ye:tr ol our Lord fix hundrtd and fix, _that Monks t~t caufes alfo touchtd withal, for ~ht \~'hrch thty wrn- mrght ufe lht offict of Prtaching, of Chnllrning, of ltKI~i~~\~~~E~ tither by War 111 the f1dd, or pnvatdy commntt":d ~~ leadmg a llritlcr lrfe, a_nd profetling chafiity, had a great- §~;~: ~~;~~~j£;::~:~:~~X~~~:~~f~i.:iJ:{;,~o~]~ ~~~.~;;;:~;~::g::i~~:!~f~;;):;,~~~Jiif~~~ ~f~7: T owrtS then into Citirs, and at kn~th from tht":ir clofc: calltd Gr~.t~J tht (evtnth, whmof m~rt f])al! bt faid Cds and Cities, into Cath~ra.l Churches ( as here ap- (Chrill willmg) in the Book ntxt followmg: ~~t~idb~~~n~ro~ ~ea~h~n1i7d;esw(:~;~ia\J~trh~Z ani1P~~~il~~~~n~hM~1 ~1 e ~~~ 3 :o ~~~hr::fa~~~~~fr~~ ~~t.?,K~! Monks ~four later til!le) but much more did fwim in w_hmct wt <lig_refftd (_that is ) to the matt«. of ~;)i~it~~~~h~i~d ~~~~~.~~ ~~::if~%fc~;~g J~~ ;~~ !tb~j~;:·an~h~1efo:~r~~;9 ;;ba:ft~~; ~~~ £< • ~~~~~~!~~~~::~; ~~P:~~~~~~~~~~~;:~~t~~~:;~~~:~~~o~:~i~i~ ~nditiOJt of others would require, n~~~~h~ 1fraf:~f ~: .. a~~d 13fhao;; ;~t:~~io~ o?\~~~~11( :Sw~~~ i~1 ~~ ?r!~!! tht year did ft~t, but as tht cood:td R.ules and O~n- Magtftrates as other IUbjtds) thlt nt':Ver ~rt his da}:s of t\"try Sect dtd tnforct tht':m. Tht _munbtr ~f wh1ch was ldS Felvny by Robbas, nor le!$ Extcrtton or Bn· Stds was infinitely divrn ; fomt altr~ BP{iittll Ruk btry b}' tJ.lJC Officers. Such Provin~es and .lordfbips, ~~Ii: ~~~~if;~~i~~::~~:~fijJ~2~:~:i~$~Ji~! £:~A1i:~i;::~~~~~~:~~if~J~1;~;